Roving Edge Infrastructure 2.13.0

Roving Edge Infrastructure 2.13.0 provides the following product enhancements:

  • Support for these Roving Edge Device Gen 2 shapes:

    • Compute shape name: RED.2.56
    • GPU shape name: RED.2.56.GPU
    • Storage shape name: RED.2.56.STG

    See Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Specifications.

  • A new capability to reset the Device Console root password using the Serial Console.
  • Added chassis intrusion detection warnings to the Serial Console Show Status menu and to the Device Console System Status bell icon.

Roving Edge Infrastructure 2.13.0 provides the following product fixes:

  • Corrected false positives reported by Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE). The false positive was displayed on a node details page as a warning.
  • Implemented CVE-2024-34069. See