Java Management Metrics

This topic describes the metrics emitted by JMS Fleets to the oci_jms metric namespace in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring Service. For more information, see Monitoring Overview and Notification Overview.

Required IAM Policy

To monitor resources, you must be given the required type of access in a policy written by an administrator, whether you're using the Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI or other tool. The policy must give you access to the monitoring services as well as the resources being monitored. If you try to perform an action and get a message that you don’t have permission or are unauthorized, confirm with your administrator the type of access you've been granted and which compartment you should work in. For more information on user authorizations for monitoring, see the Authentication and Authorization section for the related service: Monitoring or Notifications. For information on policies for fleets, see Setting Up Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Fleets.

Available Metrics: oci_jms

JMS Fleets emits metrics to the oci_jms metric namespace in Monitoring service. These metrics include the following dimensions:

  • fleetName: the name of the fleet
  • javaDistribution: the distribution of the Java Runtime
  • javaMajorVersion: the major version of the Java Runtime
  • javaVendor: the name of the Java Runtime vendor
  • javaVersion: the version of the Java Runtime
  • resourceId: the OCID of the fleet

The metrics listed in the following table are automatically available for fleets you create. You don't need to enable monitoring to get these metrics. You also can use the Monitoring service to create custom queries.

Metric Name Metric Display Name Unit Frequency Description Dimensions
Applications Applications sum 1 day Approximate number of unique applications that are run in the compartment's fleets during a time period.
ApplicationInvocations Application Invocations sum 1 day Approximate number of applications invocations in the compartment's fleets during a time period.
ManagedInstances Managed Instances sum 1 day Approximate number of managed instances in the compartment's fleets during a time period.
JavaRuntimeVendors Java Runtime Vendors sum 1 day Approximate number of Java Runtime vendors in the compartment's fleets during a time period.
JavaRuntimeVersions Java Runtime Versions sum 1 day Approximate number of Java Runtime versions in the compartment's fleets during a time period.

Metrics are emitted by Java Management Service at a frequency of once per day. The alarm interval must be greater than the frequency at which the metrics are emitted. Be sure to set an alarm interval of at least 24 hours.

Using the API

For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST APIs and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see Software Development Kits and Command Line Interface.

Use the following APIs for monitoring:

Using the Console

To view the default metrics for a single compartment, you can use Service Metrics.

  1. In the Oracle Cloud Console, open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under Monitoring, click Service Metrics.
  2. From the Compartment drop-down list, select a compartment that contains fleet resources.
  3. From the Metric namespace drop-down list, select the namespace oci_jms.
  4. Select Last 24 hours from the Quick Selects drop-down list.

The page displays charts for metrics that are emitted by all the fleets in the selected compartment.