Tagging a VCN Route Table

Manage tags for a virtual cloud network (VCN) route table.

For an overview of routing in your VCN and subnets, see VCN Route Tables.
    1. Open the navigation menu, click Networking, and then click Virtual cloud networks.
    2. Click the name of the VCN you're interested in.
    3. Under Resources, click Route Tables.
    4. Click a route table's name to view its details.
    5. Find the route table in the list, click the Actions menu (Actions Menu), and then click Add Tags.
  • Use the network route-table create command and required parameters to add tags when you create a VCN route table:

    oci network route-table create --compartment-id ocid --route-rules rules --vcn-id ocid  [--defined-tags | --freeform-tags] tags ... [OPTIONS]

    Use the network route-table update command and required parameters to add tags to the specified route table:

    oci network route-table update --rt-id ocid  [--defined-tags | --freeform-tags] tags ... [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the CreateRouteTable operation to add tags when you create a subnet, and use the definedTags attribute.

    Run the UpdateRouteTable operation to add tags when you update a subnet, and use the definedTags or freeformTags attributes.