Create a Logging Analytics Dashboard

After the installation and configuration steps are completed, you can create a dashboard in Logging Analytics to visualize the metrics.

Open Logging Analytics and create a dashboard with the following:
  • Add a Metric Source Data and choose the Compartment and Metric namespace as provided to the Management Agent while setting up the configuration property file.

    The compartmentId is specified in the property file and its equivalent in the Logging Analytics Dashboard is the Compartment name. For details about the property file, see Configure Management Agent to Collect Metrics using Prometheus Node Exporter

  • Select the metrics that you want to chart.

See below an example of a dashboard that shows a chart for metric node_load_1 (1 Minute Load average)

Dashboard chart for metric node_load_1

Once you click Apply, the changes will appear in the dashboard as shown below:

Dashboard chart

The following example shows a dashboard created with the following two metrics:
  • node_load_1
  • node_procs_running

Dashboard chart with metrics