Lab 1: Protect Data With Database VaultLab 2: Data Safe with ATP-DLab 3: Register a Target DatabaseLab 4: Assess Database Configurations with Oracle Data SafeLab 5: Assess Users with Oracle Data SafeLab 6: Discover Sensitive Data with Oracle Data SafeLab 7: Verify a Sensitive Data Model with Oracle Data SafeLab 8: Update a Sensitive Data Model with Oracle Data SafeLab 9: Create a Sensitive Type Category with Data SafeLab 10: Discover and Mask Sensitive Data by Using Default Masking Formats in Data SafeLab 11: Explore Data Masking Results and Reports in Data SafeLab 12: Create a Masking Format in Data SafeLab 13: Configure a Variety of Masking Formats with Data SafeLab 14: Provision Audit and Alert Policies and Configure an Audit Trail in Data SafeLab 15: Analyze Audit Data with Reports and Alerts in Data SafeLab 16: Custom Audit Policies Audit Data in Data SafeLab 17: Customer Controlled Database Encryption Keys
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