Listing the Affected Images in a Vulnerabilities Report

View details about the cloud resources on which a specific vulnerability was detected.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Scanning, click Vulnerability Reports.
    2. Select the compartment in which you created the target.
    3. To view details about a vulnerability, click a report's CVE ID.
    4. Under Resources, click Container Images to view the images in Container Registry affected by the selected vulnerability.

      To view more details about an affected container image, click the image's name.

      The Vulnerability Scanning service creates a separate report for each container image that you added to the target configurations. The report has the same name as the image.

    To view scanning reports for a specific target resource, see the following resources:

  • Use the oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability list-vulnerability-impacted-containers command and required parameters to view details about the cloud resources on which a specific vulnerability was detected for a specific vulnerability ID:

    oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability list-vulnerability-impacted-containers [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the ListVulnerabilityImpactedContainers operation to view details about the cloud resources on which a specific vulnerability was detected for a specific vulnerability ID.