You're viewing OCI IAM documentation for tenancies in regions that have not been updated to use identity domains.

Managing Groups

This topic describes the basics of working with groups.


If your tenancy is federated with Oracle Identity Cloud Service, see Managing Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users and Groups in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to manage groups.

Tagging Resources

Apply tags to resources to help organize them according to business needs. Apply tags at the time you create a resource, or update the resource later with the wanted tags. For general information about applying tags, see Resource Tags.

Working with Groups

When creating a group, you must provide a unique, unchangeable name for the group. The name must be unique across all groups within your tenancy. You must also provide the group with a description (although it can be an empty string), which is a non-unique, changeable description for the group. Oracle will also assign the group a unique ID called an Oracle Cloud ID (OCID). For more information, see Resource Identifiers.


If you delete a group and then create a new group with the same name, they'll be considered different groups because they'll have different OCIDs.

A group has no permissions until you write at least one policy  that gives that group permission to either the tenancy or a compartment. When writing the policy, you can specify the group by using either the unique name or the group's OCID. Per the preceding note, even if you specify the group name in the policy, IAM internally uses the OCID to determine the group. For information about writing policies, see Managing Policies.

You can delete a group, but only if the group is empty.

For information about the number of groups you can have, see Service Limits.

If you're federating with an identity provider, you'll create mappings between the identity provider's groups and your IAM groups. For more information, see Federating with Identity Providers.

Using the Console

Using the API

For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.


Updates Are Not Immediate Across All Regions

Your IAM resources reside in your home region. To enforce policy across all regions, the IAM service replicates your resources in each region. Whenever you create or change a policy, user, or group, the changes take effect first in the home region, and then are propagated out to your other regions. It can take several minutes for changes to take effect in all regions. For example, assume you have a group with permissions to launch instances in the tenancy. If you add UserA to this group, UserA will be able to launch instances in your home region within a minute. However, UserA will not be able to launch instances in other regions until the replication process is complete. This process can take up to several minutes. If UserA tries to launch an instance before replication is complete, they will get a not authorized error.

Use these API operations to manage groups:

For API operations related to group mappings for identity providers, see Federating with Identity Providers.