Creating a Tag Namespace

Create a tag namespace using the Console, CLI, or API.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Governance & Administration. Under Tenancy Management, click Tag Namespaces.
      A list of the tag namespaces in your current compartment is displayed.
    2. On the Tag Namespaces page, click Create Tag Namespaces.
    3. In the Create Tag Namespace panel, provide the following information:
      • Create in Compartment: The compartment in which you want to create the namespace definition.
      • Namespace Definition Name: A unique name for this set of tags. The name must be unique within your tenancy. Tag namespace is case insensitive. You cannot change this value later. Avoid entering confidential information.
      • Description: A friendly description. You can change this value later if you want to.
    4. Click Create Tag Namespace.
  • Use the create command to create a tag namespace.

    oci iam tag-namespace create [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the CreateTagNamespace operation to create a tag namespace.