Data Source: oci_data_safe_audit_trail_analytic

This data source provides details about a specific Audit Trail Analytic resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Safe service.

Gets a list of audit trail aggregated details . A audit trail aggregation helps understand the overall state of trails. As an example, it helps understand how many trails are running or stopped. It is especially useful to create dashboards or to support analytics.

The parameter accessLevel specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn’t have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when compartmentIdInSubtree is set to true.

The parameter compartmentIdInSubtree applies when you perform AuditTrailAnalytics on the compartmentId passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree to true and accessLevel to ACCESSIBLE.

Example Usage

data "oci_data_safe_audit_trail_analytic" "test_audit_trail_analytic" {
	compartment_id = var.compartment_id

	access_level = var.audit_trail_analytic_access_level
	compartment_id_in_subtree = var.audit_trail_analytic_compartment_id_in_subtree
	group_by = var.audit_trail_analytic_group_by
	target_id =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported: