Moving a Certificate Authority

Move a certificate authority (CA) from one compartment to another.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security.
    2. Under Certificates, click Certificate Authorities.
    3. From the list of CAs in the compartment, click the name of the CA that you want to move.

      To find a CA in a different compartment, under List scope, choose a different compartment.

    4. Click Move resource.
    5. Under Destination compartment, choose the destination compartment from the list.
    6. When you're ready, click Move Resource.

    If alarms are monitoring the CA, update the alarms to reference the new compartment. For more information, see Updating an Alarm After Moving a Resource.

  • Use the oci certs-mgmt certificate-authority change-compartment command and required parameters to move a CA from one compartment to another:

    oci certs-mgmt certificate-authority change-compartment --certificate-authority-id <CA_OCID> --compartment-id <new_compartment_OCID>

    For example:

    oci certs-mgmt certificate-authority change-compartment --certificate-authority-id ocid1.certificateauthority.oc1.<region>.<unique_id> --compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..<unique_id>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ChangeCertificateAuthorityCompartment operation to move a CA from one compartment to another.