
Package ospgateway

import "github.com/oracle/oci-go-sdk/ospgateway"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func GetAddressQualityTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetAddressVerificationCodeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListInvoicesSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListInvoicesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListInvoicesStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListInvoicesTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSubscriptionsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnumStringValues() []string
func GetPaymentMethodEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSubscriptionAccountTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSubscriptionPlanTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetThirdPartyValidationTypeEnumStringValues() []string
type Address
    func (m Address) String() string
    func (m Address) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AddressQualityTypeEnum
    func GetAddressQualityTypeEnumValues() []AddressQualityTypeEnum
    func GetMappingAddressQualityTypeEnum(val string) (AddressQualityTypeEnum, bool)
type AddressRule
    func (m AddressRule) String() string
    func (m AddressRule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AddressRuleServiceClient
    func NewAddressRuleServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client AddressRuleServiceClient, err error)
    func NewAddressRuleServiceClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client AddressRuleServiceClient, err error)
    func (client *AddressRuleServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client AddressRuleServiceClient) GetAddressRule(ctx context.Context, request GetAddressRuleRequest) (response GetAddressRuleResponse, err error)
    func (client *AddressRuleServiceClient) SetRegion(region string)
type AddressServiceClient
    func NewAddressServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client AddressServiceClient, err error)
    func NewAddressServiceClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client AddressServiceClient, err error)
    func (client *AddressServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client AddressServiceClient) GetAddress(ctx context.Context, request GetAddressRequest) (response GetAddressResponse, err error)
    func (client *AddressServiceClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client AddressServiceClient) VerifyAddress(ctx context.Context, request VerifyAddressRequest) (response VerifyAddressResponse, err error)
type AddressTypeRule
    func (m AddressTypeRule) String() string
    func (m AddressTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AddressVerificationCodeEnum
    func GetAddressVerificationCodeEnumValues() []AddressVerificationCodeEnum
    func GetMappingAddressVerificationCodeEnum(val string) (AddressVerificationCodeEnum, bool)
type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails
    func (m AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails) String() string
    func (m AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt
    func (m AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt) String() string
    func (m AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest
    func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) String() string
    func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse
    func (response AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse) String() string
type BillToAddress
    func (m BillToAddress) String() string
    func (m BillToAddress) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ContactTypeRule
    func (m ContactTypeRule) String() string
    func (m ContactTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Country
    func (m Country) String() string
    func (m Country) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreditCardPaymentDetail
    func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid() *float32
    func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy() *string
    func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime
    func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) String() string
    func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum
    func GetCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumValues() []CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum
    func GetMappingCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum(val string) (CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum, bool)
type CreditCardPaymentOption
    func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) GetWalletInstrumentId() *string
    func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) GetWalletTransactionId() *string
    func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) String() string
    func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreditCardTypeEnum
    func GetCreditCardTypeEnumValues() []CreditCardTypeEnum
    func GetMappingCreditCardTypeEnum(val string) (CreditCardTypeEnum, bool)
type Currency
    func (m Currency) String() string
    func (m Currency) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DownloadPdfContentRequest
    func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) String() string
    func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DownloadPdfContentResponse
    func (response DownloadPdfContentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DownloadPdfContentResponse) String() string
type EcheckPaymentDetail
    func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid() *float32
    func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy() *string
    func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime
    func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) String() string
    func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum
    func GetEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnumValues() []EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum
    func GetMappingEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum(val string) (EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum, bool)
type Field
    func (m Field) String() string
    func (m Field) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Format
    func (m Format) String() string
    func (m Format) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetAddressRequest
    func (request GetAddressRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetAddressRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetAddressRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetAddressRequest) String() string
    func (request GetAddressRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetAddressResponse
    func (response GetAddressResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetAddressResponse) String() string
type GetAddressRuleRequest
    func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) String() string
    func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetAddressRuleResponse
    func (response GetAddressRuleResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetAddressRuleResponse) String() string
type GetInvoiceRequest
    func (request GetInvoiceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetInvoiceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetInvoiceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetInvoiceRequest) String() string
    func (request GetInvoiceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetInvoiceResponse
    func (response GetInvoiceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetInvoiceResponse) String() string
type GetSubscriptionRequest
    func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) String() string
    func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetSubscriptionResponse
    func (response GetSubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetSubscriptionResponse) String() string
type Invoice
    func (m Invoice) String() string
    func (m *Invoice) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m Invoice) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InvoiceCollection
    func (m InvoiceCollection) String() string
    func (m InvoiceCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum
    func GetInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnumValues() []InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum
    func GetMappingInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum(val string) (InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum, bool)
type InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum
    func GetInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnumValues() []InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum
    func GetMappingInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum(val string) (InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum, bool)
type InvoiceLineCollection
    func (m InvoiceLineCollection) String() string
    func (m InvoiceLineCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InvoiceLineSummary
    func (m InvoiceLineSummary) String() string
    func (m InvoiceLineSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InvoiceServiceClient
    func NewInvoiceServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client InvoiceServiceClient, err error)
    func NewInvoiceServiceClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client InvoiceServiceClient, err error)
    func (client *InvoiceServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client InvoiceServiceClient) DownloadPdfContent(ctx context.Context, request DownloadPdfContentRequest) (response DownloadPdfContentResponse, err error)
    func (client InvoiceServiceClient) GetInvoice(ctx context.Context, request GetInvoiceRequest) (response GetInvoiceResponse, err error)
    func (client InvoiceServiceClient) ListInvoiceLines(ctx context.Context, request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) (response ListInvoiceLinesResponse, err error)
    func (client InvoiceServiceClient) ListInvoices(ctx context.Context, request ListInvoicesRequest) (response ListInvoicesResponse, err error)
    func (client InvoiceServiceClient) PayInvoice(ctx context.Context, request PayInvoiceRequest) (response PayInvoiceResponse, err error)
    func (client *InvoiceServiceClient) SetRegion(region string)
type InvoiceSummary
    func (m InvoiceSummary) String() string
    func (m *InvoiceSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m InvoiceSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum
    func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnumValues() []InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum
    func GetMappingInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum(val string) (InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum, bool)
type InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum
    func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnumValues() []InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum
    func GetMappingInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum(val string) (InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum, bool)
type Label
    func (m Label) String() string
    func (m Label) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListInvoiceLinesRequest
    func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) String() string
    func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListInvoiceLinesResponse
    func (response ListInvoiceLinesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListInvoiceLinesResponse) String() string
type ListInvoicesRequest
    func (request ListInvoicesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListInvoicesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListInvoicesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListInvoicesRequest) String() string
    func (request ListInvoicesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListInvoicesResponse
    func (response ListInvoicesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListInvoicesResponse) String() string
type ListInvoicesSortByEnum
    func GetListInvoicesSortByEnumValues() []ListInvoicesSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListInvoicesSortByEnum(val string) (ListInvoicesSortByEnum, bool)
type ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum
    func GetListInvoicesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListInvoicesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListInvoicesStatusEnum
    func GetListInvoicesStatusEnumValues() []ListInvoicesStatusEnum
    func GetMappingListInvoicesStatusEnum(val string) (ListInvoicesStatusEnum, bool)
type ListInvoicesTypeEnum
    func GetListInvoicesTypeEnumValues() []ListInvoicesTypeEnum
    func GetMappingListInvoicesTypeEnum(val string) (ListInvoicesTypeEnum, bool)
type ListSubscriptionsRequest
    func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListSubscriptionsResponse
    func (response ListSubscriptionsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListSubscriptionsResponse) String() string
type ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum
    func GetListSubscriptionsSortByEnumValues() []ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListSubscriptionsSortByEnum(val string) (ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type MerchantDefinedData
    func (m MerchantDefinedData) String() string
    func (m MerchantDefinedData) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OtherPaymentDetail
    func (m OtherPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid() *float32
    func (m OtherPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy() *string
    func (m OtherPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime
    func (m OtherPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m OtherPaymentDetail) String() string
    func (m OtherPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum
    func GetMappingOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum(val string) (OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumValues() []OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum
type PayInvoiceDetails
    func (m PayInvoiceDetails) String() string
    func (m PayInvoiceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PayInvoiceReceipt
    func (m PayInvoiceReceipt) String() string
    func (m PayInvoiceReceipt) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PayInvoiceRequest
    func (request PayInvoiceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request PayInvoiceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request PayInvoiceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request PayInvoiceRequest) String() string
    func (request PayInvoiceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PayInvoiceResponse
    func (response PayInvoiceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response PayInvoiceResponse) String() string
type PaySubscriptionDetails
    func (m PaySubscriptionDetails) String() string
    func (m PaySubscriptionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PaySubscriptionReceipt
    func (m PaySubscriptionReceipt) String() string
    func (m PaySubscriptionReceipt) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PaySubscriptionRequest
    func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) String() string
    func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PaySubscriptionResponse
    func (response PaySubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response PaySubscriptionResponse) String() string
type PaymentDetail
type PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum
    func GetMappingPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum(val string) (PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum, bool)
    func GetPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnumValues() []PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum
type PaymentGateway
    func (m PaymentGateway) String() string
    func (m PaymentGateway) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PaymentMethodEnum
    func GetMappingPaymentMethodEnum(val string) (PaymentMethodEnum, bool)
    func GetPaymentMethodEnumValues() []PaymentMethodEnum
type PaymentOption
type PaypalPaymentDetail
    func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid() *float32
    func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy() *string
    func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime
    func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) String() string
    func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PaypalPaymentOption
    func (m PaypalPaymentOption) GetWalletInstrumentId() *string
    func (m PaypalPaymentOption) GetWalletTransactionId() *string
    func (m PaypalPaymentOption) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PaypalPaymentOption) String() string
    func (m PaypalPaymentOption) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Subscription
    func (m Subscription) String() string
    func (m *Subscription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m Subscription) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum
    func GetMappingSubscriptionAccountTypeEnum(val string) (SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetSubscriptionAccountTypeEnumValues() []SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum
type SubscriptionCollection
    func (m SubscriptionCollection) String() string
    func (m SubscriptionCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum
    func GetMappingSubscriptionPlanTypeEnum(val string) (SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetSubscriptionPlanTypeEnumValues() []SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum
type SubscriptionServiceClient
    func NewSubscriptionServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client SubscriptionServiceClient, err error)
    func NewSubscriptionServiceClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client SubscriptionServiceClient, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment(ctx context.Context, request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) (response AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse, err error)
    func (client *SubscriptionServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) GetSubscription(ctx context.Context, request GetSubscriptionRequest) (response GetSubscriptionResponse, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) ListSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, request ListSubscriptionsRequest) (response ListSubscriptionsResponse, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) PaySubscription(ctx context.Context, request PaySubscriptionRequest) (response PaySubscriptionResponse, err error)
    func (client *SubscriptionServiceClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) UpdateSubscription(ctx context.Context, request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) (response UpdateSubscriptionResponse, err error)
type SubscriptionSummary
    func (m SubscriptionSummary) String() string
    func (m *SubscriptionSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m SubscriptionSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum
    func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum(val string) (SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnumValues() []SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum
type SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum
    func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum(val string) (SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnumValues() []SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum
type SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum
    func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum(val string) (SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum, bool)
    func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnumValues() []SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum
type SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum
    func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum(val string) (SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum, bool)
    func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnumValues() []SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum
type SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum
    func GetMappingSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum(val string) (SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum, bool)
    func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnumValues() []SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum
type SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum
    func GetMappingSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum(val string) (SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum, bool)
    func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnumValues() []SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum
type TaxInfo
    func (m TaxInfo) String() string
    func (m TaxInfo) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TaxTypeRule
    func (m TaxTypeRule) String() string
    func (m TaxTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum
    func GetMappingThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum(val string) (ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetThirdPartyValidationTypeEnumValues() []ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum
type UpdateSubscriptionDetails
    func (m UpdateSubscriptionDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateSubscriptionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateSubscriptionRequest
    func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateSubscriptionResponse
    func (response UpdateSubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateSubscriptionResponse) String() string
type ValueSetEntity
    func (m ValueSetEntity) String() string
    func (m ValueSetEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type VerifyAddressDetails
    func (m VerifyAddressDetails) String() string
    func (m VerifyAddressDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type VerifyAddressReceipt
    func (m VerifyAddressReceipt) String() string
    func (m VerifyAddressReceipt) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type VerifyAddressRequest
    func (request VerifyAddressRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request VerifyAddressRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request VerifyAddressRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request VerifyAddressRequest) String() string
    func (request VerifyAddressRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type VerifyAddressResponse
    func (response VerifyAddressResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response VerifyAddressResponse) String() string

Package files

address.go address_quality_type.go address_rule.go address_type_rule.go address_verification_code.go authorize_subscription_payment_details.go authorize_subscription_payment_receipt.go authorize_subscription_payment_request_response.go bill_to_address.go contact_type_rule.go country.go credit_card_payment_detail.go credit_card_payment_option.go credit_card_type.go currency.go download_pdf_content_request_response.go echeck_payment_detail.go field.go format.go get_address_request_response.go get_address_rule_request_response.go get_invoice_request_response.go get_subscription_request_response.go invoice.go invoice_collection.go invoice_line_collection.go invoice_line_summary.go invoice_summary.go label.go list_invoice_lines_request_response.go list_invoices_request_response.go list_subscriptions_request_response.go merchant_defined_data.go ospgateway_addressruleservice_client.go ospgateway_addressservice_client.go ospgateway_invoiceservice_client.go ospgateway_subscriptionservice_client.go other_payment_detail.go pay_invoice_details.go pay_invoice_receipt.go pay_invoice_request_response.go pay_subscription_details.go pay_subscription_receipt.go pay_subscription_request_response.go payment_detail.go payment_gateway.go payment_method.go payment_option.go paypal_payment_detail.go paypal_payment_option.go subscription.go subscription_collection.go subscription_summary.go tax_info.go tax_type_rule.go third_party_validation_type.go update_subscription_details.go update_subscription_request_response.go value_set_entity.go verify_address_details.go verify_address_receipt.go verify_address_request_response.go

func GetAddressQualityTypeEnumStringValues

func GetAddressQualityTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetAddressQualityTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for AddressQualityTypeEnum

func GetAddressVerificationCodeEnumStringValues

func GetAddressVerificationCodeEnumStringValues() []string

GetAddressVerificationCodeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for AddressVerificationCodeEnum

func GetCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues

func GetCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

func GetCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues

func GetCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for CreditCardTypeEnum

func GetEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnumStringValues

func GetEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum

func GetInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnumStringValues

func GetInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum

func GetInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnumStringValues

func GetInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum

func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnumStringValues

func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum

func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnumStringValues

func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum

func GetListInvoicesSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListInvoicesSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListInvoicesSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListInvoicesSortByEnum

func GetListInvoicesSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListInvoicesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListInvoicesSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum

func GetListInvoicesStatusEnumStringValues

func GetListInvoicesStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetListInvoicesStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListInvoicesStatusEnum

func GetListInvoicesTypeEnumStringValues

func GetListInvoicesTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetListInvoicesTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListInvoicesTypeEnum

func GetListSubscriptionsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListSubscriptionsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSubscriptionsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum

func GetListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum

func GetOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues

func GetOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

func GetPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnumStringValues

func GetPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnumStringValues() []string

GetPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum

func GetPaymentMethodEnumStringValues

func GetPaymentMethodEnumStringValues() []string

GetPaymentMethodEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for PaymentMethodEnum

func GetSubscriptionAccountTypeEnumStringValues

func GetSubscriptionAccountTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetSubscriptionAccountTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum

func GetSubscriptionPlanTypeEnumStringValues

func GetSubscriptionPlanTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetSubscriptionPlanTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum

func GetSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnumStringValues

func GetSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum

func GetSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnumStringValues

func GetSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum

func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnumStringValues

func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnumStringValues() []string

GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnumStringValues

func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum

func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnumStringValues

func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnumStringValues() []string

GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnumStringValues

func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum

func GetThirdPartyValidationTypeEnumStringValues

func GetThirdPartyValidationTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetThirdPartyValidationTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum

type Address

Address Address details model.

type Address struct {

    // Address identifier.
    AddressKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"addressKey"`

    // Address line 1.
    Line1 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"line1"`

    // Address line 2.
    Line2 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"line2"`

    // Address line 3.
    Line3 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"line3"`

    // Address line 4.
    Line4 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"line4"`

    // Street name of the address.
    StreetName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"streetName"`

    // Street number of the address.
    StreetNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"streetNumber"`

    // Name of the city.
    City *string `mandatory:"false" json:"city"`

    // County of the address.
    County *string `mandatory:"false" json:"county"`

    // Country of the address.
    Country *string `mandatory:"false" json:"country"`

    // Province of the address.
    Province *string `mandatory:"false" json:"province"`

    // Post code of the address.
    PostalCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"postalCode"`

    // State of the address.
    State *string `mandatory:"false" json:"state"`

    // Contact person email address.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"false" json:"emailAddress"`

    // Name of the customer company.
    CompanyName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"companyName"`

    // First name of the contact person.
    FirstName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"firstName"`

    // Middle name of the contact person.
    MiddleName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"middleName"`

    // Last name of the contact person.
    LastName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lastName"`

    // Phone country code of the contact person.
    PhoneCountryCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"phoneCountryCode"`

    // Phone number of the contact person.
    PhoneNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"phoneNumber"`

    // Job title of the contact person.
    JobTitle *string `mandatory:"false" json:"jobTitle"`

    // Department name of the customer company.
    DepartmentName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"departmentName"`

    // Internal number of the customer company.
    InternalNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"internalNumber"`

    // Contributor class of the customer company.
    ContributorClass *string `mandatory:"false" json:"contributorClass"`

    // State Inscription.
    StateInscription *string `mandatory:"false" json:"stateInscription"`

    // Municipal Inscription.
    MunicipalInscription *string `mandatory:"false" json:"municipalInscription"`

func (Address) String

func (m Address) String() string

func (Address) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Address) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AddressQualityTypeEnum

AddressQualityTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type AddressQualityTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for AddressQualityTypeEnum

const (
    AddressQualityTypeExcellent AddressQualityTypeEnum = "EXCELLENT"
    AddressQualityTypeGood      AddressQualityTypeEnum = "GOOD"
    AddressQualityTypeAverage   AddressQualityTypeEnum = "AVERAGE"
    AddressQualityTypePoor      AddressQualityTypeEnum = "POOR"
    AddressQualityTypeBad       AddressQualityTypeEnum = "BAD"

func GetAddressQualityTypeEnumValues

func GetAddressQualityTypeEnumValues() []AddressQualityTypeEnum

GetAddressQualityTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for AddressQualityTypeEnum

func GetMappingAddressQualityTypeEnum

func GetMappingAddressQualityTypeEnum(val string) (AddressQualityTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingAddressQualityTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type AddressRule

AddressRule Addres rule information

type AddressRule struct {

    // Country code for the address rule in ISO-3166-1 2-letter format
    CountryCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"countryCode"`

    Address *AddressTypeRule `mandatory:"true" json:"address"`

    Contact *ContactTypeRule `mandatory:"false" json:"contact"`

    Tax *TaxTypeRule `mandatory:"false" json:"tax"`

func (AddressRule) String

func (m AddressRule) String() string

func (AddressRule) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AddressRule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AddressRuleServiceClient

AddressRuleServiceClient a client for AddressRuleService

type AddressRuleServiceClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAddressRuleServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewAddressRuleServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client AddressRuleServiceClient, err error)

NewAddressRuleServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default AddressRuleService client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewAddressRuleServiceClientWithOboToken

func NewAddressRuleServiceClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client AddressRuleServiceClient, err error)

NewAddressRuleServiceClientWithOboToken Creates a new default AddressRuleService client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (*AddressRuleServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *AddressRuleServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (AddressRuleServiceClient) GetAddressRule

func (client AddressRuleServiceClient) GetAddressRule(ctx context.Context, request GetAddressRuleRequest) (response GetAddressRuleResponse, err error)

GetAddressRule Get the address rule for the compartment based on the country code

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/GetAddressRule.go.html to see an example of how to use GetAddressRule API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetAddressRule()

func (*AddressRuleServiceClient) SetRegion

func (client *AddressRuleServiceClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

type AddressServiceClient

AddressServiceClient a client for AddressService

type AddressServiceClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAddressServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewAddressServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client AddressServiceClient, err error)

NewAddressServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default AddressService client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewAddressServiceClientWithOboToken

func NewAddressServiceClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client AddressServiceClient, err error)

NewAddressServiceClientWithOboToken Creates a new default AddressService client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (*AddressServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *AddressServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (AddressServiceClient) GetAddress

func (client AddressServiceClient) GetAddress(ctx context.Context, request GetAddressRequest) (response GetAddressResponse, err error)

GetAddress Get the address by id for the compartment

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/GetAddress.go.html to see an example of how to use GetAddress API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetAddress()

func (*AddressServiceClient) SetRegion

func (client *AddressServiceClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (AddressServiceClient) VerifyAddress

func (client AddressServiceClient) VerifyAddress(ctx context.Context, request VerifyAddressRequest) (response VerifyAddressResponse, err error)

VerifyAddress Verify address

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/VerifyAddress.go.html to see an example of how to use VerifyAddress API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation VerifyAddress()

type AddressTypeRule

AddressTypeRule Address type rule information

type AddressTypeRule struct {

    // Address type rule fields
    Fields []Field `mandatory:"true" json:"fields"`

    // Third party validation.
    ThirdPartyValidation ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"thirdPartyValidation,omitempty"`

func (AddressTypeRule) String

func (m AddressTypeRule) String() string

func (AddressTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AddressTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AddressVerificationCodeEnum

AddressVerificationCodeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type AddressVerificationCodeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for AddressVerificationCodeEnum

const (
    AddressVerificationCodeVerified          AddressVerificationCodeEnum = "VERIFIED"
    AddressVerificationCodePartiallyVerified AddressVerificationCodeEnum = "PARTIALLY_VERIFIED"
    AddressVerificationCodeAmbiguous         AddressVerificationCodeEnum = "AMBIGUOUS"
    AddressVerificationCodeReverted          AddressVerificationCodeEnum = "REVERTED"
    AddressVerificationCodeUnverified        AddressVerificationCodeEnum = "UNVERIFIED"

func GetAddressVerificationCodeEnumValues

func GetAddressVerificationCodeEnumValues() []AddressVerificationCodeEnum

GetAddressVerificationCodeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for AddressVerificationCodeEnum

func GetMappingAddressVerificationCodeEnum

func GetMappingAddressVerificationCodeEnum(val string) (AddressVerificationCodeEnum, bool)

GetMappingAddressVerificationCodeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails

AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails Request object for a subscription payment authorization

type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails struct {
    Subscription *Subscription `mandatory:"true" json:"subscription"`

    // Language code
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"languageCode"`

    // User email
    Email *string `mandatory:"true" json:"email"`

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails) String

func (m AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails) String() string

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt

AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt Subscription payment authorization response

type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt struct {

    // Payment header id
    HeaderId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"headerId"`

    // Parameters in a token for Payment Service
    ApiToken *string `mandatory:"false" json:"apiToken"`

    // Session token created for Payment Service
    UserToken *string `mandatory:"false" json:"userToken"`

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt) String

func (m AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt) String() string

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest

AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest wrapper for the AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment.go.html to see an example of how to use AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest.

type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // Subscription id(OCID).
    SubscriptionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"subscriptionId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // subscription payment request.
    AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // For requests that are not idempotent (creates being the main place of interest), THE APIs should take a header
    // called opc-retry-token to identify the customer desire across requests, to introduce some level of idempotency.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) String

func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) String() string

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse

AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse wrapper for the AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment operation

type AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt instance
    AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentReceipt `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse) String

func (response AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse) String() string

type BillToAddress

BillToAddress Address details model

type BillToAddress struct {

    // Name of the contact person
    ContactName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"contactName"`

    // Name of the customer company
    CompanyName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"companyName"`

    // Address line 1
    AddressLine1 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"addressLine1"`

    // Address line 2
    AddressLine2 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"addressLine2"`

    // Address line 3
    AddressLine3 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"addressLine3"`

    // Address line 4
    AddressLine4 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"addressLine4"`

    // Street name
    StreetName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"streetName"`

    // House no
    StreetNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"streetNumber"`

    // Name of the city
    City *string `mandatory:"false" json:"city"`

    Country *Country `mandatory:"false" json:"country"`

    // County name
    County *string `mandatory:"false" json:"county"`

    // Name of the state
    State *string `mandatory:"false" json:"state"`

    // ZIP no
    PostalCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"postalCode"`

    // Name of the province
    Province *string `mandatory:"false" json:"province"`

func (BillToAddress) String

func (m BillToAddress) String() string

func (BillToAddress) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BillToAddress) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ContactTypeRule

ContactTypeRule Contact type rule information

type ContactTypeRule struct {

    // Contact type rule fields
    Fields []Field `mandatory:"true" json:"fields"`

func (ContactTypeRule) String

func (m ContactTypeRule) String() string

func (ContactTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ContactTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Country

Country Country details model

type Country struct {

    // Indentifier of the country. This is a DB side unique id which was generated when the entity was created in the table
    CountryId *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"countryId"`

    // Country code in ISO-3166-1 2-letter format
    CountryCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"countryCode"`

    // Name of the country
    CountryName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"countryName"`

    // Language identifier
    LanguageId *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"languageId"`

    // Country code in ISO-3166-1 3-letter format
    Ascii3CountryCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"ascii3CountryCode"`

func (Country) String

func (m Country) String() string

func (Country) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Country) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreditCardPaymentDetail

CreditCardPaymentDetail Credit card Payment related details

type CreditCardPaymentDetail struct {

    // Paid the invoice on this day
    TimePaidOn *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timePaidOn"`

    // example
    PaidBy *string `mandatory:"false" json:"paidBy"`

    // Amount that paid
    AmountPaid *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"amountPaid"`

    // Name on the credit card
    NameOnCard *string `mandatory:"false" json:"nameOnCard"`

    // Last four digits of the card
    LastDigits *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lastDigits"`

    // Expired date of the credit card
    TimeExpiration *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeExpiration"`

    // Credit card type
    CreditCardType CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"creditCardType,omitempty"`

func (CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid

func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid() *float32

GetAmountPaid returns AmountPaid

func (CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy

func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy() *string

GetPaidBy returns PaidBy

func (CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn

func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime

GetTimePaidOn returns TimePaidOn

func (CreditCardPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON

func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (CreditCardPaymentDetail) String

func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) String() string

func (CreditCardPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreditCardPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

const (
    CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeVisa       CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "VISA"
    CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeAmex       CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "AMEX"
    CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeMastercard CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "MASTERCARD"
    CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeDiscover   CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "DISCOVER"
    CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeJcb        CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "JCB"
    CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeDiner      CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "DINER"
    CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeElo        CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "ELO"

func GetCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumValues

func GetCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumValues() []CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

GetCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

func GetMappingCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

func GetMappingCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum(val string) (CreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingCreditCardPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type CreditCardPaymentOption

CreditCardPaymentOption Credit card Payment related details

type CreditCardPaymentOption struct {

    // Wallet instrument internal id.
    WalletInstrumentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"walletInstrumentId"`

    // Wallet transaction id.
    WalletTransactionId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"walletTransactionId"`

    // Last four digits of the card.
    LastDigits *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lastDigits"`

    // Name on the credit card.
    NameOnCard *string `mandatory:"false" json:"nameOnCard"`

    // Expired date of the credit card.
    TimeExpiration *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeExpiration"`

    // Credit card type.
    CreditCardType CreditCardTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"creditCardType,omitempty"`

func (CreditCardPaymentOption) GetWalletInstrumentId

func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) GetWalletInstrumentId() *string

GetWalletInstrumentId returns WalletInstrumentId

func (CreditCardPaymentOption) GetWalletTransactionId

func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) GetWalletTransactionId() *string

GetWalletTransactionId returns WalletTransactionId

func (CreditCardPaymentOption) MarshalJSON

func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (CreditCardPaymentOption) String

func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) String() string

func (CreditCardPaymentOption) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreditCardPaymentOption) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreditCardTypeEnum

CreditCardTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type CreditCardTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for CreditCardTypeEnum

const (
    CreditCardTypeVisa       CreditCardTypeEnum = "VISA"
    CreditCardTypeAmex       CreditCardTypeEnum = "AMEX"
    CreditCardTypeMastercard CreditCardTypeEnum = "MASTERCARD"
    CreditCardTypeDiscover   CreditCardTypeEnum = "DISCOVER"
    CreditCardTypeJcb        CreditCardTypeEnum = "JCB"
    CreditCardTypeDiner      CreditCardTypeEnum = "DINER"
    CreditCardTypeElo        CreditCardTypeEnum = "ELO"

func GetCreditCardTypeEnumValues

func GetCreditCardTypeEnumValues() []CreditCardTypeEnum

GetCreditCardTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for CreditCardTypeEnum

func GetMappingCreditCardTypeEnum

func GetMappingCreditCardTypeEnum(val string) (CreditCardTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingCreditCardTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type Currency

Currency Currency details model

type Currency struct {

    // Currency code
    CurrencyCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"currencyCode"`

    // Currency symbol
    CurrencySymbol *string `mandatory:"false" json:"currencySymbol"`

    // Name of the currency
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // USD conversion rate of the currency
    UsdConversion *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"usdConversion"`

    // Round decimal point
    RoundDecimalPoint *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"roundDecimalPoint"`

func (Currency) String

func (m Currency) String() string

func (Currency) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Currency) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DownloadPdfContentRequest

DownloadPdfContentRequest wrapper for the DownloadPdfContent operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/DownloadPdfContent.go.html to see an example of how to use DownloadPdfContentRequest.

type DownloadPdfContentRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The identifier of the invoice.
    InternalInvoiceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"internalInvoiceId"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DownloadPdfContentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DownloadPdfContentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DownloadPdfContentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DownloadPdfContentRequest) String

func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) String() string

func (DownloadPdfContentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DownloadPdfContentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DownloadPdfContentResponse

DownloadPdfContentResponse wrapper for the DownloadPdfContent operation

type DownloadPdfContentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The io.ReadCloser instance
    Content io.ReadCloser `presentIn:"body" encoding:"binary"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Set content to download
    ContentDisposition *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-disposition"`

    // Set the content type to download
    ContentType *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-type"`

    // Set the content length to download
    ContentLength *int `presentIn:"header" name:"content-length"`

func (DownloadPdfContentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DownloadPdfContentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DownloadPdfContentResponse) String

func (response DownloadPdfContentResponse) String() string

type EcheckPaymentDetail

EcheckPaymentDetail Echeck Payment related details

type EcheckPaymentDetail struct {

    // Paid the invoice on this day
    TimePaidOn *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timePaidOn"`

    // example
    PaidBy *string `mandatory:"false" json:"paidBy"`

    // Amount that paid
    AmountPaid *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"amountPaid"`

    // Name on the echeck card
    NameOnCard *string `mandatory:"false" json:"nameOnCard"`

    // Account number of the card owner
    AccountNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"accountNumber"`

    // Routing number of the echeck card
    RoutingNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"routingNumber"`

    // Echeck card type
    CardType EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"cardType,omitempty"`

func (EcheckPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid

func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid() *float32

GetAmountPaid returns AmountPaid

func (EcheckPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy

func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy() *string

GetPaidBy returns PaidBy

func (EcheckPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn

func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime

GetTimePaidOn returns TimePaidOn

func (EcheckPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON

func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (EcheckPaymentDetail) String

func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) String() string

func (EcheckPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EcheckPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum

EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum

const (
    EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeSaving            EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum = "SAVING"
    EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeChecking          EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum = "CHECKING"
    EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeCorporateChecking EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum = "CORPORATE_CHECKING"

func GetEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnumValues

func GetEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnumValues() []EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum

GetEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum

func GetMappingEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum

func GetMappingEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum(val string) (EcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingEcheckPaymentDetailCardTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type Field

Field Field information

type Field struct {

    // The field name
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The given field is requeired or not
    IsRequired *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isRequired"`

    Format *Format `mandatory:"false" json:"format"`

    Label *Label `mandatory:"false" json:"label"`

    // Locale code (rfc4646 format) of a forced language (e.g.: jp addresses require jp always)
    Language *string `mandatory:"false" json:"language"`

func (Field) String

func (m Field) String() string

func (Field) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Field) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Format

Format Format information

type Format struct {

    // Regex format specification
    Value *string `mandatory:"true" json:"value"`

    // Example of the desired format that matches the regex
    Example *string `mandatory:"false" json:"example"`

func (Format) String

func (m Format) String() string

func (Format) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Format) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetAddressRequest

GetAddressRequest wrapper for the GetAddress operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/GetAddress.go.html to see an example of how to use GetAddressRequest.

type GetAddressRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The identifier of the address.
    AddressId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"addressId"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetAddressRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetAddressRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetAddressRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetAddressRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetAddressRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetAddressRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetAddressRequest) String

func (request GetAddressRequest) String() string

func (GetAddressRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetAddressRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetAddressResponse

GetAddressResponse wrapper for the GetAddress operation

type GetAddressResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Address instance
    Address `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetAddressResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetAddressResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetAddressResponse) String

func (response GetAddressResponse) String() string

type GetAddressRuleRequest

GetAddressRuleRequest wrapper for the GetAddressRule operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/GetAddressRule.go.html to see an example of how to use GetAddressRuleRequest.

type GetAddressRuleRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // Country code for the address rule in ISO-3166-1 2-letter format.
    CountryCode *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"countryCode"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetAddressRuleRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetAddressRuleRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetAddressRuleRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetAddressRuleRequest) String

func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) String() string

func (GetAddressRuleRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetAddressRuleRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetAddressRuleResponse

GetAddressRuleResponse wrapper for the GetAddressRule operation

type GetAddressRuleResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The AddressRule instance
    AddressRule `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetAddressRuleResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetAddressRuleResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetAddressRuleResponse) String

func (response GetAddressRuleResponse) String() string

type GetInvoiceRequest

GetInvoiceRequest wrapper for the GetInvoice operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/GetInvoice.go.html to see an example of how to use GetInvoiceRequest.

type GetInvoiceRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The identifier of the invoice.
    InternalInvoiceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"internalInvoiceId"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetInvoiceRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetInvoiceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetInvoiceRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetInvoiceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetInvoiceRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetInvoiceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetInvoiceRequest) String

func (request GetInvoiceRequest) String() string

func (GetInvoiceRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetInvoiceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetInvoiceResponse

GetInvoiceResponse wrapper for the GetInvoice operation

type GetInvoiceResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Invoice instance
    Invoice `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetInvoiceResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetInvoiceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetInvoiceResponse) String

func (response GetInvoiceResponse) String() string

type GetSubscriptionRequest

GetSubscriptionRequest wrapper for the GetSubscription operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/GetSubscription.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSubscriptionRequest.

type GetSubscriptionRequest struct {

    // Subscription id(OCID).
    SubscriptionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"subscriptionId"`

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetSubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetSubscriptionRequest) String

func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) String() string

func (GetSubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetSubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetSubscriptionResponse

GetSubscriptionResponse wrapper for the GetSubscription operation

type GetSubscriptionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Subscription instance
    Subscription `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetSubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetSubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetSubscriptionResponse) String

func (response GetSubscriptionResponse) String() string

type Invoice

Invoice Invoice details

type Invoice struct {

    // Invoice identifier which is generated on the on-premise sie. Pls note this is not an OCID
    InvoiceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"invoiceId"`

    // Invoice external reference
    InvoiceNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceNumber"`

    // Transaction identifier
    InternalInvoiceId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"internalInvoiceId"`

    // Is credit card payment eligible
    IsCreditCardPayable *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isCreditCardPayable"`

    // Date of invoice
    TimeInvoice *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeInvoice"`

    // Tax of invoice amount
    Tax *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"tax"`

    // Total amount of invoice
    InvoiceAmount *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmount"`

    // Balance of invoice
    InvoiceAmountDue *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountDue"`

    // Invoice amount credit
    InvoiceAmountCredited *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountCredited"`

    // Invoice amount adjust
    InvoiceAmountAdjusted *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountAdjusted"`

    // Invoice amount applied
    InvoiceAmountApplied *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountApplied"`

    Currency *Currency `mandatory:"false" json:"currency"`

    // Type of invoice
    InvoiceType InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceType,omitempty"`

    // Due date of invoice
    TimeInvoiceDue *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeInvoiceDue"`

    // Invoice reference number
    InvoiceRefNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceRefNumber"`

    // Invoice PO number
    InvoicePoNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"invoicePoNumber"`

    // Invoice status
    InvoiceStatus InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceStatus,omitempty"`

    // Preferred Email on the invoice
    PreferredEmail *string `mandatory:"false" json:"preferredEmail"`

    // Is emailing pdf allowed
    IsPdfEmailAvailable *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isPdfEmailAvailable"`

    // Is pdf download access allowed
    IsDisplayDownloadPdf *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isDisplayDownloadPdf"`

    // Whether invoice can be payed
    IsPayable *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isPayable"`

    // Payment terms
    PaymentTerms *string `mandatory:"false" json:"paymentTerms"`

    LastPaymentDetail PaymentDetail `mandatory:"false" json:"lastPaymentDetail"`

    BillToAddress *BillToAddress `mandatory:"false" json:"billToAddress"`

    // List of subscription identifiers
    SubscriptionIds []string `mandatory:"false" json:"subscriptionIds"`

func (Invoice) String

func (m Invoice) String() string

func (*Invoice) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Invoice) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (Invoice) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Invoice) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InvoiceCollection

InvoiceCollection Invoice list

type InvoiceCollection struct {

    // Invoice list elements
    Items []InvoiceSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (InvoiceCollection) String

func (m InvoiceCollection) String() string

func (InvoiceCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m InvoiceCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum

InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum

const (
    InvoiceInvoiceStatusOpen             InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum = "OPEN"
    InvoiceInvoiceStatusPastDue          InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum = "PAST_DUE"
    InvoiceInvoiceStatusPaymentSubmitted InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum = "PAYMENT_SUBMITTED"
    InvoiceInvoiceStatusClosed           InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum = "CLOSED"

func GetInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnumValues

func GetInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnumValues() []InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum

GetInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum

func GetMappingInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum

func GetMappingInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum(val string) (InvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingInvoiceInvoiceStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum

InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum

const (
    InvoiceInvoiceTypeHardware     InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum = "HARDWARE"
    InvoiceInvoiceTypeSubscription InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum = "SUBSCRIPTION"
    InvoiceInvoiceTypeSupport      InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum = "SUPPORT"
    InvoiceInvoiceTypeLicense      InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum = "LICENSE"
    InvoiceInvoiceTypeEducation    InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum = "EDUCATION"
    InvoiceInvoiceTypeConsulting   InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum = "CONSULTING"
    InvoiceInvoiceTypeService      InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum = "SERVICE"
    InvoiceInvoiceTypeUsage        InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum = "USAGE"

func GetInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnumValues

func GetInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnumValues() []InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum

GetInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum

func GetMappingInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum

func GetMappingInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum(val string) (InvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingInvoiceInvoiceTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type InvoiceLineCollection

InvoiceLineCollection Invoice line list

type InvoiceLineCollection struct {

    // Invoice line list elements
    Items []InvoiceLineSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (InvoiceLineCollection) String

func (m InvoiceLineCollection) String() string

func (InvoiceLineCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m InvoiceLineCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InvoiceLineSummary

InvoiceLineSummary Product items of the invoice

type InvoiceLineSummary struct {

    // Product of the item
    Product *string `mandatory:"true" json:"product"`

    // Product of the item
    OrderNo *string `mandatory:"false" json:"orderNo"`

    // Part number
    PartNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"partNumber"`

    // Start date
    TimeStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStart"`

    // End date
    TimeEnd *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeEnd"`

    // Quantity of the ordered product
    Quantity *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"quantity"`

    // Unit price of the ordered product
    NetUnitPrice *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"netUnitPrice"`

    // Total price of the ordered product (Net unit price x quantity)
    TotalPrice *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"totalPrice"`

    Currency *Currency `mandatory:"false" json:"currency"`

func (InvoiceLineSummary) String

func (m InvoiceLineSummary) String() string

func (InvoiceLineSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m InvoiceLineSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InvoiceServiceClient

InvoiceServiceClient a client for InvoiceService

type InvoiceServiceClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoiceServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewInvoiceServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client InvoiceServiceClient, err error)

NewInvoiceServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default InvoiceService client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewInvoiceServiceClientWithOboToken

func NewInvoiceServiceClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client InvoiceServiceClient, err error)

NewInvoiceServiceClientWithOboToken Creates a new default InvoiceService client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (*InvoiceServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *InvoiceServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (InvoiceServiceClient) DownloadPdfContent

func (client InvoiceServiceClient) DownloadPdfContent(ctx context.Context, request DownloadPdfContentRequest) (response DownloadPdfContentResponse, err error)

DownloadPdfContent Returns an invoice in pdf format

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/DownloadPdfContent.go.html to see an example of how to use DownloadPdfContent API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DownloadPdfContent()

func (InvoiceServiceClient) GetInvoice

func (client InvoiceServiceClient) GetInvoice(ctx context.Context, request GetInvoiceRequest) (response GetInvoiceResponse, err error)

GetInvoice Returns an invoice by invoice id

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/GetInvoice.go.html to see an example of how to use GetInvoice API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetInvoice()

func (InvoiceServiceClient) ListInvoiceLines

func (client InvoiceServiceClient) ListInvoiceLines(ctx context.Context, request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) (response ListInvoiceLinesResponse, err error)

ListInvoiceLines Returns the invoice product list by invoice id

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/ListInvoiceLines.go.html to see an example of how to use ListInvoiceLines API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListInvoiceLines()

func (InvoiceServiceClient) ListInvoices

func (client InvoiceServiceClient) ListInvoices(ctx context.Context, request ListInvoicesRequest) (response ListInvoicesResponse, err error)

ListInvoices Returns a list of invoices

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/ListInvoices.go.html to see an example of how to use ListInvoices API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListInvoices()

func (InvoiceServiceClient) PayInvoice

func (client InvoiceServiceClient) PayInvoice(ctx context.Context, request PayInvoiceRequest) (response PayInvoiceResponse, err error)

PayInvoice Pay an invoice

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/PayInvoice.go.html to see an example of how to use PayInvoice API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation PayInvoice()

func (*InvoiceServiceClient) SetRegion

func (client *InvoiceServiceClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

type InvoiceSummary

InvoiceSummary Invoice list elements

type InvoiceSummary struct {

    // Invoice identifier
    InvoiceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"invoiceId"`

    // Invoice external reference
    InvoiceNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceNumber"`

    // PC invoice identifier
    InternalInvoiceId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"internalInvoiceId"`

    // Is credit card payment eligible
    IsCreditCardPayable *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isCreditCardPayable"`

    // Invoice status
    InvoiceStatus InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceStatus,omitempty"`

    // Type of invoice
    InvoiceType InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceType,omitempty"`

    // Is the invoice has been already payed
    IsPaid *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isPaid"`

    // Whether invoice can be payed
    IsPayable *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isPayable"`

    // Invoice amount
    InvoiceAmount *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmount"`

    // Invoice amount due
    InvoiceAmountDue *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountDue"`

    // Invoice amount credit
    InvoiceAmountCredited *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountCredited"`

    // Invoice amount adjust
    InvoiceAmountAdjusted *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountAdjusted"`

    // Invoice amount applied
    InvoiceAmountApplied *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountApplied"`

    // Due date of invoice amount
    TimeInvoiceDue *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeInvoiceDue"`

    // Is the last payment failed
    IsPaymentFailed *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isPaymentFailed"`

    // Invoice amount in dispute
    InvoiceAmountInDispute *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceAmountInDispute"`

    // Invoice reference number
    InvoiceRefNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"invoiceRefNumber"`

    // Invoice PO number
    InvoicePoNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"invoicePoNumber"`

    // Date of invoice
    TimeInvoice *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeInvoice"`

    Currency *Currency `mandatory:"false" json:"currency"`

    // Is emailing pdf allowed
    IsPdfEmailAvailable *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isPdfEmailAvailable"`

    // Is view access allowed
    IsDisplayViewPdf *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isDisplayViewPdf"`

    // Is pdf download access allowed
    IsDisplayDownloadPdf *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isDisplayDownloadPdf"`

    LastPaymentDetail PaymentDetail `mandatory:"false" json:"lastPaymentDetail"`

    // Name of the bill to customer
    PartyName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"partyName"`

    // List of subscription identifiers
    SubscriptionIds []string `mandatory:"false" json:"subscriptionIds"`

func (InvoiceSummary) String

func (m InvoiceSummary) String() string

func (*InvoiceSummary) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *InvoiceSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (InvoiceSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m InvoiceSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum

InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum

const (
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusOpen             InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum = "OPEN"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusPastDue          InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum = "PAST_DUE"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusPaymentSubmitted InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum = "PAYMENT_SUBMITTED"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusClosed           InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum = "CLOSED"

func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnumValues

func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnumValues() []InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum

GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum

func GetMappingInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum

func GetMappingInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum(val string) (InvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingInvoiceSummaryInvoiceStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum

InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum

const (
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeHardware     InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum = "HARDWARE"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeSubscription InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum = "SUBSCRIPTION"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeSupport      InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum = "SUPPORT"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeLicense      InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum = "LICENSE"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEducation    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum = "EDUCATION"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeConsulting   InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum = "CONSULTING"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeService      InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum = "SERVICE"
    InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeUsage        InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum = "USAGE"

func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnumValues

func GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnumValues() []InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum

GetInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum

func GetMappingInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum

func GetMappingInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum(val string) (InvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingInvoiceSummaryInvoiceTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type Label

Label Label information

type Label struct {

    // Language token of the required label
    Value *string `mandatory:"true" json:"value"`

    // English translation of the label (for reference only - translation is not provided)
    Example *string `mandatory:"false" json:"example"`

func (Label) String

func (m Label) String() string

func (Label) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Label) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListInvoiceLinesRequest

ListInvoiceLinesRequest wrapper for the ListInvoiceLines operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/ListInvoiceLines.go.html to see an example of how to use ListInvoiceLinesRequest.

type ListInvoiceLinesRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The identifier of the invoice.
    InternalInvoiceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"internalInvoiceId"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated "List" call.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListInvoiceLinesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListInvoiceLinesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListInvoiceLinesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListInvoiceLinesRequest) String

func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) String() string

func (ListInvoiceLinesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListInvoiceLinesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListInvoiceLinesResponse

ListInvoiceLinesResponse wrapper for the ListInvoiceLines operation

type ListInvoiceLinesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of InvoiceLineCollection instances
    InvoiceLineCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. If this header appears in the response, then this
    // is a partial list of invoices. Include this value as the `page` parameter in a subsequent
    // GET request to get the next batch of invoices.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // The total number of items that match the query.
    OpcTotalItems *int `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-total-items"`

func (ListInvoiceLinesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListInvoiceLinesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListInvoiceLinesResponse) String

func (response ListInvoiceLinesResponse) String() string

type ListInvoicesRequest

ListInvoicesRequest wrapper for the ListInvoices operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/ListInvoices.go.html to see an example of how to use ListInvoicesRequest.

type ListInvoicesRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The invoice query param (not unique).
    InvoiceId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"invoiceId"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given type exactly.
    Type []ListInvoicesTypeEnum `contributesTo:"query" name:"type" omitEmpty:"true" collectionFormat:"multi"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given value.
    // Looking for partial matches in the following fileds:
    // Invoice No., Reference No. (plan number), Payment Ref, Total Amount(plan number), Balance Due(plan number)
    // and Party/Customer Name
    SearchText *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"searchText"`

    // description: Start time (UTC) of the target invoice date range for which to fetch invoice data (inclusive).
    TimeInvoiceStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"timeInvoiceStart"`

    // description: End time (UTC) of the target invoice date range for which to fetch invoice data (exclusive).
    TimeInvoiceEnd *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"timeInvoiceEnd"`

    // description: Start time (UTC) of the target payment date range for which to fetch invoice data (inclusive).
    TimePaymentStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"timePaymentStart"`

    // description: End time (UTC) of the target payment date range for which to fetch invoice data (exclusive).
    TimePaymentEnd *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"timePaymentEnd"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match one of the status elements.
    Status []ListInvoicesStatusEnum `contributesTo:"query" name:"status" omitEmpty:"true" collectionFormat:"multi"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated "List" call.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one field can be selected for sorting.
    SortBy ListInvoicesSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The sort order to use (ascending or descending).
    SortOrder ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListInvoicesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListInvoicesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListInvoicesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListInvoicesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListInvoicesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListInvoicesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListInvoicesRequest) String

func (request ListInvoicesRequest) String() string

func (ListInvoicesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListInvoicesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListInvoicesResponse

ListInvoicesResponse wrapper for the ListInvoices operation

type ListInvoicesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of InvoiceCollection instances
    InvoiceCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. If this header appears in the response, then this
    // is a partial list of invoices. Include this value as the `page` parameter in a subsequent
    // GET request to get the next batch of invoices.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // The total number of items that match the query.
    OpcTotalItems *int `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-total-items"`

func (ListInvoicesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListInvoicesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListInvoicesResponse) String

func (response ListInvoicesResponse) String() string

type ListInvoicesSortByEnum

ListInvoicesSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListInvoicesSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListInvoicesSortByEnum

const (
    ListInvoicesSortByInvoiceNo   ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "INVOICE_NO"
    ListInvoicesSortByRefNo       ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "REF_NO"
    ListInvoicesSortByStatus      ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "STATUS"
    ListInvoicesSortByType        ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "TYPE"
    ListInvoicesSortByInvoiceDate ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "INVOICE_DATE"
    ListInvoicesSortByDueDate     ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "DUE_DATE"
    ListInvoicesSortByPaymRef     ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "PAYM_REF"
    ListInvoicesSortByTotalAmount ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "TOTAL_AMOUNT"
    ListInvoicesSortByBalanceDue  ListInvoicesSortByEnum = "BALANCE_DUE"

func GetListInvoicesSortByEnumValues

func GetListInvoicesSortByEnumValues() []ListInvoicesSortByEnum

GetListInvoicesSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListInvoicesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListInvoicesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListInvoicesSortByEnum(val string) (ListInvoicesSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListInvoicesSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum

ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListInvoicesSortOrderAsc  ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListInvoicesSortOrderDesc ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListInvoicesSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListInvoicesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum

GetListInvoicesSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListInvoicesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListInvoicesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListInvoicesSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListInvoicesSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListInvoicesStatusEnum

ListInvoicesStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListInvoicesStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListInvoicesStatusEnum

const (
    ListInvoicesStatusOpen             ListInvoicesStatusEnum = "OPEN"
    ListInvoicesStatusPastDue          ListInvoicesStatusEnum = "PAST_DUE"
    ListInvoicesStatusPaymentSubmitted ListInvoicesStatusEnum = "PAYMENT_SUBMITTED"
    ListInvoicesStatusClosed           ListInvoicesStatusEnum = "CLOSED"

func GetListInvoicesStatusEnumValues

func GetListInvoicesStatusEnumValues() []ListInvoicesStatusEnum

GetListInvoicesStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListInvoicesStatusEnum

func GetMappingListInvoicesStatusEnum

func GetMappingListInvoicesStatusEnum(val string) (ListInvoicesStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingListInvoicesStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListInvoicesTypeEnum

ListInvoicesTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListInvoicesTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListInvoicesTypeEnum

const (
    ListInvoicesTypeHardware     ListInvoicesTypeEnum = "HARDWARE"
    ListInvoicesTypeSubscription ListInvoicesTypeEnum = "SUBSCRIPTION"
    ListInvoicesTypeSupport      ListInvoicesTypeEnum = "SUPPORT"
    ListInvoicesTypeLicense      ListInvoicesTypeEnum = "LICENSE"
    ListInvoicesTypeEducation    ListInvoicesTypeEnum = "EDUCATION"
    ListInvoicesTypeConsulting   ListInvoicesTypeEnum = "CONSULTING"
    ListInvoicesTypeService      ListInvoicesTypeEnum = "SERVICE"
    ListInvoicesTypeUsage        ListInvoicesTypeEnum = "USAGE"

func GetListInvoicesTypeEnumValues

func GetListInvoicesTypeEnumValues() []ListInvoicesTypeEnum

GetListInvoicesTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListInvoicesTypeEnum

func GetMappingListInvoicesTypeEnum

func GetMappingListInvoicesTypeEnum(val string) (ListInvoicesTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingListInvoicesTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSubscriptionsRequest

ListSubscriptionsRequest wrapper for the ListSubscriptions operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/ListSubscriptions.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSubscriptionsRequest.

type ListSubscriptionsRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated "List" call.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one field can be selected for sorting.
    SortBy ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The sort order to use (ascending or descending).
    SortOrder ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListSubscriptionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSubscriptionsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSubscriptionsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListSubscriptionsRequest) String

func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) String() string

func (ListSubscriptionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListSubscriptionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListSubscriptionsResponse

ListSubscriptionsResponse wrapper for the ListSubscriptions operation

type ListSubscriptionsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of SubscriptionCollection instances
    SubscriptionCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. If this header appears in the response, then this
    // is a partial list of invoices. Include this value as the `page` parameter in a subsequent
    // GET request to get the next batch of invoices.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // The total number of items that match the query.
    OpcTotalItems *int `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-total-items"`

func (ListSubscriptionsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListSubscriptionsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListSubscriptionsResponse) String

func (response ListSubscriptionsResponse) String() string

type ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum

ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum

const (
    ListSubscriptionsSortByInvoiceNo   ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "INVOICE_NO"
    ListSubscriptionsSortByRefNo       ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "REF_NO"
    ListSubscriptionsSortByStatus      ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "STATUS"
    ListSubscriptionsSortByType        ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "TYPE"
    ListSubscriptionsSortByInvoiceDate ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "INVOICE_DATE"
    ListSubscriptionsSortByDueDate     ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "DUE_DATE"
    ListSubscriptionsSortByPaymRef     ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "PAYM_REF"
    ListSubscriptionsSortByTotalAmount ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "TOTAL_AMOUNT"
    ListSubscriptionsSortByBalanceDue  ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum = "BALANCE_DUE"

func GetListSubscriptionsSortByEnumValues

func GetListSubscriptionsSortByEnumValues() []ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum

GetListSubscriptionsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSubscriptionsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSubscriptionsSortByEnum(val string) (ListSubscriptionsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSubscriptionsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum

ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListSubscriptionsSortOrderAsc  ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListSubscriptionsSortOrderDesc ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum

GetListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSubscriptionsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type MerchantDefinedData

MerchantDefinedData Merchant details.

type MerchantDefinedData struct {

    // Promotion type code.
    PromoType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"promoType"`

    // Cloud account name.
    CloudAccountName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"cloudAccountName"`

func (MerchantDefinedData) String

func (m MerchantDefinedData) String() string

func (MerchantDefinedData) ValidateEnumValue

func (m MerchantDefinedData) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OtherPaymentDetail

OtherPaymentDetail Other Payment related details

type OtherPaymentDetail struct {

    // Paid the invoice on this day
    TimePaidOn *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timePaidOn"`

    // example
    PaidBy *string `mandatory:"false" json:"paidBy"`

    // Amount that paid
    AmountPaid *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"amountPaid"`

    // Last four routing digits of the card
    EcheckRouting *string `mandatory:"false" json:"echeckRouting"`

    // Name on the echeck card
    NameOnCard *string `mandatory:"false" json:"nameOnCard"`

    // Last four digits of the card
    LastDigits *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lastDigits"`

    // Expired date of the echeck card
    TimeExpiration *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeExpiration"`

    // Echeck card type
    CreditCardType OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"creditCardType,omitempty"`

func (OtherPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid

func (m OtherPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid() *float32

GetAmountPaid returns AmountPaid

func (OtherPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy

func (m OtherPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy() *string

GetPaidBy returns PaidBy

func (OtherPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn

func (m OtherPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime

GetTimePaidOn returns TimePaidOn

func (OtherPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON

func (m OtherPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (OtherPaymentDetail) String

func (m OtherPaymentDetail) String() string

func (OtherPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OtherPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

const (
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeVisa              OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "VISA"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeAmex              OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "AMEX"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeMastercard        OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "MASTERCARD"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeDiscover          OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "DISCOVER"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeJcb               OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "JCB"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeDiner             OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "DINER"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeElo               OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "ELO"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeSaving            OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "SAVING"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeChecking          OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "CHECKING"
    OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeCorporateChecking OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum = "CORPORATE_CHECKING"

func GetMappingOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

func GetMappingOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum(val string) (OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumValues

func GetOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumValues() []OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

GetOtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OtherPaymentDetailCreditCardTypeEnum

type PayInvoiceDetails

PayInvoiceDetails Request object for invoice payment

type PayInvoiceDetails struct {

    // User email
    Email *string `mandatory:"true" json:"email"`

    // Language code
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Callback URL
    ReturnUrl *string `mandatory:"false" json:"returnUrl"`

func (PayInvoiceDetails) String

func (m PayInvoiceDetails) String() string

func (PayInvoiceDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PayInvoiceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PayInvoiceReceipt

PayInvoiceReceipt Invoice payment action response

type PayInvoiceReceipt struct {

    // Payment header id
    HeaderId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"headerId"`

    // Url of the Payment Service
    Url *string `mandatory:"false" json:"url"`

    // Token created for Payment Service
    Token *string `mandatory:"false" json:"token"`

func (PayInvoiceReceipt) String

func (m PayInvoiceReceipt) String() string

func (PayInvoiceReceipt) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PayInvoiceReceipt) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PayInvoiceRequest

PayInvoiceRequest wrapper for the PayInvoice operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/PayInvoice.go.html to see an example of how to use PayInvoiceRequest.

type PayInvoiceRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The identifier of the invoice.
    InternalInvoiceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"internalInvoiceId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // Invoice payment request.
    PayInvoiceDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // For requests that are not idempotent (creates being the main place of interest), THE APIs should take a header
    // called opc-retry-token to identify the customer desire across requests, to introduce some level of idempotency.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (PayInvoiceRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request PayInvoiceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (PayInvoiceRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request PayInvoiceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (PayInvoiceRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request PayInvoiceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (PayInvoiceRequest) String

func (request PayInvoiceRequest) String() string

func (PayInvoiceRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request PayInvoiceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PayInvoiceResponse

PayInvoiceResponse wrapper for the PayInvoice operation

type PayInvoiceResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The PayInvoiceReceipt instance
    PayInvoiceReceipt `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

func (PayInvoiceResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response PayInvoiceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (PayInvoiceResponse) String

func (response PayInvoiceResponse) String() string

type PaySubscriptionDetails

PaySubscriptionDetails Request object for paying a subscription

type PaySubscriptionDetails struct {
    Subscription *Subscription `mandatory:"true" json:"subscription"`

    // Language code
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"languageCode"`

    // User email
    Email *string `mandatory:"true" json:"email"`

func (PaySubscriptionDetails) String

func (m PaySubscriptionDetails) String() string

func (PaySubscriptionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PaySubscriptionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PaySubscriptionReceipt

PaySubscriptionReceipt Subscription payment action response

type PaySubscriptionReceipt struct {

    // Payment header id
    HeaderId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"headerId"`

    // Parameters in a token for Payment Service
    ApiToken *string `mandatory:"false" json:"apiToken"`

    // Session token created for Payment Service
    UserToken *string `mandatory:"false" json:"userToken"`

func (PaySubscriptionReceipt) String

func (m PaySubscriptionReceipt) String() string

func (PaySubscriptionReceipt) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PaySubscriptionReceipt) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PaySubscriptionRequest

PaySubscriptionRequest wrapper for the PaySubscription operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/PaySubscription.go.html to see an example of how to use PaySubscriptionRequest.

type PaySubscriptionRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // Subscription id(OCID).
    SubscriptionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"subscriptionId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // subscription payment request.
    PaySubscriptionDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // For requests that are not idempotent (creates being the main place of interest), THE APIs should take a header
    // called opc-retry-token to identify the customer desire across requests, to introduce some level of idempotency.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (PaySubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (PaySubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (PaySubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (PaySubscriptionRequest) String

func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) String() string

func (PaySubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request PaySubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PaySubscriptionResponse

PaySubscriptionResponse wrapper for the PaySubscription operation

type PaySubscriptionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The PaySubscriptionReceipt instance
    PaySubscriptionReceipt `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

func (PaySubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response PaySubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (PaySubscriptionResponse) String

func (response PaySubscriptionResponse) String() string

type PaymentDetail

PaymentDetail Payment related details

type PaymentDetail interface {

    // Paid the invoice on this day
    GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime

    // example
    GetPaidBy() *string

    // Amount that paid
    GetAmountPaid() *float32

type PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum

PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum

const (
    PaymentDetailPaymentMethodCreditCard PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum = "CREDIT_CARD"
    PaymentDetailPaymentMethodPaypal     PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum = "PAYPAL"
    PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEcheck     PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum = "ECHECK"
    PaymentDetailPaymentMethodOther      PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum = "OTHER"

func GetMappingPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum

func GetMappingPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum(val string) (PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum, bool)

GetMappingPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnumValues

func GetPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnumValues() []PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum

GetPaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for PaymentDetailPaymentMethodEnum

type PaymentGateway

PaymentGateway Payment gateway details.

type PaymentGateway struct {
    MerchantDefinedData *MerchantDefinedData `mandatory:"false" json:"merchantDefinedData"`

func (PaymentGateway) String

func (m PaymentGateway) String() string

func (PaymentGateway) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PaymentGateway) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PaymentMethodEnum

PaymentMethodEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type PaymentMethodEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for PaymentMethodEnum

const (
    PaymentMethodCreditCard PaymentMethodEnum = "CREDIT_CARD"
    PaymentMethodPaypal     PaymentMethodEnum = "PAYPAL"

func GetMappingPaymentMethodEnum

func GetMappingPaymentMethodEnum(val string) (PaymentMethodEnum, bool)

GetMappingPaymentMethodEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetPaymentMethodEnumValues

func GetPaymentMethodEnumValues() []PaymentMethodEnum

GetPaymentMethodEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for PaymentMethodEnum

type PaymentOption

PaymentOption Payment option of a subscription.

type PaymentOption interface {

    // Wallet instrument internal id.
    GetWalletInstrumentId() *string

    // Wallet transaction id.
    GetWalletTransactionId() *string

type PaypalPaymentDetail

PaypalPaymentDetail PayPal Payment related details

type PaypalPaymentDetail struct {

    // Paid the invoice on this day
    TimePaidOn *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timePaidOn"`

    // example
    PaidBy *string `mandatory:"false" json:"paidBy"`

    // Amount that paid
    AmountPaid *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"amountPaid"`

    // The id (email address) of the paypal payment
    PaypalId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"paypalId"`

    // paypal payment reference
    PaypalReference *string `mandatory:"false" json:"paypalReference"`

func (PaypalPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid

func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) GetAmountPaid() *float32

GetAmountPaid returns AmountPaid

func (PaypalPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy

func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) GetPaidBy() *string

GetPaidBy returns PaidBy

func (PaypalPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn

func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) GetTimePaidOn() *common.SDKTime

GetTimePaidOn returns TimePaidOn

func (PaypalPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON

func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PaypalPaymentDetail) String

func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) String() string

func (PaypalPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PaypalPaymentDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PaypalPaymentOption

PaypalPaymentOption PayPal Payment related details

type PaypalPaymentOption struct {

    // Wallet instrument internal id.
    WalletInstrumentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"walletInstrumentId"`

    // Wallet transaction id.
    WalletTransactionId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"walletTransactionId"`

    // The email address of the paypal user.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"false" json:"emailAddress"`

    // First name of the paypal user.
    FirstName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"firstName"`

    // Last name of the paypal user.
    LastName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lastName"`

    // Agreement id for the paypal account.
    ExtBillingAgreementId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"extBillingAgreementId"`

func (PaypalPaymentOption) GetWalletInstrumentId

func (m PaypalPaymentOption) GetWalletInstrumentId() *string

GetWalletInstrumentId returns WalletInstrumentId

func (PaypalPaymentOption) GetWalletTransactionId

func (m PaypalPaymentOption) GetWalletTransactionId() *string

GetWalletTransactionId returns WalletTransactionId

func (PaypalPaymentOption) MarshalJSON

func (m PaypalPaymentOption) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PaypalPaymentOption) String

func (m PaypalPaymentOption) String() string

func (PaypalPaymentOption) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PaypalPaymentOption) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Subscription

Subscription Subscription details object which extends the SubscriptionSummary

type Subscription struct {

    // Subscription plan number.
    SubscriptionPlanNumber *string `mandatory:"true" json:"subscriptionPlanNumber"`

    // Subscription id identifier (OCID).
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" json:"id"`

    // Subscription plan type.
    PlanType SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"planType,omitempty"`

    // Start date of the subscription.
    TimeStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStart"`

    // Ship to customer account site address id.
    ShipToCustAcctSiteId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"shipToCustAcctSiteId"`

    // Ship to customer account role.
    ShipToCustAcctRoleId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"shipToCustAcctRoleId"`

    // Bill to customer Account id.
    BillToCustAccountId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"billToCustAccountId"`

    // Payment intension.
    IsIntentToPay *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isIntentToPay"`

    // Currency code
    CurrencyCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"currencyCode"`

    // GSI Subscription external code.
    GsiOrgCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"gsiOrgCode"`

    // Language short code (en, de, hu, etc)
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // GSI organization external identifier.
    OrganizationId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"organizationId"`

    // Status of the upgrade.
    UpgradeState SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"upgradeState,omitempty"`

    // This field is used to describe the Upgrade State in case of error (E.g. Upgrade failure caused by interfacing Tax details- TaxError)
    UpgradeStateDetails SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"upgradeStateDetails,omitempty"`

    // Account type.
    AccountType SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"accountType,omitempty"`

    TaxInfo *TaxInfo `mandatory:"false" json:"taxInfo"`

    // Payment option list of a subscription.
    PaymentOptions []PaymentOption `mandatory:"false" json:"paymentOptions"`

    PaymentGateway *PaymentGateway `mandatory:"false" json:"paymentGateway"`

    BillingAddress *Address `mandatory:"false" json:"billingAddress"`

    // Date of upgrade/conversion when planType changed from FREE_TIER to PAYG
    TimePlanUpgrade *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timePlanUpgrade"`

    // Date of upgrade/conversion when account type changed from PERSONAL to CORPORATE
    TimePersonalToCorporateConv *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timePersonalToCorporateConv"`

func (Subscription) String

func (m Subscription) String() string

func (*Subscription) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Subscription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (Subscription) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Subscription) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum

SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum

const (
    SubscriptionAccountTypePersonal           SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum = "PERSONAL"
    SubscriptionAccountTypeCorporate          SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum = "CORPORATE"
    SubscriptionAccountTypeCorporateSubmitted SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum = "CORPORATE_SUBMITTED"

func GetMappingSubscriptionAccountTypeEnum

func GetMappingSubscriptionAccountTypeEnum(val string) (SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingSubscriptionAccountTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSubscriptionAccountTypeEnumValues

func GetSubscriptionAccountTypeEnumValues() []SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum

GetSubscriptionAccountTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SubscriptionAccountTypeEnum

type SubscriptionCollection

SubscriptionCollection Subscription list

type SubscriptionCollection struct {

    // Subscription list elements
    Items []SubscriptionSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (SubscriptionCollection) String

func (m SubscriptionCollection) String() string

func (SubscriptionCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SubscriptionCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum

SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum

const (
    SubscriptionPlanTypeFreeTier SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum = "FREE_TIER"
    SubscriptionPlanTypePayg     SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum = "PAYG"

func GetMappingSubscriptionPlanTypeEnum

func GetMappingSubscriptionPlanTypeEnum(val string) (SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingSubscriptionPlanTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSubscriptionPlanTypeEnumValues

func GetSubscriptionPlanTypeEnumValues() []SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum

GetSubscriptionPlanTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SubscriptionPlanTypeEnum

type SubscriptionServiceClient

SubscriptionServiceClient a client for SubscriptionService

type SubscriptionServiceClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSubscriptionServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewSubscriptionServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client SubscriptionServiceClient, err error)

NewSubscriptionServiceClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default SubscriptionService client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewSubscriptionServiceClientWithOboToken

func NewSubscriptionServiceClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client SubscriptionServiceClient, err error)

NewSubscriptionServiceClientWithOboToken Creates a new default SubscriptionService client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (SubscriptionServiceClient) AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment

func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment(ctx context.Context, request AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentRequest) (response AuthorizeSubscriptionPaymentResponse, err error)

AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment PSD2 authorization for subscription payment

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment.go.html to see an example of how to use AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation AuthorizeSubscriptionPayment()

func (*SubscriptionServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *SubscriptionServiceClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (SubscriptionServiceClient) GetSubscription

func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) GetSubscription(ctx context.Context, request GetSubscriptionRequest) (response GetSubscriptionResponse, err error)

GetSubscription Get the subscription plan.

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/GetSubscription.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSubscription API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetSubscription()

func (SubscriptionServiceClient) ListSubscriptions

func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) ListSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, request ListSubscriptionsRequest) (response ListSubscriptionsResponse, err error)

ListSubscriptions Get the subscription data for the compartment

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/ListSubscriptions.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSubscriptions API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListSubscriptions()

func (SubscriptionServiceClient) PaySubscription

func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) PaySubscription(ctx context.Context, request PaySubscriptionRequest) (response PaySubscriptionResponse, err error)

PaySubscription Pay a subscription

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/PaySubscription.go.html to see an example of how to use PaySubscription API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation PaySubscription()

func (*SubscriptionServiceClient) SetRegion

func (client *SubscriptionServiceClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (SubscriptionServiceClient) UpdateSubscription

func (client SubscriptionServiceClient) UpdateSubscription(ctx context.Context, request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) (response UpdateSubscriptionResponse, err error)

UpdateSubscription Update plan of the subscription.

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/UpdateSubscription.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateSubscription API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateSubscription()

type SubscriptionSummary

SubscriptionSummary Subscription object which contains the common subscription data.

type SubscriptionSummary struct {

    // Subscription plan number.
    SubscriptionPlanNumber *string `mandatory:"true" json:"subscriptionPlanNumber"`

    // Subscription id identifier (OCID).
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" json:"id"`

    // Subscription plan type.
    PlanType SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"planType,omitempty"`

    // Start date of the subscription.
    TimeStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStart"`

    // Ship to customer account site address id.
    ShipToCustAcctSiteId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"shipToCustAcctSiteId"`

    // Ship to customer account role.
    ShipToCustAcctRoleId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"shipToCustAcctRoleId"`

    // Bill to customer Account id.
    BillToCustAccountId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"billToCustAccountId"`

    // Payment intension.
    IsIntentToPay *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isIntentToPay"`

    // Currency code
    CurrencyCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"currencyCode"`

    // GSI Subscription external code.
    GsiOrgCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"gsiOrgCode"`

    // Language short code (en, de, hu, etc)
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // GSI organization external identifier.
    OrganizationId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"organizationId"`

    // Status of the upgrade.
    UpgradeState SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"upgradeState,omitempty"`

    // This field is used to describe the Upgrade State in case of error (E.g. Upgrade failure caused by interfacing Tax details- TaxError)
    UpgradeStateDetails SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"upgradeStateDetails,omitempty"`

    // Account type.
    AccountType SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"accountType,omitempty"`

    TaxInfo *TaxInfo `mandatory:"false" json:"taxInfo"`

    // Payment option list of a subscription.
    PaymentOptions []PaymentOption `mandatory:"false" json:"paymentOptions"`

    PaymentGateway *PaymentGateway `mandatory:"false" json:"paymentGateway"`

    BillingAddress *Address `mandatory:"false" json:"billingAddress"`

    // Date of upgrade/conversion when planType changed from FREE_TIER to PAYG
    TimePlanUpgrade *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timePlanUpgrade"`

    // Date of upgrade/conversion when account type changed from PERSONAL to CORPORATE
    TimePersonalToCorporateConv *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timePersonalToCorporateConv"`

func (SubscriptionSummary) String

func (m SubscriptionSummary) String() string

func (*SubscriptionSummary) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *SubscriptionSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (SubscriptionSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SubscriptionSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum

SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum

const (
    SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypePersonal           SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum = "PERSONAL"
    SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeCorporate          SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum = "CORPORATE"
    SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeCorporateSubmitted SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum = "CORPORATE_SUBMITTED"

func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum

func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum(val string) (SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnumValues

func GetSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnumValues() []SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum

GetSubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SubscriptionSummaryAccountTypeEnum

type SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum

SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum

const (
    SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeFreeTier SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum = "FREE_TIER"
    SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypePayg     SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum = "PAYG"

func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum

func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum(val string) (SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnumValues

func GetSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnumValues() []SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum

GetSubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SubscriptionSummaryPlanTypeEnum

type SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

const (
    SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsTaxError     SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum = "TAX_ERROR"
    SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsUpgradeError SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum = "UPGRADE_ERROR"

func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum(val string) (SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum, bool)

GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnumValues

func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnumValues() []SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

type SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum

SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum

const (
    SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStatePromo     SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum = "PROMO"
    SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateSubmitted SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum = "SUBMITTED"
    SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateError     SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum = "ERROR"
    SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateUpgraded  SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum = "UPGRADED"

func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum

func GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum(val string) (SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnumValues

func GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnumValues() []SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum

GetSubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SubscriptionSummaryUpgradeStateEnum

type SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

const (
    SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsTaxError     SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum = "TAX_ERROR"
    SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsUpgradeError SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum = "UPGRADE_ERROR"

func GetMappingSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

func GetMappingSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum(val string) (SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum, bool)

GetMappingSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnumValues

func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnumValues() []SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SubscriptionUpgradeStateDetailsEnum

type SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum

SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum

const (
    SubscriptionUpgradeStatePromo     SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum = "PROMO"
    SubscriptionUpgradeStateSubmitted SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum = "SUBMITTED"
    SubscriptionUpgradeStateError     SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum = "ERROR"
    SubscriptionUpgradeStateUpgraded  SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum = "UPGRADED"

func GetMappingSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum

func GetMappingSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum(val string) (SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnumValues

func GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnumValues() []SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum

GetSubscriptionUpgradeStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SubscriptionUpgradeStateEnum

type TaxInfo

TaxInfo Tax details.

type TaxInfo struct {

    // Tay payer identifier.
    TaxPayerId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"taxPayerId"`

    // Tax registration number.
    TaxRegNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"taxRegNumber"`

    // Tax exemption reason code.
    NoTaxReasonCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"noTaxReasonCode"`

    // Tax exemption reason description.
    NoTaxReasonCodeDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"noTaxReasonCodeDetails"`

    // Brazilian companies' CNPJ number.
    TaxCnpj *string `mandatory:"false" json:"taxCnpj"`

    // Companies' GIRO code
    Giro *string `mandatory:"false" json:"giro"`

func (TaxInfo) String

func (m TaxInfo) String() string

func (TaxInfo) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TaxInfo) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TaxTypeRule

TaxTypeRule Tax type rule information

type TaxTypeRule struct {

    // Tax type rule fields
    Fields []Field `mandatory:"true" json:"fields"`

    // Label value pair for allowed values. Used for GIRO
    ValueSet []ValueSetEntity `mandatory:"false" json:"valueSet"`

func (TaxTypeRule) String

func (m TaxTypeRule) String() string

func (TaxTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TaxTypeRule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum

ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum

const (
    ThirdPartyValidationTypeOptional ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum = "OPTIONAL"
    ThirdPartyValidationTypeRequired ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum = "REQUIRED"
    ThirdPartyValidationTypeNever    ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum = "NEVER"

func GetMappingThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum

func GetMappingThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum(val string) (ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetThirdPartyValidationTypeEnumValues

func GetThirdPartyValidationTypeEnumValues() []ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum

GetThirdPartyValidationTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ThirdPartyValidationTypeEnum

type UpdateSubscriptionDetails

UpdateSubscriptionDetails Request object for updating a subscription

type UpdateSubscriptionDetails struct {
    Subscription *Subscription `mandatory:"true" json:"subscription"`

    // User email
    Email *string `mandatory:"true" json:"email"`

func (UpdateSubscriptionDetails) String

func (m UpdateSubscriptionDetails) String() string

func (UpdateSubscriptionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateSubscriptionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateSubscriptionRequest

UpdateSubscriptionRequest wrapper for the UpdateSubscription operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/UpdateSubscription.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateSubscriptionRequest.

type UpdateSubscriptionRequest struct {

    // Subscription id(OCID).
    SubscriptionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"subscriptionId"`

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // Subscription update request.
    UpdateSubscriptionDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateSubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateSubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateSubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateSubscriptionRequest) String

func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) String() string

func (UpdateSubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateSubscriptionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateSubscriptionResponse

UpdateSubscriptionResponse wrapper for the UpdateSubscription operation

type UpdateSubscriptionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Subscription instance
    Subscription `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateSubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateSubscriptionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateSubscriptionResponse) String

func (response UpdateSubscriptionResponse) String() string

type ValueSetEntity

ValueSetEntity LOV for allowed values

type ValueSetEntity struct {

    // User friendly name
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // Value
    Value *string `mandatory:"false" json:"value"`

func (ValueSetEntity) String

func (m ValueSetEntity) String() string

func (ValueSetEntity) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ValueSetEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type VerifyAddressDetails

VerifyAddressDetails Verify address related details

type VerifyAddressDetails struct {

    // Address identifier.
    AddressKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"addressKey"`

    // Address line 1.
    Line1 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"line1"`

    // Address line 2.
    Line2 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"line2"`

    // Address line 3.
    Line3 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"line3"`

    // Address line 4.
    Line4 *string `mandatory:"false" json:"line4"`

    // Street name of the address.
    StreetName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"streetName"`

    // Street number of the address.
    StreetNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"streetNumber"`

    // Name of the city.
    City *string `mandatory:"false" json:"city"`

    // County of the address.
    County *string `mandatory:"false" json:"county"`

    // Country of the address.
    Country *string `mandatory:"false" json:"country"`

    // Province of the address.
    Province *string `mandatory:"false" json:"province"`

    // Post code of the address.
    PostalCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"postalCode"`

    // State of the address.
    State *string `mandatory:"false" json:"state"`

    // Contact person email address.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"false" json:"emailAddress"`

    // Name of the customer company.
    CompanyName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"companyName"`

    // First name of the contact person.
    FirstName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"firstName"`

    // Middle name of the contact person.
    MiddleName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"middleName"`

    // Last name of the contact person.
    LastName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lastName"`

    // Phone country code of the contact person.
    PhoneCountryCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"phoneCountryCode"`

    // Phone number of the contact person.
    PhoneNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"phoneNumber"`

    // Job title of the contact person.
    JobTitle *string `mandatory:"false" json:"jobTitle"`

    // Department name of the customer company.
    DepartmentName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"departmentName"`

    // Internal number of the customer company.
    InternalNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"internalNumber"`

    // Contributor class of the customer company.
    ContributorClass *string `mandatory:"false" json:"contributorClass"`

    // State Inscription.
    StateInscription *string `mandatory:"false" json:"stateInscription"`

    // Municipal Inscription.
    MunicipalInscription *string `mandatory:"false" json:"municipalInscription"`

func (VerifyAddressDetails) String

func (m VerifyAddressDetails) String() string

func (VerifyAddressDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m VerifyAddressDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type VerifyAddressReceipt

VerifyAddressReceipt Address verficiation result

type VerifyAddressReceipt struct {
    Address *Address `mandatory:"true" json:"address"`

    // Address quality type.
    Quality AddressQualityTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"quality"`

    // Address verification code.
    VerificationCode AddressVerificationCodeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"verificationCode"`

func (VerifyAddressReceipt) String

func (m VerifyAddressReceipt) String() string

func (VerifyAddressReceipt) ValidateEnumValue

func (m VerifyAddressReceipt) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type VerifyAddressRequest

VerifyAddressRequest wrapper for the VerifyAddress operation

# See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.64.0/ospgateway/VerifyAddress.go.html to see an example of how to use VerifyAddressRequest.

type VerifyAddressRequest struct {

    // The home region's public name of the logged in user.
    OspHomeRegion *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"ospHomeRegion"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // Address request.
    VerifyAddressDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // For requests that are not idempotent (creates being the main place of interest), THE APIs should take a header
    // called opc-retry-token to identify the customer desire across requests, to introduce some level of idempotency.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (VerifyAddressRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request VerifyAddressRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (VerifyAddressRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request VerifyAddressRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (VerifyAddressRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request VerifyAddressRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (VerifyAddressRequest) String

func (request VerifyAddressRequest) String() string

func (VerifyAddressRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request VerifyAddressRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type VerifyAddressResponse

VerifyAddressResponse wrapper for the VerifyAddress operation

type VerifyAddressResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The VerifyAddressReceipt instance
    VerifyAddressReceipt `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a
    // particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

func (VerifyAddressResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response VerifyAddressResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (VerifyAddressResponse) String

func (response VerifyAddressResponse) String() string