Oracle Linux software sources added

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • Added software sources for Oracle Linux 9.3 BaseOS and Oracle Linux 8.9 BaseOS.
  • Improved the status messages if a management station is unable to register.
  • Removed unnecessary columns from the "File list" resource in the Package details page.

This release includes the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that caused Ksplice updates to be applied for all Security updates.
  • Fixed an issue with recurring jobs not showing in the Completed jobs tab.
  • Fixed an issue with accessing some job execution history entries for a scheduled job.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the selection of some module stream profiles.
  • Fixed an issue with search results for available and installed packages.
  • Fixed an issue where Oracle Linux 7 update jobs were marked failed when there were no updates to apply.
  • Fixed an issue to remove extraneous job work from Other updates for a group.
  • Fixed an issue with instance status if an incompatible profile is used during registration.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed an active management station to unregister.

For more information about the OS Management Hub service, see OS Management Hub.