Editing a Dashboard Group

Edit a dashboard group's name and description.

To move a dashboard from one dashboard group to another, see Moving a Dashboard Between Groups and Compartments.

    1. On the Console home page, click the Dashboard tab.
    2. In the dashboard banner, click Manage dashboards. Then click Dashboard groups.
    3. (Optional) If needed, under List Scope, change the compartment.
    4. Click the name of the dashboard group.
    5. On the dashboard group details page, click Edit.
    6. In the Edit dashboard group panel, change the name and description as needed.
      • For the name, leading and trailing spaces and the following special characters aren't allowed: <>()=/'"&\.
      • For the description, the following special characters aren't allowed: <>()=/'"&\.
      Avoid entering confidential information.
    7. Click Submit.
  • Use the dashboard-group update command and required parameters to update a dashboard group:

    oci dashboard-service dashboard-group update --dashboard-group-id <dashboard_group_id> [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the UpdateDashboardGroup operation to edit a dashboard group.