Viewing Capacity Requests Overview

Get an overview of real-time capacity requests data across resources in Control Center.

    1. Open the navigation menu, click Governance and Administration. Under Control Center, click Overview.
    2. On the Overview page, filter the details of the capacity requests across resources in one or all tenancies.

      You can use the following options to display data:

      • Select one or all tenancies.
      • To view the capacity requests for a certain time frame, select a start and end date
      • Select one of the view types Period summary or Detailed.
        • Period summary: Lists the summary of resource details for available periods in the Resource details table as follows:
          • Period: Specifies the period.
          • Total available: Specifies the number of available resources for the specific period.
          • Total demanded: Specifies the number of resources requested for the specific period.
          • Total supplied: Specifies the number of resources fulfilled or supplied for the specific period.
          • Total rejected: Specifies the number of resources rejected for the specific period.
          • Total cancelled: Specifies the number of resources canceled for the specific period.
          • Total unfulfilled: Specifies the number of resources unfulfilled for the specific period.

        View the chart representation of the resource details in the Resource details chart tab.

        • Detailed: Lists the resource names and the detailed resource details for the associated periods.
          • Use the various populated filters in Filter by resource name.
          • Choose a period using Filter by period.

          After you specify the details, the overview is populated with data and provides a quick insight into the capacity requests across resources.

          • Resource name: Specifies the name of the resource.
          • Period: Specifies the period.
          • Total available: Specifies the number of available resources for the specific period.
          • Total demanded: Specifies the number of resources requested for the specific period.
          • Total supplied: Specifies the number of resources fulfilled or supplied for the specific period.
          • Total rejected: Specifies the number of resources rejected for the specific period.
          • Total cancelled: Specifies the number of resources canceled for the specific period.
          • Total unfulfilled: Specifies the number of resources unfulfilled for the specific period.

        View the chart representation of the resource details in the Resource details chart tab.

    3. Click the list icon at the end of a row to expand the resource and view all the capacity requests and the respective details for that resource:
      • Total demanded: Lists the capacity request names. Click the capacity request name to go to the capacity request's Request details page.
      • Capacity requests: Lists the number of resources requested.
      • Total demanded: Specifies the number of resources demanded.
      • Total supplied: Specifies the number of resources supplied.
      • Total rejected: Specifies the number of resources rejected.
      • Total cancelled: Specifies the number of resources canceled for the specific period.
      • Total unfulfilled: Specifies the number of resources unfulfilled for the specific period.
  • Use the list command and required parameters to get an overview of real-time capacity requests data across resources in Control Center:

    oci capacity-management occ-overview-collection list [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ListOccOverviews operation to get an overview of real-time capacity requests data across resources in Control Center.