Working with Apps

Use cases in this section provide the steps to grant AppRoles to an App, and also provide example requests to create and activate OAuth Apps. Each use case also provides the required App attributes.

This section contains the following topics:

Grant AppRoles to an App

Use the following example to create a request that grants application roles to an App.

The example includes the following steps:

Step 1: Identify the AppRole

Identify the AppRole that you want to assign.

GET HOST/admin/v1/AppRoles?filter=app.value eq "IDCSAppId"
  "displayName": "User Administrator",
  "id": "...",
  "uniqueName": "IDCSAppId_User Administrator",
  "app": {
    "name": "IDCSApp",
    "value": "IDCSAppId",
    "display": "IDCS Application",
    "$ref": "..."

Step 2: Retrieve the details

Retrieve the details of the target app.

GET {{HOST}}/admin/v1/Apps?filter=displayName eq "target-appname"
   "displayName": "target-appname",
   "id": "...",
   "grantedAppRoles": [
         "value": "...",
         "$ref": "...",
         "appId": "IDCSAppId",
         "display": "User Administrator",
         "type": "direct",
         "appName": "IDCSApp",
         "adminRole": true
         "value": "...",
         "$ref": "...",
         "appId": "IDCSAppId",
         "display": "Identity Domain Administrator",
         "type": "direct",
         "appName": "IDCSApp",
         "adminRole": true

Step 3: Grant the AppRole

Grant the AppRole to an app.

POST {{HOST}}/admin/v1/Grants
    "grantee": {
        "type": "App",
        "value": "..." <------- "id" of the app/grantee that the AppRole will be assigned to.
    "app": {
        "value": "IDCSAppId" <------- the AppId to be assigned to the App.
    "entitlement" : {
        "attributeName": "appRoles",
        "attributeValue": "..." <---- the "id" of the AppRole e.g, IDA
    "grantMechanism" : "ADMINISTRATOR_TO_APP",
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:oracle:idcs:Grant"]

Step 4: Retrieve the details again

Retrieve the details of the target app again.

GET {{HOST}}/admin/v1/Apps?filter=displayName eq "target-appname"
   "displayName": "target-appname",
   "id": "...",
   "grantedAppRoles": [
         "value": "...",
         "$ref": "...",
         "appId": "IDCSAppId",
         "display": "User Administrator",
         "type": "direct",
         "appName": "IDCSApp",
         "adminRole": true
         "value": "...",
         "$ref": "...",
         "appId": "IDCSAppId",
         "display": "Identity Domain Administrator",
         "type": "direct",
         "appName": "IDCSApp",
         "adminRole": true