generative-ai-inference =========================== Description ----------- OCI Generative AI is a fully managed service that provides a set of state-of-the-art, customizable large language models (LLMs) that cover a wide range of use cases for text generation, summarization, and text embeddings. Use the Generative AI service inference CLI to access your custom model endpoints, or to try the out-of-the-box models to `chat `__, `generate text `__, `summarize `__, and `create text embeddings `__. To use a Generative AI custom model for inference, you must first create an endpoint for that model. Use the [Generative AI service management CLI] to `create a custom model `__ by fine-tuning an out-of-the-box model, or a previous version of a custom model, using your own data. Fine-tune the custom model on a `fine-tuning dedicated AI cluster `__. Then, create a `hosting dedicated AI cluster `__ with an `endpoint `__ to host your custom model. For resource management in the Generative AI service, use the [Generative AI service management CLI]. To learn more about the service, see the `Generative AI documentation `__. Available Commands ------------------ * :doc:`chat-result ` * :doc:`chat ` * :doc:`chat-cohere-chat-request ` * :doc:`chat-dedicated-serving-mode ` * :doc:`chat-generic-chat-request ` * :doc:`chat-on-demand-serving-mode ` * :doc:`embed-text-result ` * :doc:`embed-text ` * :doc:`generate-text-result ` * :doc:`generate-text-cohere-llm-inference-request ` * :doc:`generate-text-llama-llm-inference-request ` * :doc:`summarize-text-result ` * :doc:`summarize-text ` .. toctree:: :hidden: /cmdref/generative-ai-inference/chat-result /cmdref/generative-ai-inference/embed-text-result /cmdref/generative-ai-inference/generate-text-result /cmdref/generative-ai-inference/summarize-text-result