Manage Your Organization's Groups

In VB Studio, you can create groups of your VB Studio organization's users or import existing Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) groups, and then add these groups to VB Studio projects. When you add a group to a project, you assign a common membership type to all group's users.

After creating a group, you can add more members to it and add the group to projects. You can also import IDCS groups to VB Studio, but can't add or remove users from the imported IDCS group. To do that, sign in to the IDCS Console. Note that the imported IDCS group is synced with IDCS every five minutes.

This table describes the actions you can perform to create and manage groups.

Action How To

Create a VB Studio group

  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Click + Create Group.
  4. In Type, if not already selected, select the VB Studio tile.
  5. In Name and Description (optional), enter the group's name and description.
  6. To see all members you can add, click the members list. Users who are assigned the DEVELOPER_ADMINISTRATOR or the DEVELOPER_USER IDCS role are displayed.
  7. From the users drop-down list, select users to add to the group.

    If you can't find a particular user, enter the user's name or username in the search box. As you type, the drop-down list displays users matching the search term.

  8. Click Create.
Import an IDCS group
  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Click + Create Group.
  4. In Type, select the IDCS tile.
  5. Under the filter box, select the group to import.

    The drop-down list displays IDCS groups that are assigned either the DEVELOPER_ADMINISTRATOR or the DEVELOPER_USER IDCS role.

    To select multiple groups, press the Ctrl key or the Shift key, and then select groups. If you can't find a particular group, enter the group's name in the search box. As you type, the drop-down list displays groups matching the search term.

  6. Click Create.

From VB Studio, you can't add or remove users of an IDCS group. You can do that from the IDCS Console. See Manage Oracle Identity Cloud Service Groups.

See a group's members
  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Locate the VB Studio group and click the user gravatars in the Members column.
Add members to an existing VB Studio group
  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Locate the VB Studio group and click Add Member to the Group Add user.
  4. Click the members drop-down list. All users who are assigned the DEVELOPER_ADMINISTRATOR or the DEVELOPER_USER IDCS role are displayed.
  5. Select the user from the drop-down list.

    If you can't find the user, enter the user's name or username in the search box. As you type, users matching the search term are displayed.

  6. Click Add.
  7. In the Members tab, verify the added members.
  8. Click Close.
Remove members from a VB Studio group
  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Locate and double-click the VB Studio group.
  4. In the Members tab, select the members to remove.
  5. Click Remove Members.
  6. Click Remove Members to confirm.
Add a group to a project

To add a group to a project, you must be assigned the project's Project Owner membership.

  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Locate the VB Studio group and click Add Group to a Project Add group to a project
  4. From the project drop-down list, select the project.
  5. From the roles list, select the role you want to assign to the group's members.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Close.
Remove a group from a project

To remove a group from a project, you must be assigned the project's Project Owner membership.

  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Locate and double-click the VB Studio group.
  4. In the Projects tab, select the projects to remove.
  5. Click Remove Group from Projects.
  6. Click Remove Group from Projects to confirm.
See the projects a group is added to
  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Locate the VB Studio group and click the user gravatars in the Projects column.
  4. Click Close.
Edit a group's name or description
  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Locate and double-click the VB Studio group.
  4. Click Actions Actions menu and select Edit.
  5. Update the group's name and description
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Close.
Delete a group
  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. Locate the VB Studio group.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click Delete to confirm.