
oci.mngdmac.MacDeviceClient Use the OCI Managed Services for Mac API to create and manage orders for dedicated, partially-managed Mac servers hosted in an OCI Data Center.
oci.mngdmac.MacOrderClient Use the OCI Managed Services for Mac API to create and manage orders for dedicated, partially-managed Mac servers hosted in an OCI Data Center.
oci.mngdmac.MacDeviceClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around MacDeviceClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.mngdmac.MacOrderClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around MacOrderClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.mngdmac.models.CancelMacOrderDetails The data to cancel a MacOrder.
oci.mngdmac.models.ChangeMacOrderCompartmentDetails The configuration details for the move operation.
oci.mngdmac.models.CreateMacOrderDetails The data to create a new MacOrder.
oci.mngdmac.models.CreateNodeConfigDetails The data to create a new NodeConfig.
oci.mngdmac.models.MacDevice Represents a MacDevice resource.
oci.mngdmac.models.MacDeviceCollection Results of a MacDevice search.
oci.mngdmac.models.MacDeviceSummary Summary information about a MacDevice.
oci.mngdmac.models.MacOrder A description of a MacOrder resource.
oci.mngdmac.models.MacOrderCollection Results of a MacOrder search.
oci.mngdmac.models.MacOrderSummary Summary information about a MacOrder.
oci.mngdmac.models.NodeConfig Represents a MacDevice resource.
oci.mngdmac.models.OpsActionCreateMacDeviceDetails The data to create a MacDevice in MAC_DEVICE bucket.
oci.mngdmac.models.OpsActionUpdateMacDeviceDetails The data to update a MacDevice in MAC_DEVICE bucket.
oci.mngdmac.models.OpsActionUpdateMacOrderDetails The data to update an order in MAC_ORDER bucket.
oci.mngdmac.models.UpdateMacOrderDetails The data to update a MacOrder.
oci.mngdmac.models.UpdateNodeConfigDetails The data to update a new NodeConfig.
oci.mngdmac.models.WorkRequest An asynchronous work request.
oci.mngdmac.models.WorkRequestError An error encountered while performing an operation that is tracked by a work request.
oci.mngdmac.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection A list of work request errors.
oci.mngdmac.models.WorkRequestLogEntry A log message from performing an operation that is tracked by a work request.
oci.mngdmac.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection A list of work request logs.
oci.mngdmac.models.WorkRequestResource A resource created or operated on by a work request.
oci.mngdmac.models.WorkRequestSummary Summary information about an asynchronous work request.
oci.mngdmac.models.WorkRequestSummaryCollection A list of work requests.