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Details for Management Dashboard

This topic covers details for writing policies to control access to Management Dashboard.


Individual Resource-Types



Aggregate Resource-Type



A policy that uses <verb> management-dashboard-family is equivalent to writing one with a separate <verb> <individual resource-type> statement for each of the individual resource-types. The resource-type management-dashboard allows a user group to work with dashboards while the resource-type management-saved-search allows a user group to work with saved searches (widgets) that are displayed in dashboards.

See the table in Details for Verb + Resource-Type Combinations for details of the API operations covered by each verb, for each individual resource-type included in management-dashboard-family.

Details for Verb + Resource-Type Combinations

The following tables show the permissions and API operations covered by each verb. The level of access is cumulative as you go from inspect > read > use > manage. For example, a group that can use a resource can also inspect and read that resource. A plus sign (+) in a table cell indicates incremental access compared to the cell directly above it, whereas "no extra" indicates no incremental access.

Permissions Required for Each API Operation

The following table lists the API operations in alphabetical order.

For information about permissions, see Permissions.

API Operation Permissions Required to Use the Operation
ChangeManagementDashboardsCompartment MANAGEMENT_DASHBOARD_MOVE
ChangeManagementSavedSearchesCompartment MANAGEMENT_SAVED_SEARCH_MOVE

Example Policies

This section provides example policies for use with Management Dashboard.

Dashboard Policies

Here are examples of policy statements that authorize access to dashboards (management-dashboard resource-type):

  • To allow a user group to list the dashboards in a compartment, use the inspect verb:

    Allow group dashboard-users to inspect management-dashboard in compartment myCompartment1
  • To allow a user group to list dashboards and obtain details regarding the dashboards in a compartment, use the read verb:

    Allow group dashboard-users to read management-dashboard in compartment myCompartment1
  • To allow a group of administrators to list dashboards, obtain details regarding dashboards, and update the dashboards in a compartment, use the use verb:

    Allow group dashboard-admins to use management-dashboard in compartment myCompartment1
  • To allow a group of administrators to list dashboards, obtain details regarding dashboards, update dashboards, and manage (create, move, and delete) the dashboards in a compartment, use the manage verb:

    Allow group dashboard-admins to manage management-dashboard in compartment myCompartment1

Saved Search Policies

Here are examples of policy statements that authorize access to saved searches (management-saved-search resource-type):

  • To allow a user group to list the saved searches in a compartment, use the inspect verb:

    Allow group saved-search-users to inspect management-saved-search in compartment myCompartment1
  • To allow a user group to list saved searches and obtain details regarding the saved searches in a compartment, use the read verb:

    Allow group saved-search-users to read management-saved-search in compartment myCompartment1
  • To allow a group of administrators to list saved searches, obtain details regarding saved searches, update the saved searches in a compartment, use the use verb:

    Allow group saved-search-admins to use management-saved-search in compartment myCompartment1
  • To allow a group of administrators to list saved searches, obtain details regarding saved searches, update saved searches, and manage (create, move, and delete) the saved searches in a compartment, use the manage verb:

    Allow group saved-search-admins to manage management-saved-search in compartment myCompartment1

Aggregate Policies

Here's an example of a policy that simultaneously authorizes access to both dashboards and saved searches by using the aggregate management-dashboard-family resource-type. In this example, the inspect verb is used to allow a user group to list both the dashboards and saved searches in a compartment:

Allow group dashboard-family-admins to inspect management-dashboard-family in compartment myCompartment1

Similarly, the other Oracle Cloud Infrastructure verbs can be used to allow user groups to perform the corresponding tasks for dashboards and saved searches in one policy.