Authentication Guide

OCI Ansible supports the following authentication mechanisms:

The default option is api_key.

API Key Authentication

  • Use api key of the user. Read more.

  • Having a CLI config file is mandatory for api_key.

  • However, parameters in the config file can be customized using environment variables or module options.

  • For example, to fetch VCNs in a compartment, the below task uses auth type as api_key
    and overrides the region parameter (if say the config file pointed to some other region):

- name: List vcns
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    region: "us-ashburn-1"

Instance Principal

  • Use authentication credentials of the compute instance. Read more.

  • For example, similar to the fetch VCNs in a compartment example above,
    via auth type as instance principal, can be achieved like this:

- name: List vcns
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    auth_type: "instance_principal"
    region: "us-ashburn-1"

Service Principal

  • Used for service to service (S2S) Authentication.

  • It can be used in conjunction with instance principal auth type.

  • For example, similar to the fetch VCNs in a compartment example above,
    via auth purpose as service principal along with auth type as instance principal, can be achieved like this:

- name: List vcns
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    auth_type: "instance_principal"
    auth_purpose: "service_principal
    region: "us-ashburn-1"

Delegation Auth

  • Can be used when running via cloud shell. Read more.

- name: List vcns
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    auth_type: "instance_obo_user"
    region: "us-ashburn-1"

Resource Principal

  • Very similar to instance principal auth but used for resources
    that are not instances, such as serverless functions.

- name: List vcns
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    auth_type: "resource_principal"
    region: "us-ashburn-1"

Token Based Authentication

  • Token-based authentication allows customers to authenticate their session using CLI interactively, then use OCI Ansible for a single session without an API signing key. This enables customers using an identity provider that is not SCIM-supported to use a federated user account with OCI Ansible. Please check Token-based Authentication for the CLI for details on how to generate the session token using CLI.

- name: List vcns
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    auth_type: "security_token"
    region: "us-ashburn-1"


The following parameters need to be set when one of the above authentication mechanism is chosen.


Description:                          Choose one of the authentication mechanisms listed above.

Type:                                 String

Default:                              api_key

Configuration Mechanisms:

        Environment Variable:         OCI_ANSIBLE_AUTH_TYPE

        Module Option:                auth_type

Options:                              [api_key, instance_obo_user, instance_principal, resource_principal]


Description:                          The full path to a CA certificate bundle to be used for SSL verification.

Type:                                 String

Default:                              None

Configuration Mechanisms:

        Environment Variable:         OCI_ANSIBLE_CERT_BUNDLE

        Module Option:                cert_bundle

Used:                                 This will override the default CA certificate bundle used to do ssl verification by SDK.


Description:                          OCID of your tenancy.

Type:                                 String

Configuration Mechanisms:

        Environment Variable:         OCI_TENANCY

        Module Option:                tenancy

        SDK and CLI Configuration     tenancy

Used:                                 When auth_type is api_key (required)


Description:                          The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region to use for all OCI API requests.

Type:                                 String

Configuration Mechanisms:

        Environment Variable:         OCI_REGION

        Module Option:                region

        SDK and CLI Configuration     region

Used:                                 When auth_type is api_key (required)


Description:                          The OCID of the user, on whose behalf, OCI APIs are invoked.

Type:                                 String

Configuration Mechanisms:

        Environment Variable:         OCI_USER_ID

        Module Option:                api_user

        SDK and CLI Configuration     user

Used:                                 When auth_type is api_key (required)


Description:                          Fingerprint for the key pair being used

Type:                                 String

Configuration Mechanisms:

        Environment Variable:         OCI_USER_FINGERPRINT

        Module Option:                api_user_fingerprint

        SDK and CLI Configuration     fingerprint

Used:                                 When auth_type is api_key (required)


Description:                          Full path and filename of the private key (in PEM format)

Type:                                 String

Configuration Mechanisms:

        Environment Variable:         OCI_USER_KEY_FILE

        Module Option:                api_user_key_file

        SDK and CLI Configuration     key_file

Used:                                 When auth_type is api_key (required)


Description:                          Passphrase used by the key referenced in api_user_key_file, if it is encrypted

Type:                                 String

Configuration Mechanisms:

        Environment Variable:         OCI_USER_KEY_PASS_PHRASE

        Module Option:                api_user_key_pass_phrase

        SDK and CLI Configuration     pass_phrase

Used:                                 When auth_type is api_key (optional)

Module Options Example

Ansible module option auth_type can be set to configure the authentication type, for example, to fetch VCNs in a compartment, we can pass the authentication as below:

- name: List vcns
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    auth_type: "instance_principal"

When auth_type is api_key, tenancy, region and other variables can also be set via module options as below:

- name: List vcns
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    tenancy: "your_tenancy"
    region: "your_oci_region"
    api_user: "api_user"
    api_user_fingerprint: "api_user_fingerprint"
    api_user_key_file: "api_user_key_file"
    api_user_key_pass_phrase: "api_user_key_pass_phrase"

SDK and CLI Configuration

  • SDK configuration files can be used to specify authentication information.

  • To support multiple users, use the “profiles” feature in the SDK configuration file. Read more.

  • The config file location and config profile name can be passed to the ansible module via:

    Environment Variables
    Module Options:
      - config_file_location
      - config_profile_name
  • When neither the module option is used nor the environment variable,
    Config file location defaults to ~/.oci/config

  • When neither the module option is used nor the environment variable,
    Config profile name defaults to the DEFAULT profile in the config file


The following is the precedence order for the configs:

  • Module Options

  • Environment Variables

  • SDK and CLI Configuration file parameters