

Returns lineage for a given entity object.


oci data-catalog entity fetch-entity-lineage [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--catalog-id [text]

Unique catalog identifier.

--data-asset-key [text]

Unique data asset key.

--entity-key [text]

Unique entity key.

Optional Parameters

--direction [text]

Direction of the lineage returned.

Accepted values are:

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link: https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/SDKDocs/cliusing.htm#AdvancedJSONOptions

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--intra-lineage-object-key [text]

Unique object key for which intra-lineage needs to be fetched. Only drill-down lineage corresponding to the object whose object key is passed is returned.

--is-intra-lineage [boolean]

Intra-lineages are drill down lineages. This field indicates whether all intra-lineages need to be expanded inline in the lineage returned.

--level [integer]

Object level at which the lineage is returned.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

Example using required parameter

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named example.sh. Run the command by typing “bash example.sh” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration and appropriate security policies before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> # https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/oci-cli/latest/oci_cli_docs/cmdref/data-catalog/catalog/create.html#cmdoption-compartment-id
    export data_asset_key=<substitute-value-of-data_asset_key> # https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/oci-cli/latest/oci_cli_docs/cmdref/data-catalog/entity/fetch-entity-lineage.html#cmdoption-data-asset-key
    export entity_key=<substitute-value-of-entity_key> # https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/oci-cli/latest/oci_cli_docs/cmdref/data-catalog/entity/fetch-entity-lineage.html#cmdoption-entity-key

    catalog_id=$(oci data-catalog catalog create --compartment-id $compartment_id --query data.id --raw-output)

    oci data-catalog entity fetch-entity-lineage --catalog-id $catalog_id --data-asset-key $data_asset_key --entity-key $entity_key