Viewing Server Details in an Instance

View the details of a server in a WebLogic domain on a specified managed instance.


Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under WebLogic Management, click Managed instances.
  2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the managed instances.
  3. (Optional) Under Filters, select the following option to refine the list of managed instances:
    • Plugin status: Lists only the managed instances with the specified state.
  4. Under Hostname, click a managed instance.
  5. In the Servers section, all servers in the managed instance are listed.
  6. In the Actions menu (Actions icon) for a server, click View server details.
  7. In the Server details panel, review the information:
    • Server information - the name of the server and its host's location, the server's state and restart order, and if the server is up-to-date on the recommended patches and if it can be patched.
    • Domain information - the domain the server is in and the domain's path.
    • Middleware information - the type and version of middleware the server uses and the middleware location.
    • JDK information - the version and installation path for the JDK.
  8. Click Close.

Using the API

Run the ListManagedInstanceServers operation to list all servers in an instance and then filter the results using the server name.