Resending the Confirmation URL for a Subscription

If you can't find the confirmation URL to activate a pending Notifications subscription, resend the confirmation URL to the subscription's endpoint.

The option to resend subscription confirmation URLs is available for pending subscriptions only. A subscription is pending when its type requires confirmation but hasn't received it yet (function subscriptions don't require confirmation). After receiving confirmation, the subscription is active.

  • These steps show how to resend confirmation results for a subscription listed in a compartment. You can also list subscriptions in a topic.
    1. Open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under Application Integration, click Notifications.
    2. Click Subscriptions.
    3. On the Subscriptions page, select the compartment that contains the subscription that you want.
    4. For the subscription that you want, click the Actions menu (Actions Menu), and then click Resend Confirmation.
  • Use the oci ons subscription resend-confirmation command and required parameters to resend a subscription's confirmation URL:

    oci ons subscription resend-confirmation --id <subscription_OCID>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference for Notifications.

  • Run the ResendSubscriptionConfirmation operation to resend a subscription's confirmation URL.