mlm_insights.core.queries.profile_query package


mlm_insights.core.queries.profile_query.profile_json_query module

class mlm_insights.core.queries.profile_query.profile_json_query.ProfileJsonQuery(profile_json: Dict[str, Any])

Bases: object

ProfileJsonQuery helps to query the metric data from Json view of Profile.


profile_json : Json representation of profile.

get_dataset_metric_by_key(metric_key: str) int | str | float | bool | List[Any] | Tuple[int, int]

Get Metric data by providing the feature name and metric key. If the metric has more than one variable, separate it with “.”


Metric value.

get_feature_metric_by_key(feature_name: str, metric_key: str) int | str | float | bool | List[Any] | Tuple[int, int]

Get Metric data by providing the feature name and metric key. If the metric has more than one variable, separate it with “.” eg. “Quartiles.q1”


Metric value.

profile_json: Dict[str, Any]

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