APM Java Agent Version 1.12 Available

APM Java agent version 1.12 is available with the following new features:

  1. Support for additional HTTP Clients:
    • JDK 11+ HTTP Client (java.net.http.HttpClient).
    • OkHttpClient 2.0+.
    • Spring Web Client 5.0+.
  2. Oracle FMW ESS (Enterprise Scheduler Service) Java jobs monitoring.
  3. Status monitoring for Weblogic Nodemanager.
  4. Advanced configuration option to capture the HttpServletRequest username as a dimension. For details, see Modify or Disable Default Probe Settings.
  5. Extend the abridge thresholding configuration to all probe types. For details, see Abridged Traces.
  6. Custom probe enhancement to support static APIs. For information, see Advanced Variables for Custom Probing.
  7. Starting with APM Java agent version 1.12, there is a simplified operation of naming convention for Servlet, HttpClient and OSB probes. The Java agent will no longer mask the Hex ID and numbers when generating the name used as the OperationName dimension value. To keep the behavior prior to version 1.12, add the # HexID and numbers rule back to the relevant replace_all_patterns sections in ProbeConfig.acml file. For details, see Modify or Disable Default Probe Settings.