Working with Templates

You can use templates to view results in different formats.

You can customize the visualization of the result by defining parameters in a template and then applying that template to a notebook. The customized parameters are applied to the result format in the notebook.

Creating a Template

To create a template:
  1. Access the notebook application. See Accessing Big Data Studio.
  2. Click the Templates icon on the left.
  3. Click Create or Create Template.
  4. Enter a name for the template and click Create.

    The template is created and listed on the left. The new template contains the settings of the default template, which you can now customize.

  5. Customize the settings if desired, and then click Update to save any changes.

You can also import templates from and export templates to your local computer using the Import and Export buttons. Valid file extensions for import are .json, .dsnb, and .ipynb.

Applying Templates to Notebooks

A default template is applied to a notebook when the notebook is first created. You can create and apply a different template later.

To apply a template to a notebook:
  1. Access the notebook application. See Accessing Big Data Studio.
  2. From the Notebooks page, open the notebook for which you want to apply a template.
  3. Click Default Template in the upper right and select the template you want to apply to the notebook.