Manage Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters

An Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster resource provides the link between the Exadata Infrastructure resource and the Autonomous Container Database resources in Oracle Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure.

The maximum number of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters (AVMC) and Autonomous Container Databases (ACD) you can create on an given Exadata Infrastructure varies based on the generation of hardware, as described in Resource Limits.

View a List of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters

You can view a list of all Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in a Compartment or of just those in a particular Exadata Infrastructure resource.

Required IAM Policies

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer:

inspect autonomous-vmclusters

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Cloud:

inspect cloud-autonomous-vmclusters

View a List of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in a Compartment

You can view a list of all Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in a Compartment by going to the Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters page.

  1. Go to Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

    For instructions, see Access Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

  2. In the side menu’s list of Autonomous Database resource types, click Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

    The Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters page is displayed, showing the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in your current Compartment. Choose the Compartment where you want to see the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters.

  3. The following details are displayed for each Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster resource in the list:

    • State of the resource such as Updating, Provisioning, Available, etc.
    • Available and total CPUs and percentage of used CPUs represented as a colour-coded bar chart. The colours on this bar represent the following:
      • Less than 70%: Green
      • Between 70 to 90%: Yellow
      • Greater than 90%: Red
    • Reclaimable CPUs. See Resource Terminology to understand what available, total, and reclaimable CPUs represent.
    • Available and total storage in TB and percentage of used storage represented as a colour-coded bar chart. The colours on this bar represent the following:
      • Less than 70%: Green
      • Between 70 to 90%: Yellow
      • Greater than 90%: Red
    • Provisionable ACDs, that is, the number of Autonomous Container Databases that can be created in the Autonomous VM Cluster.
    • Memory per CPU in GBs.
    • Date and time of creation of the resource.

View a List of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in an Exadata Infrastructure Resource

You can view a list of the Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in a particular Exadata Infrastructure resource from its Details page:
  1. Go to the Details page of the Exadata Infrastructure resource whose Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters you want to view. See View Details of an Exadata Infrastructure Resource.

    The Details page for the chosen Exadata Infrastructure resource is displayed.

  2. Click Autonomous Exadata VM clusters to view a list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in the selected Compartment that use the chosen Exadata Infrastructure resource.

  3. The following details are displayed for each Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster resource in the list:

    • State of the resource such as Updating, Provisioning, Available, etc.
    • Available and total CPUs and percentage of used CPUs represented as a colour-coded bar chart. The colours on this bar represent the following:
      • Less than 70%: Green
      • Between 70 to 90%: Yellow
      • Greater than 90%: Red
    • Reclaimable CPUs. See Resource Terminology to understand what available, total, and reclaimable CPUs represent.
    • Available and total storage in TB and percentage of used storage represented as a colour-coded bar chart. The colours on this bar represent the following:
      • Less than 70%: Green
      • Between 70 to 90%: Yellow
      • Greater than 90%: Red
    • Provisionable ACDs, that is, the number of Autonomous Container Databases that can be created in the Autonomous VM Cluster.
    • Memory per CPU in GBs.
    • Date and time of creation of the resource.

Features of the List of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters

You can perform a variety of actions in the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters.

Action Steps
Create an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Click Create Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster and follow the instructions in Create an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.
View details of a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, click the name of the one whose details you want to view.
Move a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster to a different compartment In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, click the Actions menu in the row, where you want to move the resource. Click Move resource and choose the new compartment for the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster resource.
Copy the OCID of a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, click the Actions menu in the row of the one whose OCID you want to copy and then click Copy OCID. The OCID is copied to your clipboard and the menu item changes to Copied.

Add security attributes In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, click the Actions menu in the row of the one you want to add security attributes, click Add security attributes.
Add tags to a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, click the Actions menu in the row of the one you want to apply tags to and then click Add tags or Manage tags.
Terminate a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, click the Actions menu in the row of the one you want to terminate and then click Terminate. Then, in the Terminate Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster dialog:
  • Read the warning about terminating an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.
  • Enter the name of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.
  • Sumbit your values to start the termination process.

View Details of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

Follow these steps to view detailed information about an autonomous Exadata VM cluster.

Required IAM Policies

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer:

inspect autonomous-vmclusters

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Public Cloud:

inspect cloud-autonomous-vmclusters


  1. Go to Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

    For instructions, see Access Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

  2. In the side menu’s list of Autonomous Database resource types, click Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

    The list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in your current Compartment is displayed.

  3. Choose the Compartment where you want to see the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters.

    The list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters refreshes to show those in the selected Compartment.

  4. Click the name of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster whose details you want to view.

    The Details page for the chosen Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster is displayed.

Actions Allowed

You can perform a variety of actions on the Details page for an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.
Action Steps
View details of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster's Exadata Infrastructure resource On the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster information tab, click the name of the Exadata Infrastructure resource in the Exadata Infrastructure field.
Copy the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster's OCID On the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster information tab, click Copy in the OCID field.
Edit the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster's maintenance schedule On the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster information tab, click Edit in the Maintenance schedule field.
View upcoming and past maintenance On Oracle Public Cloud, Click Maintenance and on Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click the View link in the Next Maintenance field. A list of upcoming planned maintenance activities, if any, is displayed for both the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster and the Exadata Infrastructure resource containing it.

To view past maintenance activities, On Oracle Public Cloud, Click Maintenance history under Resources section in the side menu to see a list of past maintenance. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click the View link in the Next Maintenance field. Click Maintenance history to see a list of past maintenance.

To view past maintenance activities, On Oracle Public Cloud, Click Maintenance history to see a list of past maintenance. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click the View link in the Next Maintenance field. Click Maintenance history to see a list of past maintenance.

Terminate the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

Click Terminate under More actions. Follow the instructions in Terminate an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

On Oracle Public Cloud, Click Terminate under Actions. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click Terminate under More actions. Follow the instructions in Terminate an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

Add tags to the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

On Oracle Public Cloud, Click Manage tags under More actions. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click Add tags under More actions.

On Oracle Public Cloud, Click Manage tags under Actions. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click Add tags under More actions.

View the tags applied to the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Click the Tags tab.
Manage Certificates Click Manage certificates and follow instructions outlined in Manage Security Certificates for an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Resource.
Move Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster to a different compartment

Click Move resource . On the Move resource to a Different Compartment dialog, choose the new compartment and submit the changes.

On Oracle Public CloudClick Move resource under Actions. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click Move resource . On the Move resource to a Different Compartment dialog, choose the new compartment and submit the changes.

Add security attributes APPLIES TO: Applicable Oracle Public Cloud only
Click Security. Click Add security attributes. Specify namespace, key and value to control access for your resources.

You can also add security attributes by clicking Add security attributes.

You can also add security attributes by clicking Add security attributes.
View resource allocation details Click View Details under Resource allocation. For additional information, see Resource Usage Tracking.
Scale up or scale down the resources within the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

Click Scale Autonomous VM Cluster. Follow the instructions in Manage Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Resources.

On Oracle Public Cloud, Click Scale Autonomous VM Cluster under Actions. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click Scale Autonomous VM Cluster. Follow the instructions in Manage Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Resources.

Resources Listed

You can view details about the following resources associated with this AVMC from the AVMC details page:

  • Autonomous Container Databases: All the Autonomous Container Databases (ACD) in the selected compartment that use this AVMC are listed with details such as their state, role in an Autonomous Data Guard setup (Primary or standby), number of reclaimable CPUs, and creation date. You can also see the CPU value of the largest Autonomous Database that can be provisioned in this container database. To know more about these details, see Resource Terminology.
  • Autonomous Virtual Machines: All the Autonomous Virtual Machines (DB Servers) used to deploy this AVMC are listed with details such as their name, state, CPUs, memory (GB), local storage (GB), client IP address, and DB server name.
  • Work Requests: All the work requests associated with this AVMC are listed along with their state and other details.

You can also perform various actions on the ACDs listed. They are:

Actions Steps
Create an Autonomous Container Database Click Create Autonomous Container Database and follow the instructions listed in Create an Autonomous Container Database.
View details of a listed Autonomous Container Database In the list of Autonomous Container Databases, click the name of the one whose details you want to view.
Copy the OCID of a listed Autonomous Container Database In the list of Autonomous Container Databases, click the Actions menu in the row of the one whose OCID you want to copy and then click Copy OCID. The OCID is copied to your clipboard and the menu item changes to Copied.
Add tags to a listed Autonomous Container Database In the list of Autonomous Container Databases, click the Actions menu in the row of the one you want to apply tags to and then click Add tags or Manage tags.
Move a listed Autonomous Container Database to a different compartment In the list of Autonomous Container Databases, click the Actions menu in the row in the row where you want to move the resource and click Move resource. On the Move resource to a different compartment dialog, choose the new compartment and click Move resource.
Restart a listed Autonomous container Database resulting in a rolling restart of all Autonomous Databases in this container. In the list of Autonomous Container Databases, click the Actions menu in the row where you want to restart the ACD and Click Restart. On the Restart dialog, type the name of the Autonomous Container Database for confirmation, and click Restart.
Terminate a listed Autonomous Container Database In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, click the Actions menu in the row of the one you want to terminate and then click Terminate. Then, in the Terminate Autonomous Container Database dialog:
  • Read the warning about terminating an Autonomous Container Database.
  • Enter the name of the Autonomous Container Database.
  • Submit your details to begin the termination process.

Change the License Type on an Autonomous VM Cluster

Follow these steps to update the license type of an autonomous Exadata VM cluster:

Required IAM Policies

use autonomous-vmclusters

inspect exadata-infrastructures



To change the license type of an AVMC deployed on Oracle Public Cloud, submit a service request (SR) in My Oracle Support. See Create a Service Request in My Oracle Support for instructions.
To change the license type of an AVMC deployed on Exadata Cloud@Customer:
  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle Database, click Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.
  2. Click Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters.
  3. In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, click the display name of the Exadata VM cluster you wish to administer.
  4. Click Update License Type.
  5. On the Update License Type dialog box, choose one of the following license types.
    • Bring Your Own License (BYOL): Select this option if your organization already owns Oracle Database software licenses that you want to use on the VM cluster.
    • License Included: Select this option to subscribe to Oracle Database software licenses as part of Exadata Cloud@Customer.

    Updating the license type does not change the functionality or interrupt the operation of the VM cluster.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Move an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster to Another Compartment

Follow these steps to move an Autonomous Exadata VM cluster from one compartment to another.

Required IAM Policies


As soon as you move an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster to a different compartment, the policies that govern the new compartment apply immediately and affect access to the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster. Therefore, both your and other Oracle Cloud users' access to it may change, depending on the policies governing the user account's access to resources. For example, a user may lose the ability to create Autonomous Container Databases in it, given its new compartment.

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer:

use autonomous-vmclusters in the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster's current compartment and in the compartment you are moving it to.

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Public Cloud:

use cloud-autonomous-vmclusters in the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster's current compartment and in the compartment you are moving it to.


  1. Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster that you want to move. See View Details of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

  2. Click Move resource.
  3. On Oracle Public Cloud, Under Actions, click Move resource. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click Move resource.
  4. Select the new compartment.

  5. Click Move resource.

Manage Security Certificates for an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Resource

You can rotate the SSL security certificates for Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) and Oracle Autonomous Database listener from the Details page of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster (AVMC).

Required IAM Policies

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer:

manage autonomous-vmclusters

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Public Cloud:

manage cloud-autonomous-vmclusters


  1. Go to the Details page of the AVMC resource for which you want to manage security certificates.
  2. Click Manage Certificates.
  3. The Manage Certificates dialog launches. Make the following selections on this dialog:
    Setting Description Notes
    Manage certificate type

    Choose the security certificate type that you want to manage. You have the following options:

    Database SSL certificate: Choose this option to manage SSL certificate for Database client connections.

    ORDS SSL certificate: Choose this option to manage ORDS SSL certificate for Application Express (APEX) applications.

    Rotating a Database SSL certificate is a disruptive operation and may cause databases to become unavailable to new connections for the duration of the certificate update.

    Refer to Certificate Management for requirements about downloading and replacing the client wallets.

    Rotating an ORDS SSL certificate requires restarting ORDS, and all existing application connections would be lost.

    Certificate generation type

    Choose the certificate generation type. This field defaults to System generated.

    Optionally, you can choose Bring your own certificate and provide the following details:

    Certificate: To bring your own certificate, you must select a certificate from the select list, changing compartments if necessary. See notes for more details about creating certificates from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) console.

    Specify CA certificate: Optionally, you can specify a CA certificate with the following options:
    • Certificate authority: If this option is selected, select a certificate authority from the select list, changing compartments if necessary.
    • CA bundle: If this option is selected, select a CA bundle from the select list, changing compartments if necessary.

    To bring your own certificate, you must first create the certificate using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Certificate Service. For information on creating certificates, see Creating a Certificate.

    These certificates must be signed and must be in the PEM format, that is, their file extension must be .pem, .cer, or .crt only.

  4. Click Save changes.
  5. Click the confirmation button on the dialog that appears.

View Resource Usage for an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

Follow these steps to view the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster's resource usage details.

Required IAM Policies

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer

inspect autonomous-vmclusters

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Public Cloud

inspect cloud-autonomous-vmclusters


To view the resource usage visualizations for an AVMC:
  • Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Database you want to monitor. For instructions, see View Details of an Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure.
  • On the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster information tab, locate the Resource Allocation section. In this section, you can get a quick overview of the resources allocated to this AVMC. You can see the following details:
    • Available CPUs
    • Total CPUs
    • Available Autonomous Database Storage (TB)
    • Total Autonomous Database Storage (TB)
    • Database Memory per CPU (GB)
    • Provisionable ACDs


    To understand the above resource attributes, refer to Resource Terminology.
  • To get more details and a comprehensive picture of the resource allocation and their usage for this AVMC and its ACDs, click the View Details link. The Resource allocation details page opens with two tabs:
    • Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster: This tab provides the following information:
      • Total resources allocated: This section lists the latest values for the following resources allocated to this AVMC:
        • CPUs
        • Exadata Storage in TB
        • Local Storage in GB
        • Memory in GB
        • Maximum number of ACDs
        • Autonomous Database Storage in TB
        • Autonomous Database Memory per CPU in GB.
        For Exadata Cloud@Customer deployments, you can also see if the Storage for local backups is enabled or disabled.
      • Resource usage visualizations: This section has graphical and tabular representations of the AVMC's resource usage.


        You can choose to see this information either in the graphical or tabular view by selecting Chart view or Table view from the drop-down list at the top-right corner of this section.

        For more information on the details presented in the chart and tabular formats, refer to Resource Usage Visualizations.

    • Autonomous Container Database: This tab lists the following details for all the ACDs, in the selected AVMC, created in any compartment in the tenancy:
      • ACD's display name.
      • CPU value of the largest provisionable Autonomous Database.
      • The number of CPUs provisioned to Autonomous Database.
      • The number of reserved CPUs.
      • The number of reclaimable CPUs.

Manage Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Resources

You can add or remove resources to an already provisioned Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster (AVMC).

Required IAM Policies

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer:

manage autonomous-vmclusters

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Public Cloud:

manage cloud-autonomous-vmclusters


  1. Go to the Details page of the AVMC resource you want to scale up or scale down. For instructions, see View Details of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

  2. Click Scale Autonomous VM Cluster.
  3. On Oracle Public Cloud, Under Actions, Click Scale Autonomous VM cluster. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click Scale Autonomous VM Cluster.
  4. In the Scale Autonomous VM Cluster dialog, adjust the sliders to increase or decrease the following resources:

    • CPU count per VM
    • Maximum number of Autonomous Container Databases
    • Database storage (TB)

    The minimum and maximum values on the sliders are the smallest and largest values the resources can scale to.


    Modifying CPU count per VM or the maximum number of Autonomous Container Databases of an AVMC triggers a rolling restart of the AVMC. This results in restarting all the ACDs and Autonomous Databases created in that AVMC.
  5. Save your changes.

  6. To confirm a rolling restart, enter the AVMC name in the Confirm rolling restart dialog, and click Confirm.


    In case of an ongoing maintenance activity on this AVMC or the ACDs and Autonomous Databases within it, your scale request fails with an appropriate message.

Terminate an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

Follow these steps to terminate an Autonomous Exadata VM cluster.

Required IAM Policies

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer:

manage autonomous-vmclusters

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Public Cloud:

manage cloud-autonomous-vmclusters


  1. Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster that you want to move. See View Details of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

  2. Click Terminate under More actions.
  3. On Oracle Public Cloud, Under Actions, click Terminate. On Exadata Cloud@Customer, Click Terminate under More actions.
  4. Confirm that you wish to terminate your Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster in the confirmation dialog and submit.