Dimensions Common Across Ops Insights Metrics

Common Dimensions Across Metrics

The following table shows dimensions common across all metrics emitted by Ops Insights except WarehouseCpuUtilization.

Dimensions Description
resourceId Ops Insights ID for the target.
resourceDisplayName Display Name of the target.
resourceType Type of resource. For example: ADB-S, ATP-D, EXTERNAL-HOST, EXTERNAL-PDB, EXTERNAL-NONCDB
telemetrySourceType The source of the metric: CloudInfrastructure, EnterpriseManager, AgentService.
telemetrySourceIdentifier Depending on the telemetrySourceIdentifier, this field will contain one of the following:
  • For ManagementAgent - Management Agent OCID
  • For EnterpriseManager - Enterprise Manager Bridge OCID
  • For CloudInfrastructure - The source database (DBaaS) OCID
telemetrySourceEntityIdentifier Depending on the telemetrySourceEntityIdentifier, this field will contain one of the following:
  • For ManagementAgent - External Database ID
  • For EnterpriseManager - GUID for the Enterprise Manager target.
associatedOCIResourceId The ADW OCID. This will only be populated for Autonomous Database targets.
sourceMetricName Source Metric name for which the delay is being reported.