Logging Analytics: New visualization to identify issues in your logs, more UI enhancements

The following one new feature and two enhancements are now available in Logging Analytics:

  • Issues Visualization: A new visualization Issues is now available in Logging Analytics that helps you to identify new issues in your logs in the selected time range. These are the issues found in the selected time range but are not present in the baseline time range that you select for the analysis. See Issues Visualization.


  • Exclude field values from search: The filter dialog box in the Log Explorer now allows you to select specific field values to exclude from the log search. See Exclude Field Values from Search.
  • Compare search results across different time frames in Tile visualization: When you use the Tile visualization, enable the Show Change option to compare the search results between the current time range and the previous one of the same size. See Important Tips for Working with Log Explorer and Visualizations.