Set Up Visual Builder Studio for Visual Applications

Here’s a summary of how to set up VB Studio for developing visual applications:

To perform this action: See this: Why do I need to perform this action?
1. Get access to Visual Builder instances. Get Access to Visual Builder Instances To deploy an app, your users need credentials that allow them to access the Visual Builder instance (deployment target). If an instance isn't available for them, you must create it.
2. Get the required IDCS roles assigned to you. Get the Required IDCS Roles To create and set up the VB Studio instance, you must be assigned some specific IDCS roles.
3 (Optional) Configure VB Studio to run build jobs and pipelines. Configure VB Studio to Use the Free VM Executor for Build Jobs and Pipelines To run build jobs and pipelines, you must configure VB Studio to connect to an OCI account or the built-in free account.

If you're developing a visual application using an instance of VB Studio that was provisioned in your Oracle Cloud Applications account, follow the procedures in Create and Set Up a Project for Development (Different Identity Domain).