
Clients only require a valid config object:

>>> from oci.identity import IdentityClient
>>> identity = IdentityClient(config)

CRUD operations and Pagination

Creating entities

Let’s create a new user and group, and add the user to the group. Then we’ll list all users in the tenancy, and finally clean up the user and group we created.

First, we’ll need to create a valid config object and service client. If you haven’t set up a config file, head over to the Configuration section to create one. We’ll use the default location ~/.oci/config and default profile name DEFAULT to create an Identity client. Since we’ll be using the root compartment (or tenancy) for most operations, let’s also extract that from the config object:

>>> import oci
>>> config = oci.config.from_file()
>>> identity = oci.identity.IdentityClient(config)
>>> compartment_id = config["tenancy"]

Next we’ll need to populate an instance of the CreateGroupDetails model with our request, and then send it:

>>> from oci.identity.models import CreateGroupDetails
>>> request = CreateGroupDetails()
>>> request.compartment_id = compartment_id
>>> request.name = "my-test-group"
>>> request.description = "Created with the Python SDK"

>>> group = identity.create_group(request)
>>> print(group.data.id)
"id": "ocid1.group.oc1..aaaaaaaaikib..."

Creating a user is very similar:

>>> from oci.identity.models import CreateUserDetails
>>> request = CreateUserDetails()
>>> request.compartment_id = compartment_id
>>> request.name = "my-test-user"
>>> request.description = "Created with the Python SDK"
>>> user = identity.create_user(request)
>>> print(user.data.id)

Using the ids from the group and user above, we can add the user to the group:

>>> from oci.identity.models import AddUserToGroupDetails
>>> request = AddUserToGroupDetails()
>>> request.group_id = group.data.id
>>> request.user_id = user.data.id
>>> response = identity.add_user_to_group(request)
>>> print(response.status)

Listing with Pagination

List operations use pagination to limit the size of each response. The Python SDK exposes the pagination values through the has_next_page and next_page attributes on each response. For example, listing users in the root compartment:

>>> first_page = identity.list_users(compartment_id=compartment_id)
>>> len(first_page.data)
>>> first_page.has_next_page
>>> first_page.next_page

Even though a response includes a next page, there may not be more results. The last page will return an empty list, and will not have a next_page token.

You can manually iterate through responses, providing the page from the previous response to the next request. For example:

response = identity.list_users(compartment_id)
users = response.data
while response.has_next_page:
    response = identity.list_users(compartment_id, page=response.next_page)

As a convenience over manually writing pagination code, you can make use of the functions in the pagination module to:

  • Eagerly load all possible results from a list call
  • Eagerly load all results from a list call up to a given limit
  • Lazily load results (either all results, or up to a given limit) from a list call via a generator. These generators can yield either values/models or the raw response from calling the list operation

For examples on pagination, please check GitHub.

Deleting entities

Now to clean up the entities we created. Users can’t be deleted if they’re still part of a group, and groups can’t be deleted if they still have users. So we need to use identity.remove_user_from_group, which takes a user_group_membership_id. Because users and groups can have any number of relationships, we’ll use list_user_group_memberships and provide both optional parameters user_id and group_id to constrain the result set:

>>> memberships = identity.list_user_group_memberships(
...     compartment_id=compartment_id,
...     user_id=user.data.id,
...     group_id=group.data.id)
# There can never be more than one membership for a unique user/group combination
>>> assert len(memberships.data) == 1
>>> membership_id = memberships.data[0].id

Finally, we can remove the user from the group, and delete both resources. Here we’re using response.status to make sure the delete responded with 204:

>>> identity.remove_user_from_group(
...     user_group_membership_id=membership_id).status
>>> identity.delete_user(user_id=user.data.id).status
>>> identity.delete_group(group_id=group.data.id).status

Working with Bytes

When using object storage, you’ll need to provide a namespace, in addition to your compartment id:

>>> object_storage = oci.object_storage.ObjectStorageClient(config)
>>> namespace = object_storage.get_namespace().data

To upload an object, we’ll create a bucket:

>>> from oci.object_storage.models import CreateBucketDetails
>>> request = CreateBucketDetails()
>>> request.compartment_id = compartment_id
>>> request.name = "MyTestBucket"
>>> bucket = object_storage.create_bucket(namespace, request)
>>> bucket.data.etag

Now we can upload arbitrary bytes:

>>> my_data = b"Hello, World!"
>>> obj = object_storage.put_object(
...     namespace,
...     bucket.data.name,
...     "my-object-name",
...     my_data)

And to get it back:

>>> same_obj = object_storage.get_object(
...     namespace,
...     bucket.data.name,
...     "my-object-name")
... same_obj.data
<Response [200]>
... same_obj.data.content
b'Hello, World!'

Next Steps

Next, head to the User Guides or jump right into the API Reference to explore the available operations for each service, and their parameters. Additional Python examples can be found on GitHub.


The Python SDK uses lowercase_with_underscores for operations and parameters. For example, the ListApiKeys operation is called with IdentityClient.list_api_keys and its parameter userId is translated to user_id.