
class oci.monitoring.models.AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem(**kwargs)

Bases: object

A summary of properties for the specified alarm suppression history item.


LEVEL_ALARM A constant which can be used with the level property of a AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
LEVEL_DIMENSION A constant which can be used with the level property of a AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
alarm_suppression_target [Required] Gets the alarm_suppression_target of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
description Gets the description of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
dimensions Gets the dimensions of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
display_name [Required] Gets the display_name of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
level [Required] Gets the level of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
suppression_conditions Gets the suppression_conditions of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
suppression_id [Required] Gets the suppression_id of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
time_effective_from [Required] Gets the time_effective_from of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
time_effective_until [Required] Gets the time_effective_until of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem object with values from keyword arguments.

A constant which can be used with the level property of a AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. This constant has a value of “ALARM”


A constant which can be used with the level property of a AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. This constant has a value of “DIMENSION”


Initializes a new AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • suppression_id (str) – The value to assign to the suppression_id property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
  • alarm_suppression_target (oci.monitoring.models.AlarmSuppressionTarget) – The value to assign to the alarm_suppression_target property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
  • level (str) – The value to assign to the level property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. Allowed values for this property are: “ALARM”, “DIMENSION”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • display_name (str) – The value to assign to the display_name property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
  • description (str) – The value to assign to the description property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
  • dimensions (dict(str, str)) – The value to assign to the dimensions property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
  • time_effective_from (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_effective_from property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
  • time_effective_until (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_effective_until property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
  • suppression_conditions (list[oci.monitoring.models.SuppressionCondition]) – The value to assign to the suppression_conditions property of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.

[Required] Gets the alarm_suppression_target of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.

Returns:The alarm_suppression_target of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:oci.monitoring.models.AlarmSuppressionTarget

Gets the description of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. Human-readable reason for this alarm suppression. It does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.

Oracle recommends including tracking information for the event or associated work, such as a ticket number.

Example: Planned outage due to change IT-1234.

Returns:The description of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:str

Gets the dimensions of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. Configured dimension filter for suppressing alarm state entries that include the set of specified dimension key-value pairs.

Example: {“resourceId”: “ocid1.instance.region1.phx.exampleuniqueID”}

Returns:The dimensions of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:dict(str, str)

[Required] Gets the display_name of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. A user-friendly name for the alarm suppression. It does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.

Returns:The display_name of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the level of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. The level of this alarm suppression. ALARM indicates a suppression of the entire alarm, regardless of dimension. DIMENSION indicates a suppression configured for specified dimensions.

Allowed values for this property are: “ALARM”, “DIMENSION”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The level of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:str

Gets the suppression_conditions of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. Array of all preconditions for alarm suppression. Example: `[{

conditionType: “RECURRENCE”, suppressionRecurrence: “FRQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=10”, suppressionDuration: “PT1H”


Returns:The suppression_conditions of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:list[oci.monitoring.models.SuppressionCondition]

[Required] Gets the suppression_id of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. The OCID of the alarm suppression.

Returns:The suppression_id of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the time_effective_from of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. The start date and time for the suppression actually starts, inclusive. Format defined by RFC3339.

Example: 2023-02-01T01:02:29.600Z

Returns:The time_effective_from of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:datetime

[Required] Gets the time_effective_until of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem. The end date and time for the suppression actually ends, inclusive. Format defined by RFC3339.

Example: 2023-02-01T02:02:29.600Z

Returns:The time_effective_until of this AlarmSuppressionHistoryItem.
Return type:datetime