Installer ScriptΒΆ

Run the following command to install the oci-ansible-collection and its dependencies.

curl -L | bash -s -- --verbose


On some Linux distributions, python-venv support is not there. The script installs the necessary dependencies which require sudo access. Ensure that the current user has sudo permissions before beginning to install the script.

You can also pass arguments to the script for a custom installation. To list all the supported arguments run the following command.

 curl -L | bash -s -- --help

 # List of supported arguments

    Users can use this flag to specify the location where the virtual environment is located or should be created
    if not already present. If this path already exists then it will be used else it will be created.

    default value: ~/lib

    Users can use this flag to specify the python virtual env name where
    python dependencies for oci-ansible-collections will be installed.
    This virtual env is created in the path sepcified in --virtual-env-dir flag else in the default folder path
    used by --virtual-env-dir flag.

    default value: oci-ansible-collection

    Users can specify particular version of ansible python package they want to install. Ex: 2.9
    To use the latest version dont't set this flag (recommended).
    This flag doesn't support upgrading the version in case user has already installed ansible
    and wants to upgrade to a higher version.

    default value: latest version will be installed

    Users can use this flag to specify the location of collections where oci-ansible-collection
    will be installed. Default path for this is determined by ansible-galaxy installer.

    Users can use this flag to specify the version of oci-ansible-collection will be installed.
    To use the latest version don't set any value(recommended). If not specified the latest
    version will be used.
    Ex: 2.20.0

    Speciying --version along with --upgrade will result in a conflict
    Error will raised and installation will not continue.

    default value: latest version is picked

    Users can specify the specific python they want to use for installation.
    Note: minimum python version supported is python3.6

    Users can use this flag to enable more loggings in case of debugging purpose.
    Disabled by default.
    Ex: --verbose    will enable logging

    Runs the script in dry run mode i.e no network calls during installation and installation of dependecies.
    Disabled by default.
    Ex: --dry-run    will enable the dry run mode

    Users can specify this to upgrade the oci-ansible-collection and its required dependencies.
    This is will upgrade oci package and oci-ansible-collection to the latest one.
    Note: This will not upgrade ansible dependency to the latest version.

    Speciying --version along with --upgrade will result in a conflict
    Error will raised and installation will not continue.

    Show help section