Adding a Wait Stage

Wait stage adds a specified duration of delay in the pipeline. During this duration, the deployment is paused.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under DevOps, click Projects.
    2. Select a project and a pipeline associated with that project.
    3. To add the Wait stage sequentially or in parallel, click the + icon and select Add stage.
    4. Select Control - Wait, and then click Next.
    5. Enter a name and description for the stage. Adding a description is optional.
    6. Enter wait time in seconds.
    7. To add the Wait stage to the pipeline, click Add.
  • To add a wait stage to the pipeline, run the create-wait-stage command:

    oci devops deploy-stage create-wait-stage

    Required parameters for the create-wait-stage command:

    • --wait-criteria
    • --pipeline-id
    • --stage-predecessor-collection

    To get all the commands for deploy-stage:

    oci devops deploy-stage -h

    To get help for the create-wait-stage command:

    oci devops deploy-stage create-wait-stage -h
  • To add a wait stage to the pipeline, use the CreateDeployStage operation. For deployStageType attribute, specify the WAIT value.