Get the Right IDCS Roles

If you're the Oracle Cloud account subscriber, you're assigned the required roles to set up the VB Studio instance. If you're not the subscriber, ensure that you are assigned the correct roles in Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS).

You must be assigned this role: To ...
Cloud Account Administrator Set up Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) compartments and buckets. OCI compartments and buckets are required to set up the VB Studio build system.

If you're not an account administrator, contact the administrator to add you to the OCI_Administrators IDCS group.

Identity Domain Administrator or User Administrator Add users and assign IDCS roles.

If you're not an administrator, make sure that your OCI group is assigned a policy like this:

Allow group MyGroup to inspect identity-providers in tenancy


If you're not the account administrator or the IDCS administrator, contact the IDCS admin to assign you this instance role. Without this role you won't see the user interface to provision the VB Studio instance.