Resource Scheduler

oci.resource_scheduler.ScheduleClient Use the Resource scheduler API to manage schedules, to perform actions on a collection of resources.
oci.resource_scheduler.ScheduleClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around ScheduleClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.resource_scheduler.models.CompartmentIdResourceFilter This is a resource filter for filtering resource based on compartment OCID.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.CreateScheduleDetails This is the data to create a schedule.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.DefinedTagFilterValue This is a defined tag filter value.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.DefinedTagsResourceFilter This is a resource filter for filtering resource based on a defined tag.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.LifecycleStateResourceFilter This is a resource filter for filtering resources based on their lifecycle state.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.Resource This is the schedule resource entity.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.ResourceFilter This is a generic filter used to decide which resources that the schedule be applied to.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.ResourceType This is a resource type supported by resource scheduler.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.ResourceTypeCollection This is the collection of resource types supported by resource scheduler.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.ResourceTypeResourceFilter This is a resource filter for filtering resource based on resource type.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.Schedule A Schedule describes the date and time when an operation will be or has been applied to a set of resources.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.ScheduleCollection This is the list of schedule items.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.ScheduleSummary This is the summary information about a schedule.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.TimeCreatedResourceFilter This is a resource filter for filtering resources based on their creation time.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.UpdateScheduleDetails This is the data to update a schedule.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.WorkRequest This is an asynchronous work request.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.WorkRequestError This is an error encountered while performing an operation that is tracked by a work request.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection This is a list of work request errors.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.WorkRequestLogEntry This is a log message from performing an operation that is tracked by a work request.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection This is a list of work request logs.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.WorkRequestResource This is a resource created or operated on by a work request.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.WorkRequestSummary This is the summary information about an asynchronous work request.
oci.resource_scheduler.models.WorkRequestSummaryCollection This is a list of work requests.