Crypto Event Analysis

Oracle's plan for changes to the security algorithms and associated policies/settings in the Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java SE Development Kit (JDK) are published on the Oracle JRE and JDK Cryptographic Roadmap.

To enable Crypto event analysis operations in your fleet, see Enabling Advanced Features. Using Crypto Event Analysis, administrators will get detailed information on what cryptographic algorithms from the Java Security Libraries are being used. JMS will compare the algorithms being used with the planned changes, and highlight applications that might be impacted by future changes or by certificates that are about to expire. The analysis will detect if any of the Java applications in a managed instance are using the algorithms, key lengths, or default values that will be changed and provide recommendations to avoid disruptions.


  • Crypto Event Analysis might not have identified all crypto event analysis of the application.
  • Analysis might not have identified all crypto events in the application.
  • There might be new crypto events as your applications were analyzed by Crypto Event Analysis.

The results of the analysis aren't to be treated as absolute. You might need to perform additional analysis or investigation.