Changing Your Default Verification Factor

If you are enrolled in more than one factor, you can specify which verification factor is the default.

Enable 2-step verification. Users usually enable 2-step verification automatically when they first sign in. However, if your administrator made 2-step verification optional, and you have clicked Skip each time you sign in, you can enable 2-step verification in the My profile console, Security tab. See Activating 2-Step Verification.

If account recovery and MFA have not been enabled by your administrator, you will not see the Security tab. If you have questions about account recovery and MFA for your account, contact your administrator.

If you don't know how to contact your administrator, you can find your administrator's contact information in your original Welcome email.

  1. Select the Profile menu (Profile menu icon), which is on the upper-right side of the navigation bar at the top of the page, and then click My profile. In the My profile console, click Security.
    A check mark on the method pane indicates your current default verification method.
  2. In the 2-Step verification section, click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) and select Change default.
  3. In the Change default dialog box, select the method that you want to use as your default verification method.

    Only those 2–step verification factors that you are enrolled in are displayed.
The check mark appears on the method pane that you set as your default.