
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Loggingの検索APIおよびSDKの例の詳細。

APIの使用およびリクエストの署名の詳細は、REST APIのドキュメントおよびセキュリティ資格証明を参照してください。SDKの詳細は、SDKおよびCLIを参照してください。



SearchLogs SDKの例

次のSearchLogs SDKの例を参照してください:

  • Java
  • Python
  • Go
  • TypeScript
  • .NET C#
  • Ruby


/** To make this code sample work in your Oracle Cloud tenancy,
please replace the values for the following placeholders:
<compartment_OCID> - the ocid of your compartment where the logs are stored;
<log_group_OCID> - the ocid of your log group under the above compartment;
<log_OCID> - the ocid of your log object under the above log group.
import com.oracle.bmc.ConfigFileReader;
import com.oracle.bmc.auth.AuthenticationDetailsProvider;
import com.oracle.bmc.auth.ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider;
import com.oracle.bmc.loggingsearch.LogSearchClient;
import com.oracle.bmc.loggingsearch.model.*;
import com.oracle.bmc.loggingsearch.requests.*;
import com.oracle.bmc.loggingsearch.responses.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class SearchLogsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         * Create a default authentication provider that uses the DEFAULT
         * profile in the configuration file.
         * Refer to <see href="https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm#SDK_and_CLI_Configuration_File>the public documentation</see> on how to prepare a configuration file.
        final ConfigFileReader.ConfigFile configFile = ConfigFileReader.parseDefault();
        final AuthenticationDetailsProvider provider = new ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider(configFile);
        /* Create a service client */
        LogSearchClient client = new LogSearchClient(provider);
        /* Create a request and dependent object(s). */
    SearchLogsDetails searchLogsDetails = SearchLogsDetails.builder()
        .timeStart(new Date("Mon May 10 01:02:29 UTC 2021"))
        .timeEnd(new Date("Mon May 10 02:02:29 UTC 2021"))
        .searchQuery("search \"<compartment_OCID>/<log_group_OCID>/<log_OCID>\" | where level = 'INFO'")
    SearchLogsRequest searchLogsRequest = SearchLogsRequest.builder()
        /* Send request to the Client */
        SearchLogsResponse response = client.searchLogs(searchLogsRequest);
        System.out.println("opc-request-id: " + response.getOpcRequestId());
        System.out.println("Got results: " + response.getSearchResponse().getResults().stream().count());       


# To make this code sample work in your Oracle Cloud tenancy,
# please replace the values for the following placeholders:
# <compartment_OCID> - the ocid of your compartment where the logs are stored;
# <log_group_OCID> - the ocid of your log group under the above compartment;
# <log_OCID> - the ocid of your log object under the above log group.
from datetime import datetime
import oci
# Create a default config using DEFAULT profile in default location
# Refer to
# https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm#SDK_and_CLI_Configuration_File
# for more info
config = oci.config.from_file()
# Initialize service client with default config file
loggingsearch_client = oci.loggingsearch.LogSearchClient(config)
# Send the request to service, some parameters are not required, see API
# doc for more info
search_logs_response = loggingsearch_client.search_logs(
        search_query="search \"<compartment_OCID>/<log_group_OCID>/<log_OCID>\" | where level = 'INFO'",
# Get the data from response


// To make this code sample work in your Oracle Cloud tenancy,
// please replace the values for the following placeholders:
// <compartment_OCID> - the ocid of your compartment where the logs are stored;
// <log_group_OCID> - the ocid of your log group under the above compartment;
// <log_OCID> - the ocid of your log object under the above log group.
package main
import (
func main() {
    // Create a default authentication provider that uses the DEFAULT
    // profile in the configuration file.
    // Refer to <see href="https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm#SDK_and_CLI_Configuration_File>the public documentation</see> on how to prepare a configuration file.
    client, err := loggingsearch.NewLogSearchClientWithConfigurationProvider(common.DefaultConfigProvider())
    // Create a request and dependent object(s).
    start, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2021-05-10T01:02:29.600Z")
    end, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2021-05-10T02:02:29.600Z")
    req := loggingsearch.SearchLogsRequest{OpcRequestId: common.String("RIJJ87OXLQBMPBRN6ZWO/OpcRequestIdExample/UniqueRequestId"),    
        SearchLogsDetails: loggingsearch.SearchLogsDetails{SearchQuery: common.String(`search "<compartment_OCID>/<log_group_OCID>/<log_OCID>" | where level = 'INFO'`),
            TimeStart:         &common.SDKTime{Time: start},
            TimeEnd:           &common.SDKTime{Time: end},
            IsReturnFieldInfo: common.Bool(false)},
        Limit: common.Int(10)}
    // Send the request using the service client
    resp, err := client.SearchLogs(context.Background(), req)
    // Retrieve value from the response.


// To make this code sample work in your Oracle Cloud tenancy,
// please replace the values for the following placeholders:
// <compartment_OCID> - the ocid of your compartment where the logs are stored;
// <log_group_OCID> - the ocid of your log group under the above compartment;
// <log_OCID> - the ocid of your log object under the above log group.
import * as loggingsearch from "oci-loggingsearch";
import common = require("oci-common");
// Create a default authentication provider that uses the DEFAULT
// profile in the configuration file.
// Refer to <see href="https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm#SDK_and_CLI_Configuration_File>the public documentation</see> on how to prepare a configuration file.
const provider: common.ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider = new common.ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider();
(async () => {
  try {
    // Create a service client
    const client = new loggingsearch.LogSearchClient({ authenticationDetailsProvider: provider });
    // Create a request and dependent object(s).
    const searchLogsDetails = {
      timeStart: new Date("Mon May 10 01:02:29 UTC 2021"),
      timeEnd: new Date("Mon May 10 02:02:29 UTC 2021"),
      searchQuery: "search \"<compartment_OCID>/<log_group_OCID>/<log_OCID>\" | where level = 'INFO'",
      isReturnFieldInfo: false
    const searchLogsRequest: loggingsearch.requests.SearchLogsRequest = {
      searchLogsDetails: searchLogsDetails,
      opcRequestId: "RIJJ87OXLQBMPBRN6ZWO/OpcRequestIdExample/UniqueRequestId",
      limit: 10
    // Send request to the Client.
    const searchLogsResponse = await client.searchLogs(searchLogsRequest);
    console.log("opc-request-id: " + searchLogsResponse.opcRequestId);
    console.log("Got results: " + searchLogsResponse.searchResponse.results.length);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("searchLogs Failed with error  " + error);

.NET C#の例:

// To make this code sample work in your Oracle Cloud tenancy,
// please replace the values for the following placeholders:
// <compartment_OCID> - the ocid of your compartment where the logs are stored;
// <log_group_OCID> - the ocid of your log group under the above compartment;
// <log_OCID> - the ocid of your log object under the above log group.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Oci.LoggingsearchService;
using Oci.Common;
using Oci.Common.Auth;
namespace Oci.Sdk.DotNet.Example.Loggingsearch
    public class SearchLogsExample
        public static async Task Main()
            // Create a request and dependent object(s).
            var searchLogsDetails = new Oci.LoggingsearchService.Models.SearchLogsDetails
                TimeStart = DateTime.Parse("05/10/2021 01:02:29"),
                TimeEnd = DateTime.Parse("05/10/2021 02:02:29"),
                SearchQuery = "search \"<compartment_OCID>/<log_group_OCID>/<log_OCID>\" | where level = 'INFO'",
                IsReturnFieldInfo = false
            var searchLogsRequest = new Oci.LoggingsearchService.Requests.SearchLogsRequest
                SearchLogsDetails = searchLogsDetails,
                OpcRequestId = "RIJJ87OXLQBMPBRN6ZWO/OpcRequestIdExample/UniqueRequestId",
                Limit = 10
            // Create a default authentication provider that uses the DEFAULT
            // profile in the configuration file.
            // Refer to <see href="https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm#SDK_and_CLI_Configuration_File>the public documentation</see> on how to prepare a configuration file.
            var provider = new ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider("DEFAULT");
                // Create a service client and send the request.
                using (var client = new LogSearchClient(provider, new ClientConfiguration()))
                    var response = await client.SearchLogs(searchLogsRequest);
                    // Retrieve value from the response.
                    var resultsValue = response.SearchResponse.Results;
                    Console.WriteLine("opc-request-id: " + response.OpcRequestId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Got results: " + response.SearchResponse.Results.Count);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"SearchLogs Failed with {e.Message}");
                throw e;


# To make this code sample work in your Oracle Cloud tenancy,
# please replace the values for the following placeholders:
# <compartment_OCID> - the ocid of your compartment where the logs are stored;
# <log_group_OCID> - the ocid of your log group under the above compartment;
# <log_OCID> - the ocid of your log object under the above log group.
require 'oci'
require 'date'
# Create a default config using DEFAULT profile in default location
# Refer to https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm#SDK_and_CLI_Configuration_File for more info
config = OCI::ConfigFileLoader.load_config
# Initialize service client with default config file
loggingsearch_client = OCI::Loggingsearch::LogSearchClient.new(config: config)
# Send the request to service, some parameters are not required, see API doc for more info
search_logs_response =
        DateTime.strptime('2021-05-10T01:02:29Z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),
        DateTime.strptime('2021-05-10T02:02:29Z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),
      search_query: 'search "<compartment_OCID>/<log_group_OCID>/<log_OCID>" | where level = \'INFO\'',
      is_return_field_info: false
    opc_request_id: 'RIJJ87OXLQBMPBRN6ZWO/OpcRequestIdExample/UniqueRequestId',
    limit: 10
# Get the data from response
puts "#{search_logs_response.data}"