Add Members to a Disaster Recovery Protection Group

Learn how to add members to a Disaster Recovery (DR) Protection Group.

  1. Open the navigation menu, click Migration & Disaster Recovery.
  2. Click Disaster Recovery or DR Protection Groups to navigate to the home page.
  3. Change the compartment to the one that contains the DR Protection Group to which you want to add members.

    The DR Protection Groups in the compartment that you selected are listed.

  4. Click the DR Protection Group to which you want to add members and navigate to the page for that DR Protection Group.
  5. Click the Member link in the Resources panel to navigate to the Members page for the DR Protection Group.
  6. Click Add Member.
  7. Select the Resource type to add.
  8. Accept the warning that member addition or removal will require a refresh of all the existing plans in the protection group.

    You must refresh and verify all the existing DR plans in the standby region.

    To understand how plans are refreshed and verified see the following topics:
  9. Depending on the Resource (Member) type you select, refer to the following sections to add properties for that member.