Private Endpoints Policies

You need policies to use Data Flow SQL Endpoints with private endpoints.

To create, edit, or manage private endpoints you need the following policies.
  • To allow use of the virtual-network-family:
    ALLOW GROUP dataflow-sql-endpoint-admin TO USE virtual-network-family IN compartment <compartment-name>
  • To allow access to more specific resources:
    ALLOW GROUP dataflow-sql-endpoint-admin TO MANAGE vnics IN compartment <compartment-name>
    ALLOW GROUP dataflow-sql-endpoint-admin TO USE subnets IN compartment <compartment-name>
    ALLOW GROUP dataflow-sql-endpoint-admin TO USE network-security-groups IN compartment <compartment-name>
  • To allow access to specific operations:
    ALLOW GROUP dataflow-sql-endpoint-admin TO MANAGE virtual-network-family IN compartment <compartment-name>
       WHERE any {request.operation='CreatePrivateEndpoint',

Although these examples grant the policies to dataflow-sql-endpoint-admin, you could choose to grant these policies to a subset of users. This way limits the users that can perform operations on private endpoints.

Only users in the dataflow-sql-endpoint-admin group can create SQL Endpoints that can either activate a private endpoint configuration, or switch the network configuration back to the internet. See Security for the correct set of privileges. A user in the dataflow-sql-endpoint-users group can connect to a SQL endpoint and run SQL.

When correctly configured, private endpoints can access a mix of private resources on the VCN, and internet resources. Provide a list of these resources in the DNS Zones section when you configure a private endpoint.
For more information on private endpoints, see Configuring a Private Network.