Managing Emitting Events for Object State Changes in an Object Storage Bucket

Enable or disable whether events are emitted for object state changes in an Object Storage bucket.

You can create automation based on state changes for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources by using event types, rules, and actions. For more information, see Overview of Events.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Storage. Under Object Storage & Archive Storage, click Buckets.
    2. Select the compartment from the list under List Scope. All buckets in that compartment are listed in tabular form.
    3. Select the bucket for which you want to enable or disable emitting events for object state changes. The bucket's Details page appears.
    4. Find Emit Object Events and click Edit. The Omit Object Events dialog box appears.
    5. Select (to enable) or clear (to disable) the Emit Object Events check box.
    6. Click Save Changes.
  • Use the oci os bucket update command and required parameters to enable or disable emitting events for a bucket.

    oci os bucket update --name bucket_name --object-events-enabled [true | false] [OPTIONS]
    Include the object-events-enabled parameter and indicate true for enabled, and false for disabled.

    For example:

    oci os bucket update --name MyBucket --object-events-enabled true
      "data": {
        "approximate-count": null,
        "approximate-size": null,
        "auto-tiering": null,
        "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..exampleuniqueID",
        "created-by": "ocid1:user:oc1:phx:1458751937789:exampleuniqueID",
        "defined-tags": {
          "operations": {
            "costcenter": "42"
        "etag": "39d1db02-27d0-4263-b3ff-5e6450495457",
        "freeform-tags": {
          "Chicago_Team": "marketing_videos"
        "id": "ocid1.bucket.oc1..exampleuniqueID",
        "is-read-only": false,
        "kms-key-id": null,
        "metadata": {
          "department": "Finance"
        "name": "MyBucket",
        "namespace": "MyNamespace",
        "object-events-enabled": true,
        "object-lifecycle-policy-etag": null,
        "public-access-type": "NoPublicAccess",
        "replication-enabled": false,
        "storage-tier": "Standard",
        "time-created": "2020-06-22T19:04:05.879000+00:00",
        "versioning": "Disabled"
      "etag": "39d1db02-27d0-4263-b3ff-5e6450495457"

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • This task can't be performed using the API.