Deleting a Security Zone Recipe

Delete a security zone recipe that's no longer necessary.

If a recipe is associated with a security zone, you must delete the security zone before you can delete the recipe.

You can't delete Oracle-managed recipes; you can delete only custom recipes.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Security Zones, click Recipes.
    2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the recipe that you want to delete.
    3. Click the name of the recipe.
    4. On the Recipe details page, click Delete.
    5. When prompted for confirmation, click Delete.
  • Use the oci cloud-guard security-recipe delete command and required parameters to delete a security zone recipe:

    oci cloud-guard security-recipe delete [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the DeleteSecurityRecipe operation to delete a security zone recipe.