This resource provides the Workspace Task resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration service.
Creates a new task ready for performing data integrations. There are specialized types of tasks that include data loader and integration tasks.
Example Usage
resource "oci_dataintegration_workspace_task" "test_workspace_task" {
identifier = var.workspace_task_identifier
model_type = var.workspace_task_model_type
name = var.workspace_task_name
registry_metadata {
aggregator_key = var.workspace_task_registry_metadata_aggregator_key
is_favorite = var.workspace_task_registry_metadata_is_favorite
key = var.workspace_task_registry_metadata_key
labels = var.workspace_task_registry_metadata_labels
registry_version = var.workspace_task_registry_metadata_registry_version
workspace_id = oci_dataintegration_workspace.test_workspace.id
api_call_mode = var.workspace_task_api_call_mode
auth_config {
key = var.workspace_task_auth_config_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_auth_config_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_auth_config_model_version
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_auth_config_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
resource_principal_source = var.workspace_task_auth_config_resource_principal_source
auth_details {
key = var.workspace_task_auth_details_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_auth_details_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_auth_details_model_version
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_auth_details_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
cancel_endpoint {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
expr_string = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_expr_string
key = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_cancel_endpoint_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
cancel_method_type = var.workspace_task_cancel_method_type
cancel_rest_call_config {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
method_type = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_method_type
request_headers = var.workspace_task_cancel_rest_call_config_request_headers
conditional_composite_field_map {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
description = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_description
field_map_scope {
model_type = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_model_type
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
description = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_description
from_name = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_from_name
is_cascade = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_is_cascade
is_case_sensitive = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_is_case_sensitive
is_java_regex_syntax = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_is_java_regex_syntax
is_skip_remaining_rules_on_match = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_is_skip_remaining_rules_on_match
key = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_key
matching_strategy = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_matching_strategy
model_version = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_name
names = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_names
object_status = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
pattern = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_pattern
rule_type = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_rule_type
scope = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_scope
to_name = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_to_name
types = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_map_scope_types
field_maps = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_field_maps
key = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_conditional_composite_field_map_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
config_provider_delegate {
bindings {
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_config_provider_delegate_bindings_root_object_value
simple_value = var.workspace_task_config_provider_delegate_bindings_simple_value
data_flow {
description = var.workspace_task_data_flow_description
flow_config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_flow_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_flow_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_flow_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_flow_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_flow_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_flow_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_data_flow_flow_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
identifier = var.workspace_task_data_flow_identifier
key = var.workspace_task_data_flow_key
key_map = var.workspace_task_data_flow_key_map
metadata {
aggregator {
description = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_aggregator_description
identifier = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_aggregator_identifier
key = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_aggregator_key
name = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_aggregator_name
type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_aggregator_type
aggregator_key = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_aggregator_key
count_statistics {
object_type_count_list {
object_count = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_count_statistics_object_type_count_list_object_count
object_type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_count_statistics_object_type_count_list_object_type
created_by = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_created_by
created_by_name = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_created_by_name
identifier_path = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_identifier_path
info_fields = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_info_fields
is_favorite = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_is_favorite
labels = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_labels
registry_version = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_registry_version
time_created = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_time_created
time_updated = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_time_updated
updated_by = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_updated_by
updated_by_name = var.workspace_task_data_flow_metadata_updated_by_name
model_type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_data_flow_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_data_flow_name
nodes {
config_provider_delegate = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_config_provider_delegate
description = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_description
input_links {
description = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_description
field_map = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_field_map
from_link = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_from_link
key = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
port = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_input_links_port
key = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_object_status
operator = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_operator
output_links {
description = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_output_links_description
key = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_output_links_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_output_links_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_output_links_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_output_links_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_output_links_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
port = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_output_links_port
to_links = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_output_links_to_links
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
ui_properties {
coordinate_x = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_ui_properties_coordinate_x
coordinate_y = var.workspace_task_data_flow_nodes_ui_properties_coordinate_y
object_status = var.workspace_task_data_flow_object_status
object_version = var.workspace_task_data_flow_object_version
parameters {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
default_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_default_value
description = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_description
is_input = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_is_input
is_output = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_is_output
key = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_object_status
output_aggregation_type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_output_aggregation_type
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
root_object_default_value = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_root_object_default_value
type = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_type
type_name = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_type_name
used_for = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parameters_used_for
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_data_flow_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
target_field_map_summary {
field_map = var.workspace_task_data_flow_target_field_map_summary_field_map
typed_object_map {
typed_object = var.workspace_task_data_flow_typed_object_map_typed_object
dataflow_application {
application_id = oci_dataflow_application.test_application.id
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_dataflow_application_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_dataflow_application_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_dataflow_application_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_dataflow_application_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_dataflow_application_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_dataflow_application_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_dataflow_application_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
description = var.workspace_task_description
endpoint {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_endpoint_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_endpoint_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
expr_string = var.workspace_task_endpoint_expr_string
key = var.workspace_task_endpoint_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_endpoint_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_endpoint_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_endpoint_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_endpoint_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
execute_rest_call_config {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
method_type = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_method_type
request_headers = var.workspace_task_execute_rest_call_config_request_headers
headers = var.workspace_task_headers
input_ports {
model_type = var.workspace_task_input_ports_model_type
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_input_ports_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_input_ports_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_input_ports_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_input_ports_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_input_ports_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_input_ports_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_input_ports_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
description = var.workspace_task_input_ports_description
fields = var.workspace_task_input_ports_fields
key = var.workspace_task_input_ports_key
model_version = var.workspace_task_input_ports_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_input_ports_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_input_ports_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_input_ports_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
port_type = var.workspace_task_input_ports_port_type
is_single_load = var.workspace_task_is_single_load
json_data = var.workspace_task_json_data
key = var.workspace_task_key
method_type = var.workspace_task_method_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_object_status
op_config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_op_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_op_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_op_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_op_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_op_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_op_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_op_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
operation = var.workspace_task_operation
output_ports {
model_type = var.workspace_task_output_ports_model_type
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_output_ports_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_output_ports_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_output_ports_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_output_ports_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_output_ports_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_output_ports_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_output_ports_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
description = var.workspace_task_output_ports_description
fields = var.workspace_task_output_ports_fields
key = var.workspace_task_output_ports_key
model_version = var.workspace_task_output_ports_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_output_ports_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_output_ports_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_output_ports_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
port_type = var.workspace_task_output_ports_port_type
parallel_load_limit = var.workspace_task_parallel_load_limit
parameters {
model_type = var.workspace_task_parameters_model_type
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_parameters_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
default_value = var.workspace_task_parameters_default_value
description = var.workspace_task_parameters_description
is_input = var.workspace_task_parameters_is_input
is_output = var.workspace_task_parameters_is_output
key = var.workspace_task_parameters_key
model_version = var.workspace_task_parameters_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_parameters_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_parameters_object_status
output_aggregation_type = var.workspace_task_parameters_output_aggregation_type
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_parameters_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
root_object_default_value = var.workspace_task_parameters_root_object_default_value
type = var.workspace_task_parameters_type
type_name = var.workspace_task_parameters_type_name
used_for = var.workspace_task_parameters_used_for
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
pipeline {
description = var.workspace_task_pipeline_description
flow_config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_flow_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_flow_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_flow_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_flow_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_flow_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_flow_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_flow_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
identifier = var.workspace_task_pipeline_identifier
key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_key
metadata {
aggregator {
description = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_aggregator_description
identifier = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_aggregator_identifier
key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_aggregator_key
name = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_aggregator_name
type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_aggregator_type
aggregator_key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_aggregator_key
count_statistics {
object_type_count_list {
object_count = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_count_statistics_object_type_count_list_object_count
object_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_count_statistics_object_type_count_list_object_type
created_by = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_created_by
created_by_name = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_created_by_name
identifier_path = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_identifier_path
info_fields = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_info_fields
is_favorite = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_is_favorite
labels = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_labels
registry_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_registry_version
time_created = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_time_created
time_updated = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_time_updated
updated_by = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_updated_by
updated_by_name = var.workspace_task_pipeline_metadata_updated_by_name
model_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_pipeline_name
nodes {
config_provider_delegate = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_config_provider_delegate
description = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_description
input_links {
description = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_description
field_map = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_field_map
from_link = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_from_link
key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
port = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_input_links_port
key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_object_status
operator = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_operator
output_links {
description = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_output_links_description
key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_output_links_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_output_links_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_output_links_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_output_links_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_output_links_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
port = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_output_links_port
to_links = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_output_links_to_links
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
ui_properties {
coordinate_x = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_ui_properties_coordinate_x
coordinate_y = var.workspace_task_pipeline_nodes_ui_properties_coordinate_y
object_status = var.workspace_task_pipeline_object_status
object_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_object_version
parameters {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
default_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_default_value
description = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_description
is_input = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_is_input
is_output = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_is_output
key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_object_status
output_aggregation_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_output_aggregation_type
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
root_object_default_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_root_object_default_value
type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_type
type_name = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_type_name
used_for = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parameters_used_for
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
variables {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
default_value = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_default_value
description = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_description
identifier = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_identifier
key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_object_status
object_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_object_version
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
root_object_default_value {
key = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_root_object_default_value_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_root_object_default_value_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_root_object_default_value_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_root_object_default_value_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_root_object_default_value_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
type = var.workspace_task_pipeline_variables_type
poll_rest_call_config {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
method_type = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_method_type
request_headers = var.workspace_task_poll_rest_call_config_request_headers
script {
key = var.workspace_task_script_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_script_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_script_model_version
object_status = var.workspace_task_script_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_script_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
sql_script_type = var.workspace_task_sql_script_type
typed_expressions {
config_values {
config_param_values {
int_value = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_config_values_config_param_values_int_value
object_value = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_config_values_config_param_values_object_value
parameter_value = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_config_values_config_param_values_parameter_value
ref_value = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_config_values_config_param_values_ref_value
root_object_value = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_config_values_config_param_values_root_object_value
string_value = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_config_values_config_param_values_string_value
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_config_values_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
description = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_description
expression = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_expression
key = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_key
model_type = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_model_type
model_version = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_model_version
name = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_name
object_status = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_object_status
parent_ref {
parent = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_parent_ref_parent
root_doc_id = oci_dataintegration_root_doc.test_root_doc.id
type = var.workspace_task_typed_expressions_type
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST invocation pattern to use. ASYNC_OCI_WORKREQUEST is being deprecated as well as cancelEndpoint/MethodType.auth_config
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Authentication configuration for Generic REST invocation.key
- (Optional) (Updatable) Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify this object.model_type
- (Optional) (Updatable) The specific authentication configuration to be used for Generic REST invocation.model_version
- (Optional) (Updatable) The model version of an object.parent_ref
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource type that will supply the authentication token
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Authentication type to be used for Generic REST invocation. This is deprecated.key
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify data flow. On scenarios where reference to the data flow is needed, a value can be passed in create.model_type
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The authentication mode to be used for Generic REST invocation.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An expression node.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The expression string for the object.key
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The object key.model_type
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The object type.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The object’s model version.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST method to use for canceling the original request.cancel_rest_call_config
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST API configuration for cancelling the task.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST method to use.request_headers
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The headers for the REST call.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) A conditional composite field map.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.field_map_scope
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) An array of projection rules.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) A user defined description for the object.from_name
- (Applicable when model_type=RENAME_RULE) (Updatable) The attribute name that needs to be renamed.is_cascade
- (Applicable when model_type=GROUPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | NAME_LIST_RULE | NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPE_LIST_RULE) (Updatable) Specifies whether to cascade or not.is_case_sensitive
- (Applicable when model_type=GROUPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | NAME_LIST_RULE | NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPE_LIST_RULE) (Updatable) Specifies if the rule is case sensitive.is_java_regex_syntax
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Specifies whether the rule uses a java regex syntax.is_skip_remaining_rules_on_match
- (Optional) (Updatable) Specifies whether to skip remaining rules when a match is found.key
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.matching_strategy
- (Applicable when model_type=GROUPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | NAME_LIST_RULE | NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPE_LIST_RULE) (Updatable) The pattern matching strategy.model_type
- (Required) (Updatable) The type of the project rule.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=GROUPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE) (Updatable) Name of the group.names
- (Applicable when model_type=NAME_LIST_RULE | TYPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=GROUPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE) (Updatable) The rule pattern.rule_type
- (Applicable when model_type=GROUPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | NAME_LIST_RULE | NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPE_LIST_RULE) (Updatable) The rule type.scope
- (Applicable when model_type=GROUPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | NAME_LIST_RULE | NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPE_LIST_RULE) (Updatable) Reference to a typed object. This can be either a key value to an object within the document, a shall referenced to aTypedObject
, or a fullTypedObject
- (Applicable when model_type=RENAME_RULE) (Updatable) The new attribute name.types
- (Applicable when model_type=TYPED_NAME_PATTERN_RULE | TYPE_LIST_RULE) (Updatable) An array of types.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) An array of field maps.key
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The object key.model_type
- (Required when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The model type for the field map.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The object’s model version.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) The type to create a config provider.bindings
- (Optional) bindingsroot_object_value
- (Optional) This can be any object such as a file entity, a schema, or a table.simple_value
- (Optional) A simple value for the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The data flow type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the data flow.description
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.flow_config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.key
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify data flow. On scenarios where reference to the data flow is needed, a value can be passed in create.key_map
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A key map. If provided, key is replaced with generated key. This structure provides mapping between user provided key and generated key.metadata
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A summary type containing information about the object including its key, name and when/who created/updated it.aggregator
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A summary type containing information about the object’s aggregator including its type, key, name and description.description
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The description of the aggregator.identifier
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The identifier of the aggregator.key
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the aggregator object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The name of the aggregator.type
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the aggregator.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The owning object key for this object.count_statistics
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A count statistics.object_type_count_list
- (Required when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The array of statistics.object_count
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The value for the count statistic object.object_type
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The type of object for the count statistic object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The user that created the object.created_by_name
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The user that created the object.identifier_path
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The full path to identify this object.info_fields
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Information property fields.is_favorite
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Specifies whether this object is a favorite or not.labels
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Labels are keywords or tags that you can add to data assets, dataflows and so on. You can define your own labels and use them to categorize content.registry_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The registry version of the object.time_created
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The date and time that the object was created.time_updated
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The date and time that the object was updated.updated_by
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The user that updated the object.updated_by_name
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The user that updated the object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.nodes
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An array of nodes.config_provider_delegate
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The information about the configuration provider.description
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.input_links
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An array of input links.description
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.field_map
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A field map is a way to map a source row shape to a target row shape that may be different.from_link
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The from link reference.key
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The model type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of FlowPort reference
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.operator
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An operator defines some data integration semantics in a data flow. It may be reading/writing data or transforming the data.output_links
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An array of output links.description
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.key
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The model type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of FlowPort referenceto_links
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The links from this output link to connect to other links in flow.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The UI properties of the object.coordinate_x
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The X coordinate of the object.coordinate_y
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The Y coordinate of the object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.object_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The version of the object that is used to track changes in the object instance.parameters
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An array of parameters.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The default value of the parameter.description
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.is_input
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Specifies whether the parameter is input value.is_output
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Specifies whether the parameter is output value.key
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the types object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.output_aggregation_type
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The output aggregation type.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The default value of the parameter which can be an object in DIS, such as a data entity.type
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) This can either be a string value referencing the type or a BaseType object.type_name
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The type of value the parameter was created for.used_for
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) The param name for which parameter is created for for eg. driver Shape, Operation etc.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A hash map that maps TypedObject keys to a field map that maps to the typed object as a target, for java sdk.field_map
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A field map is a way to map a source row shape to a target row shape that may be different.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) A hash map that maps TypedObject keys to the object itself, for java sdk.typed_object
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK | INTEGRATION_TASK) (Updatable) TheTypedObject
class is a base class for any model object that has a type.
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) Minimum information required to recognize a Dataflow Application object.application_id
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) The application id for which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure data flow task is to be created.compartment_id
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) The compartmentId id under which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure dataflow application lies.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=OCI_DATAFLOW_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.endpoint
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An expression node.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The expression string for the object.key
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The object key.model_type
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The object type.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The object’s model version.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST API configuration for execution.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST method to use.request_headers
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The headers for the REST call.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The headers for the REST call. This property is deprecated, use ExecuteRestCallConfig’s headers property instead.identifier
- (Required) (Updatable) Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.input_ports
- (Optional) (Updatable) An array of input ports.config_values
- (Optional) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Optional) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.fields
- (Optional) (Updatable) An array of fields.key
- (Optional) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required) (Updatable) The type of the types object.model_version
- (Optional) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Optional) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Optional) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) The port details for the data asset.Type.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Defines whether Data Loader task is used for single load or multiplejson_data
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) JSON data for payload body. This property is deprecated, use ExecuteRestCallConfig’s payload config param instead.key
- (Optional) (Updatable) Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify task. On scenarios where reference to the task is needed, a value can be passed in create.method_type
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST method to use. This property is deprecated, use ExecuteRestCallConfig’s methodType property instead.model_type
- (Required) (Updatable) The type of the task.model_version
- (Optional) (Updatable) The object’s model version.name
- (Required) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Optional) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.op_config_values
- (Optional) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Optional) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) Describes the shape of the execution resultoutput_ports
- (Optional) (Updatable) An array of output ports.config_values
- (Optional) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Optional) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.fields
- (Optional) (Updatable) An array of fields.key
- (Optional) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required) (Updatable) The type of the types object.model_version
- (Optional) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Optional) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Optional) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) The port details for the data asset.Type.
- (Applicable when model_type=DATA_LOADER_TASK) (Updatable) Defines the number of entities being loaded in parallel at a time for a Data Loader taskparameters
- (Optional) (Updatable) An array of parameters.config_values
- (Optional) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Optional) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Optional) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) The default value of the parameter.description
- (Optional) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.is_input
- (Optional) (Updatable) Specifies whether the parameter is input value.is_output
- (Optional) (Updatable) Specifies whether the parameter is output value.key
- (Optional) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required) (Updatable) The type of the types object.model_version
- (Optional) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Optional) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Optional) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.output_aggregation_type
- (Optional) (Updatable) The output aggregation type.parent_ref
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Optional) (Updatable) The default value of the parameter which can be an object in DIS, such as a data entity.type
- (Optional) (Updatable) This can either be a string value referencing the type or a BaseType object.type_name
- (Optional) (Updatable) The type of value the parameter was created for.used_for
- (Optional) (Updatable) The param name for which parameter is created for for eg. driver Shape, Operation etc.
- (Optional) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A pipeline is a logical grouping of tasks that together perform a higher level operation. For example, a pipeline could contain a set of tasks that load and clean data, then execute a dataflow to analyze the data. The pipeline allows you to manage the activities as a unit instead of individually. Users can also schedule the pipeline instead of the tasks independently.description
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.flow_config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.key
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify pipeline. On scenarios where reference to the pipeline is needed, a value can be passed in create.metadata
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A summary type containing information about the object including its key, name and when/who created/updated it.aggregator
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A summary type containing information about the object’s aggregator including its type, key, name and description.description
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The description of the aggregator.identifier
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The identifier of the aggregator.key
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the aggregator object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The name of the aggregator.type
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the aggregator.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The owning object key for this object.count_statistics
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A count statistics.object_type_count_list
- (Required when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The array of statistics.object_count
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The value for the count statistic object.object_type
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The type of object for the count statistic object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The user that created the object.created_by_name
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The user that created the object.identifier_path
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The full path to identify this object.info_fields
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Information property fields.is_favorite
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Specifies whether this object is a favorite or not.labels
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Labels are keywords or tags that you can add to data assets, dataflows and so on. You can define your own labels and use them to categorize content.registry_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The registry version of the object.time_created
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The date and time that the object was created.time_updated
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The date and time that the object was updated.updated_by
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The user that updated the object.updated_by_name
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The user that updated the object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) This is a version number that is used by the service to upgrade objects if needed through releases of the service.name
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.nodes
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A list of nodes attached to the pipeline.config_provider_delegate
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The information about the configuration provider.description
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.input_links
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An array of input links.description
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.field_map
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A field map is a way to map a source row shape to a target row shape that may be different.from_link
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The from link reference.key
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The model type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of FlowPort reference
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.operator
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An operator defines some data integration semantics in a data flow. It may be reading/writing data or transforming the data.output_links
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An array of output links.description
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.key
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The model type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of FlowPort referenceto_links
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The links from this output link to connect to other links in flow.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The UI properties of the object.coordinate_x
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The X coordinate of the object.coordinate_y
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The Y coordinate of the object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.object_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) This is used by the service for optimistic locking of the object, to prevent multiple users from simultaneously updating the object.parameters
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A list of parameters for the pipeline, this allows certain aspects of the pipeline to be configured when the pipeline is executed.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The default value of the parameter.description
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.is_input
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Specifies whether the parameter is input value.is_output
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Specifies whether the parameter is output value.key
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the types object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.output_aggregation_type
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The output aggregation type.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The default value of the parameter which can be an object in DIS, such as a data entity.type
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) This can either be a string value referencing the type or a BaseType object.type_name
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The type of value the parameter was created for.used_for
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The param name for which parameter is created for for eg. driver Shape, Operation etc.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The list of variables required in pipeline, variables can be used to store values that can be used as inputs to tasks in the pipeline.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A default value for the vairable.description
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.identifier
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.key
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify variable. On scenarios where reference to the variable is needed, a value can be passed in create.model_type
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) This is a version number that is used by the service to upgrade objects if needed through releases of the service.name
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.object_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) This is used by the service for optimistic locking of the object, to prevent multiple users from simultaneously updating the object.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A base class for all model types, including First Class and its contained objects.key
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=PIPELINE_TASK) (Updatable) Base type for the type system.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST API configuration for polling.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The REST method to use.request_headers
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The headers for the REST call.
- (Required) (Updatable) Information about the object and its parent.aggregator_key
- (Optional) (Updatable) The owning object’s key for this object.is_favorite
- (Optional) (Updatable) Specifies whether this object is a favorite or not.key
- (Optional) (Updatable) The identifying key for the object.labels
- (Optional) (Updatable) Labels are keywords or labels that you can add to data assets, dataflows etc. You can define your own labels and use them to categorize content.registry_version
- (Optional) (Updatable) The registry version.
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) The script object.key
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=SQL_TASK) (Updatable) Indicates whether the task is invoking a custom SQL script or stored procedure.typed_expressions
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) List of typed expressions.config_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The configuration parameter values.int_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object reference value.root_object_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A string value of the parameter.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Detailed description for the object.expression
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The expression string for the object.key
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The key of the object.model_type
- (Required when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The type of the types object.model_version
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The model version of an object.name
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) Key of the root document object.
- (Applicable when model_type=REST_TASK) (Updatable) The object type.
- (Required) The workspace ID.
** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The REST invocation pattern to use. ASYNC_OCI_WORKREQUEST is being deprecated as well as cancelEndpoint/MethodType.auth_config
- Authentication configuration for Generic REST invocation.key
- Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify this object.model_type
- The specific authentication configuration to be used for Generic REST invocation.model_version
- The model version of an object.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource type that will supply the authentication token
- Authentication type to be used for Generic REST invocation. This is deprecated.key
- Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify data flow. On scenarios where reference to the data flow is needed, a value can be passed in create.model_type
- The authentication mode to be used for Generic REST invocation.model_version
- The model version of an object.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- An expression node.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The expression string for the object.key
- The object key.model_type
- The object type.model_version
- The object’s model version.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The REST method to use for canceling the original request.cancel_rest_call_config
- The REST API configuration for cancelling the task.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The REST method to use.request_headers
- The headers for the REST call.
- A conditional composite field map.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Detailed description for the object.field_map_scope
- An array of projection rules.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- A user defined description for the object.from_name
- The attribute name that needs to be renamed.is_cascade
- Specifies whether to cascade or not.is_case_sensitive
- Specifies if the rule is case sensitive.is_java_regex_syntax
- Specifies whether the rule uses a java regex syntax.is_skip_remaining_rules_on_match
- Specifies whether to skip remaining rules when a match is found.key
- The key of the object.matching_strategy
- The pattern matching strategy.model_type
- The type of the project rule.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Name of the group.names
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The rule pattern.rule_type
- The rule type.scope
- Reference to a typed object. This can be either a key value to an object within the document, a shall referenced to aTypedObject
, or a fullTypedObject
- The new attribute name.types
- An array of types.
- An array of field maps.key
- The object key.model_type
- The model type for the field map.model_version
- The object’s model version.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The information about the configuration provider.data_flow
- The data flow type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the data flow.description
- Detailed description for the object.flow_config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.key
- Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify data flow. On scenarios where reference to the data flow is needed, a value can be passed in create.key_map
- A key map. If provided, key is replaced with generated key. This structure provides mapping between user provided key and generated key.metadata
- A summary type containing information about the object including its key, name and when/who created/updated it.aggregator
- A summary type containing information about the object’s aggregator including its type, key, name and description.description
- The description of the aggregator.identifier
- The identifier of the aggregator.key
- The key of the aggregator object.name
- The name of the aggregator.type
- The type of the aggregator.
- The owning object key for this object.count_statistics
- A count statistics.object_type_count_list
- The array of statistics.object_count
- The value for the count statistic object.object_type
- The type of object for the count statistic object.
- The user that created the object.created_by_name
- The user that created the object.identifier_path
- The full path to identify this object.info_fields
- Information property fields.is_favorite
- Specifies whether this object is a favorite or not.labels
- Labels are keywords or tags that you can add to data assets, dataflows and so on. You can define your own labels and use them to categorize content.registry_version
- The registry version of the object.time_created
- The date and time that the object was created.time_updated
- The date and time that the object was updated.updated_by
- The user that updated the object.updated_by_name
- The user that updated the object.
- The type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.nodes
- An array of nodes.config_provider_delegate
- The information about the configuration provider.description
- Detailed description for the object.input_links
- An array of input links.description
- Detailed description for the object.field_map
- A field map is a way to map a source row shape to a target row shape that may be different.from_link
- The from link reference.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The model type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Key of FlowPort reference
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.operator
- An operator defines some data integration semantics in a data flow. It may be reading/writing data or transforming the data.output_links
- An array of output links.description
- Detailed description for the object.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The model type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Key of FlowPort referenceto_links
- The links from this output link to connect to other links in flow.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The UI properties of the object.coordinate_x
- The X coordinate of the object.coordinate_y
- The Y coordinate of the object.
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.object_version
- The version of the object that is used to track changes in the object instance.parameters
- An array of parameters.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The default value of the parameter.description
- Detailed description for the object.is_input
- Specifies whether the parameter is input value.is_output
- Specifies whether the parameter is output value.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the types object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.output_aggregation_type
- The output aggregation type.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The default value of the parameter which can be an object in DIS, such as a data entity.type
- This can either be a string value referencing the type or a BaseType object.type_name
- The type of value the parameter was created for.used_for
- The param name for which parameter is created for for eg. driver Shape, Operation etc.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- A hash map that maps TypedObject keys to a field map that maps to the typed object as a target, for java sdk.field_map
- A field map is a way to map a source row shape to a target row shape that may be different.
- A hash map that maps TypedObject keys to the object itself, for java sdk.typed_object
- TheTypedObject
class is a base class for any model object that has a type.
- Minimum information required to recognize a Dataflow Application object.application_id
- The application id for which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure data flow task is to be created.compartment_id
- The compartmentId id under which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure dataflow application lies.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Detailed description for the object.endpoint
- An expression node.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The expression string for the object.key
- The object key.model_type
- The object type.model_version
- The object’s model version.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The REST API configuration for execution.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The REST method to use.request_headers
- The headers for the REST call.
- The headers for the REST call. This property is deprecated, use ExecuteRestCallConfig’s headers property instead.identifier
- Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.input_ports
- An array of input ports.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Detailed description for the object.fields
- An array of fields.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the types object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The port details for the data asset.Type.
- Defines whether Data Loader task is used for single load or multiplejson_data
- JSON data for payload body. This property is deprecated, use ExecuteRestCallConfig’s payload config param instead.key
- Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify task. On scenarios where reference to the task is needed, a value can be passed in create.key_map
- A key map. If provided, key is replaced with generated key. This structure provides mapping between user provided key and generated key.metadata
- A summary type containing information about the object including its key, name and when/who created/updated it.aggregator
- A summary type containing information about the object’s aggregator including its type, key, name and description.description
- The description of the aggregator.identifier
- The identifier of the aggregator.key
- The key of the aggregator object.name
- The name of the aggregator.type
- The type of the aggregator.
- The owning object key for this object.count_statistics
- A count statistics.object_type_count_list
- The array of statistics.object_count
- The value for the count statistic object.object_type
- The type of object for the count statistic object.
- The user that created the object.created_by_name
- The user that created the object.identifier_path
- The full path to identify this object.info_fields
- Information property fields.is_favorite
- Specifies whether this object is a favorite or not.labels
- Labels are keywords or tags that you can add to data assets, dataflows and so on. You can define your own labels and use them to categorize content.registry_version
- The registry version of the object.time_created
- The date and time that the object was created.time_updated
- The date and time that the object was updated.updated_by
- The user that updated the object.updated_by_name
- The user that updated the object.
- The REST method to use. This property is deprecated, use ExecuteRestCallConfig’s methodType property instead.model_type
- The type of the task.model_version
- The object’s model version.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.object_version
- The version of the object that is used to track changes in the object instance.op_config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Describes the shape of the execution resultoutput_ports
- An array of output ports.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Detailed description for the object.fields
- An array of fields.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the types object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The port details for the data asset.Type.
- Defines the number of entities being loaded in parallel at a time for a Data Loader taskparameters
- An array of parameters.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The default value of the parameter.description
- Detailed description for the object.is_input
- Specifies whether the parameter is input value.is_output
- Specifies whether the parameter is output value.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the types object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.output_aggregation_type
- The output aggregation type.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The default value of the parameter which can be an object in DIS, such as a data entity.type
- This can either be a string value referencing the type or a BaseType object.type_name
- The type of value the parameter was created for.used_for
- The param name for which parameter is created for for eg. driver Shape, Operation etc.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- A pipeline is a logical grouping of tasks that together perform a higher level operation. For example, a pipeline could contain a set of tasks that load and clean data, then execute a dataflow to analyze the data. The pipeline allows you to manage the activities as a unit instead of individually. Users can also schedule the pipeline instead of the tasks independently.description
- Detailed description for the object.flow_config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.key
- Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify pipeline. On scenarios where reference to the pipeline is needed, a value can be passed in create.metadata
- A summary type containing information about the object including its key, name and when/who created/updated it.aggregator
- A summary type containing information about the object’s aggregator including its type, key, name and description.description
- The description of the aggregator.identifier
- The identifier of the aggregator.key
- The key of the aggregator object.name
- The name of the aggregator.type
- The type of the aggregator.
- The owning object key for this object.count_statistics
- A count statistics.object_type_count_list
- The array of statistics.object_count
- The value for the count statistic object.object_type
- The type of object for the count statistic object.
- The user that created the object.created_by_name
- The user that created the object.identifier_path
- The full path to identify this object.info_fields
- Information property fields.is_favorite
- Specifies whether this object is a favorite or not.labels
- Labels are keywords or tags that you can add to data assets, dataflows and so on. You can define your own labels and use them to categorize content.registry_version
- The registry version of the object.time_created
- The date and time that the object was created.time_updated
- The date and time that the object was updated.updated_by
- The user that updated the object.updated_by_name
- The user that updated the object.
- The type of the object.model_version
- This is a version number that is used by the service to upgrade objects if needed through releases of the service.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.nodes
- A list of nodes attached to the pipeline.config_provider_delegate
- The information about the configuration provider.description
- Detailed description for the object.input_links
- An array of input links.description
- Detailed description for the object.field_map
- A field map is a way to map a source row shape to a target row shape that may be different.from_link
- The from link reference.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The model type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Key of FlowPort reference
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.operator
- An operator defines some data integration semantics in a data flow. It may be reading/writing data or transforming the data.output_links
- An array of output links.description
- Detailed description for the object.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The model type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Key of FlowPort referenceto_links
- The links from this output link to connect to other links in flow.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The UI properties of the object.coordinate_x
- The X coordinate of the object.coordinate_y
- The Y coordinate of the object.
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.object_version
- This is used by the service for optimistic locking of the object, to prevent multiple users from simultaneously updating the object.parameters
- A list of parameters for the pipeline, this allows certain aspects of the pipeline to be configured when the pipeline is executed.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The default value of the parameter.description
- Detailed description for the object.is_input
- Specifies whether the parameter is input value.is_output
- Specifies whether the parameter is output value.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the types object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.output_aggregation_type
- The output aggregation type.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The default value of the parameter which can be an object in DIS, such as a data entity.type
- This can either be a string value referencing the type or a BaseType object.type_name
- The type of value the parameter was created for.used_for
- The param name for which parameter is created for for eg. driver Shape, Operation etc.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The list of variables required in pipeline, variables can be used to store values that can be used as inputs to tasks in the pipeline.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- A default value for the vairable.description
- Detailed description for the object.identifier
- Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.key
- Generated key that can be used in API calls to identify variable. On scenarios where reference to the variable is needed, a value can be passed in create.model_type
- The type of the object.model_version
- This is a version number that is used by the service to upgrade objects if needed through releases of the service.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.object_version
- This is used by the service for optimistic locking of the object, to prevent multiple users from simultaneously updating the object.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- A base class for all model types, including First Class and its contained objects.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Base type for the type system.
- The REST API configuration for polling.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The REST method to use.request_headers
- The headers for the REST call.
- Information about the object and its parent.aggregator_key
- The owning object’s key for this object.is_favorite
- Specifies whether this object is a favorite or not.key
- The identifying key for the object.labels
- Labels are keywords or labels that you can add to data assets, dataflows etc. You can define your own labels and use them to categorize content.registry_version
- The registry version.
- The script object.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the object.model_version
- The model version of an object.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Indicates whether the task is invoking a custom SQL script or stored procedure.typed_expressions
- List of typed expressions.config_values
- Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters.config_param_values
- The configuration parameter values.int_value
- An integer value of the parameter.object_value
- An object value of the parameter.parameter_value
- Reference to the parameter by its key.ref_value
- The root object reference value.root_object_value
- The root object value, used in custom parameters.string_value
- A string value of the parameter.
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- Detailed description for the object.expression
- The expression string for the object.key
- The key of the object.model_type
- The type of the types object.model_version
- The model version of an object.name
- Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.object_status
- The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved.parent_ref
- A reference to the object’s parent.parent
- Key of the parent object.root_doc_id
- Key of the root document object.
- The object type.
The timeouts
block allows you to specify timeouts for certain operations:
* create
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when creating the Workspace Task
* update
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when updating the Workspace Task
* delete
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when destroying the Workspace Task
WorkspaceTasks can be imported using the id
, e.g.
$ terraform import oci_dataintegration_workspace_task.test_workspace_task "workspaces/{workspaceId}/tasks/{taskKey}"