Data Source: oci_database_autonomous_database

This data source provides details about a specific Autonomous Database resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database service.

Gets the details of the specified Autonomous Database.

Example Usage

data "oci_database_autonomous_database" "test_autonomous_database" {
	autonomous_database_id =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

AL32UTF8, AR8ADOS710, AR8ADOS720, AR8APTEC715, AR8ARABICMACS, AR8ASMO8X, AR8ISO8859P6, AR8MSWIN1256, AR8MUSSAD768, AR8NAFITHA711, AR8NAFITHA721, AR8SAKHR706, AR8SAKHR707, AZ8ISO8859P9E, BG8MSWIN, BG8PC437S, BLT8CP921, BLT8ISO8859P13, BLT8MSWIN1257, BLT8PC775, BN8BSCII, CDN8PC863, CEL8ISO8859P14, CL8ISO8859P5, CL8ISOIR111, CL8KOI8R, CL8KOI8U, CL8MACCYRILLICS, CL8MSWIN1251, EE8ISO8859P2, EE8MACCES, EE8MACCROATIANS, EE8MSWIN1250, EE8PC852, EL8DEC, EL8ISO8859P7, EL8MACGREEKS, EL8MSWIN1253, EL8PC437S, EL8PC851, EL8PC869, ET8MSWIN923, HU8ABMOD, HU8CWI2, IN8ISCII, IS8PC861, IW8ISO8859P8, IW8MACHEBREWS, IW8MSWIN1255, IW8PC1507, JA16EUC, JA16EUCTILDE, JA16SJIS, JA16SJISTILDE, JA16VMS, KO16KSC5601, KO16KSCCS, KO16MSWIN949, LA8ISO6937, LA8PASSPORT, LT8MSWIN921, LT8PC772, LT8PC774, LV8PC1117, LV8PC8LR, LV8RST104090, N8PC865, NE8ISO8859P10, NEE8ISO8859P4, RU8BESTA, RU8PC855, RU8PC866, SE8ISO8859P3, TH8MACTHAIS, TH8TISASCII, TR8DEC, TR8MACTURKISHS, TR8MSWIN1254, TR8PC857, US7ASCII, US8PC437, UTF8, VN8MSWIN1258, VN8VN3, WE8DEC, WE8DG, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8ISO8859P15, WE8ISO8859P9, WE8MACROMAN8S, WE8MSWIN1252, WE8NCR4970, WE8NEXTSTEP, WE8PC850, WE8PC858, WE8PC860, WE8ROMAN8, ZHS16CGB231280, ZHS16GBK, ZHT16BIG5, ZHT16CCDC, ZHT16DBT, ZHT16HKSCS, ZHT16MSWIN950, ZHT32EUC, ZHT32SOPS, ZHT32TRIS * clone_table_space_list - A list of the source Autonomous Database’s table space number(s) used to create this partial clone from the backup. * cluster_placement_group_id - The OCID of the cluster placement group of the Autonomous Serverless Database. * compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment. * compute_count - The compute amount (CPUs) available to the database. Minimum and maximum values depend on the compute model and whether the database is an Autonomous Database Serverless instance or an Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure. The ‘ECPU’ compute model requires a minimum value of one, for databases in the elastic resource pool and minimum value of two, otherwise. Required when using the computeModel parameter. When using cpuCoreCount parameter, it is an error to specify computeCount to a non-null value. Providing computeModel and computeCount is the preferred method for both OCPU and ECPU. * compute_model - The compute model of the Autonomous Database. This is required if using the computeCount parameter. If using cpuCoreCount then it is an error to specify computeModel to a non-null value. ECPU compute model is the recommended model and OCPU compute model is legacy. * connection_strings - The connection string used to connect to the Autonomous Database. The username for the Service Console is ADMIN. Use the password you entered when creating the Autonomous Database for the password value. * all_connection_strings - Returns all connection strings that can be used to connect to the Autonomous Database. For more information, please see Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Transaction Processing * dedicated - The database service provides the least level of resources to each SQL statement, but supports the most number of concurrent SQL statements. * high - The High database service provides the highest level of resources to each SQL statement resulting in the highest performance, but supports the fewest number of concurrent SQL statements. * low - The Low database service provides the least level of resources to each SQL statement, but supports the most number of concurrent SQL statements. * medium - The Medium database service provides a lower level of resources to each SQL statement potentially resulting a lower level of performance, but supports more concurrent SQL statements. * profiles - A list of connection string profiles to allow clients to group, filter and select connection string values based on structured metadata. * consumer_group - Consumer group used by the connection. * display_name - A user-friendly name for the connection. * host_format - Host format used in connection string. * protocol - Protocol used by the connection. * session_mode - Specifies whether the listener performs a direct hand-off of the session, or redirects the session. In RAC deployments where SCAN is used, sessions are redirected to a Node VIP. Use DIRECT for direct hand-offs. Use REDIRECT to redirect the session. * syntax_format - Specifies whether the connection string is using the long (LONG), Easy Connect (EZCONNECT), or Easy Connect Plus (EZCONNECTPLUS) format. Autonomous Databases on shared Exadata infrastructure always use the long format. * tls_authentication - Specifies whether the TLS handshake is using one-way (SERVER) or mutual (MUTUAL) authentication. * value - Connection string value. * connection_urls - The URLs for accessing Oracle Application Express (APEX) and SQL Developer Web with a browser from a Compute instance within your VCN or that has a direct connection to your VCN. Note that these URLs are provided by the console only for databases on dedicated Exadata infrastructure. Example: {"sqlDevWebUrl": "https://<hostname>/ords...", "apexUrl", "https://<hostname>/ords..."} * apex_url - Oracle Application Express (APEX) URL. * database_transforms_url - The URL of the Database Transforms for the Autonomous Database. * graph_studio_url - The URL of the Graph Studio for the Autonomous Database. * machine_learning_notebook_url - The URL of the Oracle Machine Learning (OML) Notebook for the Autonomous Database. * machine_learning_user_management_url - Oracle Machine Learning user management URL. * mongo_db_url - The URL of the MongoDB API for the Autonomous Database. * ords_url - The Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) URL of the Web Access for the Autonomous Database. * sql_dev_web_url - Oracle SQL Developer Web URL. * cpu_core_count - The number of CPU cores to be made available to the database. When the ECPU is selected, the value for cpuCoreCount is 0. For Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata infrastructure, the maximum number of cores is determined by the infrastructure shape. See Characteristics of Infrastructure Shapes for shape details.

Note: This parameter cannot be used with the ocpuCount parameter. * customer_contacts - Customer Contacts. * email - The email address used by Oracle to send notifications regarding databases and infrastructure. * data_safe_status - Status of the Data Safe registration for this Autonomous Database. Could be REGISTERED or NOT_REGISTERED. * data_storage_size_in_gb - The quantity of data in the database, in gigabytes. * data_storage_size_in_tbs - The quantity of data in the database, in terabytes. * database_edition - The Oracle Database Edition that applies to the Autonomous databases. * database_management_status - Status of Database Management for this Autonomous Database. * dataguard_region_type - Deprecated. The Autonomous Data Guard region type of the Autonomous Database. For Autonomous Database Serverless, Autonomous Data Guard associations have designated primary and standby regions, and these region types do not change when the database changes roles. The standby regions in Autonomous Data Guard associations can be the same region designated as the primary region, or they can be remote regions. Certain database administrative operations may be available only in the primary region of the Autonomous Data Guard association, and cannot be performed when the database using the primary role is operating in a remote Autonomous Data Guard standby region. * db_name - The database name. * db_tools_details - The list of database tools details.

This cannot be updated in parallel with any of the following: licenseModel, dbEdition, cpuCoreCount, computeCount, computeModel, whitelistedIps, isMTLSConnectionRequired, openMode, permissionLevel, dbWorkload, privateEndpointLabel, nsgIds, dbVersion, isRefreshable, dbName, scheduledOperations, isLocalDataGuardEnabled, or isFreeTier. 
* `compute_count` - Compute used by database tools.
* `is_enabled` - Indicates whether tool is enabled.
* `max_idle_time_in_minutes` - The max idle time, in minutes, after which the VM used by database tools will be terminated.
* `name` - Name of database tool.