Create a Custom Dashboard

You can create a custom dashboard by adding Oracle-defined widgets or by creating and adding new widgets. The input to the widgets can be specified using Oracle-defined filters or hard-coded values.

This section provides information at high level about creating a custom dashboard. For complete instructions, see Create a Custom Dashboard in the Management Dashboard documentation.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboards page.
  2. Click Create Dashboard.

    A blank untitled dashboard is displayed. In the lower half of the blank dashboard, you can add or create a widget, and in the upper half, you can add filters to apply on each widget. On the right side, the About, Widgets, and Filters tabs are displayed.

  3. In the About tab, specify the name of the dashboard, select the compartment in which you want the dashboard to reside, and optionally provide a description for the dashboard.
  4. In the Widgets tab, you have different options available:
    • Select the compartment and add an Oracle-defined widget from the list of available widgets to the new dashboard.

    • Click the Add widget group and widgets icon (+) and click Create widget... to create a metric widget. For instructions, see Create a Metric Data Explorer Widget in the Management Dashboard documentation.

    • Click the Add widget group and widgets icon (+) and click Create query-based widget.... to create a query-based widget using metrics or traces. For instructions, see Create a Query-based Widget in the Management Dashboard documentation.

    To view the details of the widget you've added, click Edit widgets in the Widgets tab and then click the name of the widget. The required inputs that you configured when adding the widget and optional inputs, if any, are listed in the Configured widget inputs section. The required inputs are denoted by an asterisk. You can click the Edit icon (Edit icon) adjacent to each input to modify the input configuration for the widget. In addition to the required inputs, you can specify additional trace and span dimension inputs for the APM Geomap and APM Trace Table widgets. To do so, add these widgets and click Add Input in the lower-right corner of the Configured widget inputs section. For more information, see Filter Trace Data in a Dashboard.

    For complete instructions about creating widgets, see Manage Widgets in the Management Dashboard documentation.

  5. In the Filters tab, you can add or edit filters if needed.

    • If you've linked the same filter to multiple widgets in a dashboard, then any change made to that filter impacts all the dependent widgets.
    • If your dashboard is using widgets from other Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Observability & Management services, then the data might be available in different compartments or associated with different entities. In such cases, it's helpful to define separate filters for those widgets.
  6. Click Save changes to save the new dashboard.
    The dashboard is now in view mode. At a later time, if you want to make changes to the contents of the dashboard, click Actions in the upper-right corner and then click Edit to go to the edit mode. The Actions menu includes other options that allow you to duplicate the dashboard, select a time range to automatically refresh the contents of the dashboard, manually refresh the contents of the dashboard, and so on.

For complete instructions, see Create a Custom Dashboard in the Management Dashboard documentation.

You can create a dashboard in the console and using API. For API information, see Management Dashboard API.