Listing Jobs in a Compartment
View the status of scheduled, pending, and completed jobs in a compartment in OS Management Hub.
You can also view jobs associated with specific groups, lifecycle environments, management stations, or instances:
Use the oci os-management-hub scheduled-job list command and required parameters to list all scheduled jobs for a compartment.
oci os-management-hub scheduled-job list --compartment-id ocid [OPTIONS]
Use the oci os-management-hub scheduled-job get command and required parameters to get information for a scheduled job.
oci os-management-hub scheduled-job get --scheduled-job-id ocid [OPTIONS]
Use the oci os-management-hub work-request list command and required parameters to list pending and completed jobs.
oci os-management-hub work-request list --compartment-id ocid [OPTIONS]
Use the oci os-management-hub work-request get command and required parameters to get information for a specific job.
oci os-management-hub work-request get --work-request-id ocid [OPTIONS]
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Run the ListScheduledJobs operation to list scheduled jobs for a compartment.
Run the GetScheduledJob operation to get information about a scheduled job.
Run the ListWorkRequests operation to list pending or completed jobs.
Run the GetWorkRequest operation to get details for a pending or completed job.