.. contents:: :local:
 :depth: 1
Resets permissions on a given file to an appropriate access level for sensitive files. Generally this is used to fix permissions on a private key file or config file to meet the requirements of the CLI.
On Windows, full control will be given to System, Administrators, and the current user.  On Unix, Read / Write permissions will be given to the current user.

.. code-block:: none

  oci setup repair-file-permissions [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters
.. option:: --file [text]

The file to repair permissions on.

Global Parameters
Use ``oci --help`` for help on global parameters.

:option:`--auth-purpose`, :option:`--auth`, :option:`--cert-bundle`, :option:`--cli-auto-prompt`, :option:`--cli-rc-file`, :option:`--config-file`, :option:`--connection-timeout`, :option:`--debug`, :option:`--defaults-file`, :option:`--endpoint`, :option:`--generate-full-command-json-input`, :option:`--generate-param-json-input`, :option:`--help`, :option:`--latest-version`, :option:`--max-retries`, :option:`--no-retry`, :option:`--opc-client-request-id`, :option:`--opc-request-id`, :option:`--output`, :option:`--profile`, :option:`--proxy`, :option:`--query`, :option:`--raw-output`, :option:`--read-timeout`, :option:`--realm-specific-endpoint`, :option:`--region`, :option:`--release-info`, :option:`--request-id`, :option:`--version`, :option:`-?`, :option:`-d`, :option:`-h`, :option:`-i`, :option:`-v`