
This resource provides the Replication Policy resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service.

Creates a replication policy for the specified bucket.

Example Usage

resource "oci_objectstorage_replication_policy" "test_replication_policy" {
	bucket = var.replication_policy_bucket
	destination_bucket_name = oci_objectstorage_bucket.test_bucket.name
	destination_region_name = oci_identity_region.test_region.name
	name = var.replication_policy_name
	namespace = var.replication_policy_namespace

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain operations: * create - (Defaults to 20 minutes), when creating the Replication Policy * update - (Defaults to 20 minutes), when updating the Replication Policy * delete - (Defaults to 20 minutes), when destroying the Replication Policy


ReplicationPolicies can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import oci_objectstorage_replication_policy.test_replication_policy "n/{namespaceName}/b/{bucketName}/replicationPolicies/{replicationId}"