Creating a Listing

Your first step to advertising your app or service on Oracle Cloud Marketplace is to create a listing.

A listing is your sales pitch to potential customers. It can include videos, screenshots, slogans, product description, related documents, and more—all working together to deliver your message and sell your app or service. To create a listing, do the following:

Gathering Information for a Listing

Before you start, take some time to gather the information you want to include in your listing. Think about features to highlight, important points to cover, and ways to use multimedia. Your goal is to grab customers' attention of Oracle Cloud Marketplace users and persuade them to purchase your app or service.

A listing can include the following assets, which you might want to identify or create before you start your listing:

  • Company logo and listing icon: In Oracle Cloud Marketplace, your company logo displays on the PROVIDER tab. The icon displays on the listing pages for your app or service. The logo and icon are displayed against a solid white background.
  • Listing banner: Optionally, you can add a banner to your listing. A banner is a graphic image that displays at the top of the details page and spreads across the width of the page.

    You can use banners to advertise your product, create a mood, wrap your message in a cool graphic, or make an announcement. Banners are one way to generate excitement and get customers interested in your app or service.

    Note that banners don’t display on mobile devices.

  • Videos and screenshots: Uploading videos and screenshots is a great way to enhance your listing. For example, you can use this feature to walk the Oracle Cloud Marketplace user through the app or service you provide.

    To improve the quality of your walk-through or image collection, be sure to provide meaningful labels and descriptions of your videos and screenshots. In addition, be sure to order them in a manner that conveys the functionality of your app or highlights the goals of your service.

    Oracle Cloud Marketplace displays thumbnails for your videos and screenshots on the right side of your app or service listing page. Users can click a thumbnail to enlarge the image view in another window and then click to cycle through your set of videos and screenshots.

    Images don’t have to be strictly screenshots. They can also be other listing-appropriate images such as marketing images, branding images, photographs, information graphics, illustrations, drawings, and charts.

Refer to Guidelines for Listings for more information about the permitted image sizes, file sizes, and formats of these assets. Ensure that your logos, icons, videos, and screenshots comply with the relevant guidelines.

Starting a Listing

Before you start to create a listing, ensure that you are familiar with all the relevant publishing guidelines.

See Publishing Guidelines.

To create a listing, do the following:

  1. Go to the Home page in Partner Portal.
  2. Click Create Listing.

    Based on your publisher permissions, you can create app listings, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure application listings, or service listings.

    • An app listing is for products that will integrate with Oracle Cloud offerings, such as Oracle Sales Cloud or Oracle Marketing Cloud. Apps provide enhanced functions or customizations for an existing Oracle Cloud implementation.

    • An OCI Application Listing is for products that will integrate with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure applications, such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute. Apps provide enhanced functions or customizations for an existing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure implementation.
    • A service listing is for professional services, such as consulting, training, integration, or implementation, related to Oracle Cloud offerings. For example, you might offer a service that helps companies transition their business to the cloud.

    If you’re approved to publish only app listings or only service listings, then the appropriate form opens automatically when you click Create Listing. If you’re approved to publish app listings, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure application listings, and service listings, then the system prompts you to select which type of listing you want to create. If you don't see OCI Application Listing as an option while creating a listing, contact Oracle Support to enable this option for your account.

  3. Select the primary language for your listing.
  4. Click Create.
  5. On the Create Listing page, enter the following required information and save your changes:
    • App Name or Service Name — Enter a descriptive name for your listing. This should be the name of your application. Avoid using Oracle product names in the title. Your app name can contain a maximum of 80 characters.
    • Headline — Enter a brief description that will show at the top of your listing. This should indicate the application’s purpose.
    • Categories or Industry Focus — Make sure that you select the product/category that has integration with your listing. Your selection helps people to find your listing.

      If your listing does not have an Oracle SaaS integration but runs independently on OCI, you must select OCI as the product/category instead of the Oracle SaaS product.You can select multiple categories ensuring that your selections have integration with your listing. If your listing does not have an integration with any of the Oracle SaaS services, you SHOULD NOT select any of the SaaS product categories (even though your solution itself is in that category) for your Marketplace listing. In such cases, you must only select the OCI product categories. Oracle may choose to recategorize the application as part of the curation review process.

      If you are a healthcare partner, make sure you select Healthcare under the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace product.

      Partner Portal Healthcare

    • Select Pricing Model (only app listings) — Select one of the following options to specify whether your app is free, paid, or requires the user to use an existing license.
      • Free — There are no charges for use of your offering.
      • BYOL — The Oracle customer contracts with you directly for licensed use of the software. This option is available only for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure application listings.
      • Paid — The Oracle customer purchases use of your offering with the usage computed on a hourly or monthly basis. If you select this option, you must specify the pricing unit in a later step.
    • Keywords (only app listings) — Keywords identify this listing in Oracle Cloud Marketplace search. Separate each keyword by a comma.
    • Products (only service listings) — Select only those products with which your service has an integration. For example, select Oracle CX Cloud only if your service has an integration with Oracle CX Cloud Suite.

    You must do this before you can fill out the remainder of the form.


    Your OPN Membership level is displayed as a link in the Service Listing tab for service listings. Click the link to see more information about your membership level.

  6. Fill out the other sections on the form, and save your changes.
    • You can complete the other sections in any order. For example, you can upload the icon, add information to one or more sections, and then upload a banner.

    • Only one section can be active for editing at a time. You must close a section (either by saving or canceling your changes) before you can edit another section. Otherwise, the Upload, Edit, and Add options aren’t active.

    • You don’t have to complete the form all at once. You can enter some information, preview the listing, and then return to edit or add details. You can continue to preview and revise your listing until it’s exactly right.

    You can include the following information for your listing:

    • App Listing tab (only app listings):

      • Banner — The banner displays at the top of the details page and spreads across the width of the page.

      • Icon — The icon displays on the listing pages for your app. The listing icon is the icon for the application that you create.

      • Keywords — Add market-specific terms, synonyms, and other tags for your app. Oracle Cloud Marketplace includes this information when looking for apps that match the user-defined search string. The right words increase the chances that users find your app. To specify more than one keyword, separate each keyword with a comma.

      • Configure URLs:

        • Launch Demo — Your app listing can include a link to a demonstration of your app hosted on an external site. For example, you can add a link to a video walk-through of your app, an interactive website, a webcast recording, or a prototype of your app.

        • Self-Paced Training — Your app listing can include a link to a self-paced training. For example, you can add a link to a video, an interactive website, a webcast recording, or other details such as documentation.

      • Description — Add a description of your app to help users understand what your app or service does. You can add a short description and a long description. The short description must be a single paragraph of at most 320 characters, which provides a high-level introduction to your application and highlights the value of any integration with the Oracle Cloud services. The long description must be a detailed description about your application. The character limit for long description for a listing is 12000.

      • Pricing — If you had selected Paid as the pricing model in the Pricing Information selection earlier, then you must specify the price and its unit. Enter the price in USD. You can enter a price to 4 units of precision to the right of the decimal, for example $999.9999. You must also select one of the following as the unit for the price:
        • OCPU per hour: This is the hourly price multiplied by the number of OCPUs used for your offering per hour.
        • Instance per hour: This is a fixed price for each instance per hour.

        For a paid listing, you can't update the price and pricing unit fields of a listing that's already published. You have to create a separate listing if you need to modify the price of a published listing.

      • Usage Information — Add information or instructions that will help customers to use the application after launching the instance. You can also include useful links. For example, you can add links to additional setup instructions or frequently asked questions. The character limit for Usage Information for a listing is 12000.
      • Markets — Select one or more markets where you want your listing to be available for customers to purchase. When you create a paid Oracle Cloud Infrastructure application listing, customers can deploy the listing on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure data centers in all regions they can access. However, your customers can buy your paid listings only in the markets that you select. For example, if you select the US commercial market, only customers based in US can purchase your listing.

        There are two types of markets: commercial and government. You'll see commercial and government market options in the Market section for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure application listings.

        While creating Free/BYOL (or Oracle Owned Paid) listing, you'll see the Worldwide Commercial Markets check box selected by default in the Markets section. If you want to publish Free and BYOL listings to government markets only, clear the Worldwide Commercial Markets check box, and select the required government markets. So, your listing will be published only to the selected government markets.

        Note: If a package is attached, you must select at least one market in order to submit your listing. Listings in governmental markets are subject to additional approval from their administrators. Oracle makes no guarantees regarding publication or availability within these markets. Ensure that you have set up the required policies in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy to allow Oracle Cloud Marketplace to access the resources in your tenancy. See Creating a Policy for an OCI Tenancy. For information about the policies to publish your listings to government markets, see Policy for Government.

      • Screenshots and Videos — Uploading videos and screenshots is a great way to enhance your listing. For example, you can use this feature to walk the Oracle Cloud Marketplace user through the app you provide. Oracle Cloud Marketplace displays thumbnails for your videos and screenshots on the right side of your app listing page. Users can click a thumbnail to enlarge the image view in another window and then click to cycle through your set of videos and screenshots.

        Promotional videos that are hosted on YouTube or Vimeo can be embedded directly in the screenshot list and media viewer. Videos or customer demonstrations hosted on other sites can be linked either by using the Launch Demo field under Configure URLs in the listing header, or from the Related Documents section of the listing.

      • Version Details — Enter application version details and a summary of what's new in this release. The details must include the specific application or extension that is made available from the Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Use the version description to highlight any version specific information such as what's new in this release.

      • Application Properties — The Application properties section appears only for some categories and the options available are based on your selections in the Categories field in the header section. If you see the Application properties section, you can select one or more custom filters for your listing, filtering by sub-products or by sub-categories such as business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). The filters you select appear in the Filter by list in Oracle Cloud Marketplace after the user selects a specific product.


        If you are a healthcare partner, you must select the corresponding products that you selected earlier, under the new application property called Oracle Healthcare Marketplace. For example, if you chose Clinical & Financial Ops and Consumer Experience as your products when you created the listing, make sure you check those products here.

        Partner Portal Healthcare

      • Related Documents — Add related documents such as case studies, customization guides, data sheets, press releases, user guides, webinars, or white papers. If you have documents you want to be available only internally to Oracle (for example, for the Oracle Sales team), select For Oracle Internal View. These documents will display in the Marketplace listing details page only if the user is logged in with an email address.

      • Support — Add links and contact information for users to get support for your app. You can add multiple links and contacts if required.

      • System Requirements — List any Oracle Cloud and third party system, version, or license requirements and dependencies, including relevant minimum version numbers, or required options.

      • Languages — Select the languages supported by your app. By default, English is selected. You can select one or more languages. At least one language must be selected.

      • Regions — Select the regions where you want to make your application available. If you don’t choose specific regions, then your application will be available in all regions..

      • Recommended Service Providers — If you have any recommended service such as consulting, integration, or training for your application, you can select it in this section.

    • Get App tab (only app listings):

      • Download Information — If you don’t create an install package for your app, you can choose how Marketplace customers get your app. You can contact them directly, provide custom download instructions, or redirect the user to your company website (or any URL) for more information.

    • Service Listing tab (only service listings):

      • Banner — The banner displays at the top of the details page and spreads across the width of the page. Your banner must be 1026 pixels (width) by 200 pixels (height), a maximum of 10 MB, and must be a BMP, GIF, JPEG (JPG), or PNG file.

      • Icon — The icon displays on the listing pages for your service. Your icon must be 130 pixels by 130 pixels, a maximum of 5 MB, and must be a BMP, GIF, JPEG (JPG), or PNG file.

      • Keywords — Add market-specific terms, synonyms, and other tags for your service. Oracle Cloud Marketplace includes this information when looking for services that match the user-defined search string. The right words increase the chances that users find your app or service.

      • Description — Add a description of your service to help users understand what your app or service does.

      • Number of Trained Professionals — Enter the number of experts you have for each associated product.

      • Customer Successes — Supply information about your success stories. Enter the name of the customer, upload a story about the success, and/or provide a link to the success story. You can also select one or more Oracle Cloud services for every customer success story.

      • Screenshots and Videos — Uploading videos and screenshots is a great way to enhance your listing. For example, you can use this feature to walk the Oracle Cloud Marketplace user through the app or service you provide. Oracle Cloud Marketplace displays thumbnails for your videos and screenshots on the right side of your service listing page. Users can click a thumbnail to enlarge the image view in another window and then click to cycle through your set of videos and screenshots.

      • Related Documents — Add related documents such as case studies, customization guides, data sheets, press releases, user guides, webinars, or white papers. If you have documents you want to be available only internally to Oracle (for example, for the Oracle Sales team), select For Oracle Internal View. These documents will display in the Marketplace listing details page only if the user is logged in with an email address.

      • Services — Add the service type filters to your listing, including a description of the service and a file with the details about your service. For example, if you are a consulting service, add that as your service type. The filters you select appear in the Filter by list in Oracle Cloud Marketplace includes a Service Type filter that can be used to find listings for a specific service type.

      • Geographic Focus —Enter information about which of your offices service each geographic region (your offices might not be located in that region).

      • Languages — Select the languages supported by your service.

    • Contact Us tab (only service listings) — Include instructions for your customers. When users click Contact Us and submit their customer details, Oracle Cloud Marketplace will display your instructions. If you leave this field blank, then Oracle Cloud Marketplace will display the following message: “Thank you for your interest. The application provider has been informed about your request and will contact you soon.”

    • App Install Package tab (only app listings) — For apps, you can also include an install package so customers can automatically install your app from the marketplace. See Building an Install Package .

    • Additional Information tab — When you create an app or a service listing for Oracle Cloud Marketplace, you have the option to create a vanity URL for your listing. For app listings you can also submit documents that Oracle can use when reviewing and approving your app listing. See Adding a URL and Supporting Document.

Adding a URL and Supporting Document

When you create an app or a service listing for Oracle Cloud Marketplace, you have the option to create a vanity URL for your listing. For app listings you can also submit documents that Oracle can use when reviewing and approving your app listing.

To add any of this optional information to a listing, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Partner Portal.
  2. Open your listing for editing.
  3. Click the Additional Information tab.
    • Vanity URL — Partner Portal automatically creates a URL for each listing you post to the Oracle Cloud Marketplace website. In addition, you can create a vanity URL for any of your listings. You can use a vanity URL to brand your app or service for marketing purposes.

      Vanity URLs usually consist of meaningful words or phrases instead of random letters and numbers. As a result, vanity URLs are easy to remember, easy to use, easy to share, shorter than traditional URLs, and more pleasing to the eye.

    • Supporting Documents (only app listings) — When you submit your app listing and app to Oracle for approval, we conduct a complete review of your app. Our review may include a technical architecture review, a security review, and a demonstration of the app. You can include any type of document, such as technical integration documents, security documents, deployment guides, or use cases, that can help us evaluate and approve your app. Click Add to upload an existing document.

      You can also click Get Templates to download templates that you can use to create supporting documents to submit with your app. Each template provides guidelines about the type of information we look for when reviewing your app.

      Note that the documents you include in the Supporting Documents section are for use by Oracle only. If you want to include documents that Oracle Cloud Marketplace users can access from your listing page, then add the documents to the Related Documents section on the App Listing tab or the Service Listing tab. You can add documents such as case studies, data sheets, press releases, and user guides; and you can choose to upload or link to the documents. For service listings, you can also add success stories to the Customer Successes section.

Adding an Install Package for an App

You can include an install package in your marketplace listing. When an Oracle Cloud Marketplace customer clicks Get App, your install package automatically installs and deploys the app to the customer's cloud services.

See Building an Install Package

If you don’t want to include an install package for your app, see Setting Up an Application for Delivery for other ways to deliver your app to the customer.

Modifying Listings

You use the Listings page to manage the listings that you’re creating, that you submitted to Oracle for approval, and that you published to Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

To manage your current listings, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Partner Portal.
  2. Click Listings. The Listings page has four tabs.
    • Started tab — Displays all the listings that you’re in the process of creating. You haven’t submitted these listings to Oracle for approval.

      You don’t have to complete a listing all at once. You can enter some information, preview the listing, and then return to the listing to edit or add details. As you complete the information on a listing form, the completion percentage increases. When all required information has been provided and the listing is complete, you can submit the listing to Oracle for approval.

    • Submitted tab — Displays all the listings that you completed and then submitted to Oracle for approval. The icon indicates the current status of the submitted listing. Hover the cursor over the icon to view details about the status.

    • Published tab — Displays all your app and service listings currently published on Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

    • Archived tab — Displays all your app and service listings that were either withdrawn from Oracle Cloud Marketplace or replaced by an updated version.

  3. Click the appropriate tab and find the listing you want to manage. You can scroll the page or search by listing name. You can also search by selecting a service type from the drop-down list at the top of the page. By default, the listings are sorted by last updated with the most recently updated listing displayed first.
  4. Click Action Menu Icon and then use the options in the context menu to manage that listing. The options available depend on the current status of the listing.
    • Submit — Sends a listing to Oracle for review and approval. The Submit option is available only on the Started tab and only if the listing is complete.

    • Preview — Lets you see how a listing will look in Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Preview shows the listing as the customer will see it.

    • Preview on OCI — Lets you see how a listing will look in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace. Preview shows the listing as the customer will see it.

    • Edit — Opens the listing form so you can modify the information. You can’t edit a listing after you’ve submitted it unless Oracle rejects the listing.

    • Delete— Removes the listing. You can delete any listing that hasn’t been published. In other words, you can delete any listing on the Started tab or the Submitted tab.

    • Publish — Posts a listing to Oracle Cloud Marketplace. The Publish option is available only on the Submitted tab, only after Oracle approves your app or service, and only if you have not opted to autopublish your listing.


      For archived listings, the Publish option lets you automatically re-publish the listing to Oracle Cloud Marketplace. You don’t make any changes to the listing. Therefore, Oracle doesn’t need to review the listing again. Your listing will be published to the marketplace immediately. If you want to update the listing before re-publishing, then use the Version option.
    • View Comments — Lets you review all comments for a listing that has been submitted to Oracle for review. You should monitor comments during the review process. Oracle Cloud Marketplace administration may enter requests for additional information, ask questions, or communicate status updates. You can add comments as well.

    • Resubmit — Sends a listing to Oracle for another review. The Resubmit option is available only on the Submitted tab and only if Oracle rejected the listing.

    • View Listing — Displays a preview of the entire listing definition, including the install package information and the additional information for apps.

    • New Version — Lets you update a listing that is currently published to Oracle Cloud Marketplace. The New Version option is available only on the Published tab.

      When you click New Version, we’ll make a copy of the published listing and add the copy to the Started tab. The original listing is still available on the marketplace for customers to find and view.

      You’re now free to edit and update the copy of the listing. When you’re satisfied with your changes, you submit the updated listing for approval. When submitting the updated listing for approval, optionally, you can choose to autopublish your listing to Oracle Cloud Marketplace after approval. If you do not choose to autopublish your listing on approval, you will have to manually publish your updated listing to Oracle Cloud Marketplace once it has been approved from Oracle. When published, the new version will replace the version currently on the marketplace.

      We’ll save the old version of the listing and display it on the Archived tab.

    • Withdraw — Removes a listing from Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Customers won’t be able to find or view listings that have been withdrawn from the marketplace.

      We’ll save the withdrawn listing and display it on the Archived tab. You can re-publish an archived listing or create a new version of the listing.

    • Version — Lets you edit an archived listing and then re-publish it.

      • If a new version of this listing isn’t currently in progress, then we’ll make a copy of the archived listing and add it to the Started tab. Go to the Started tab to edit, preview, and submit the new version of your listing for approval.

      • If a new version of this listing is already in progress, then you can’t create another version at this time. You’ll get an error message. You can have only one working copy of a listing at a time. Look on the Listings page (either the Started tab or the Submitted tab) for a new version of the listing.

Replicating Stack Listing to Other Markets

Ensure that you have completed the following prerequisites before replicating an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure stack listing to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure markets, which includes commercial, government, and dedicated regions.

If you are going to replicate to government markets, ensure that you've migrated the Image Listing associated with the Stack Listing. For more information, see "Migrate Image listing to Government Markets" at

  • Set the required policies for Oracle Cloud Marketplace to access resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See Creating a Policy for an OCI Tenancy.
  • Your stack listing must use Terraform version 0.12 or later. If your stack listing uses an earlier version, upgrade your Terraform to a supported version.
To replicate a new stack listing to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure markets, ensure that you select one or more commercial, government, or dedicated regions in the Markets section when you create the listing. See Starting a Listing. To replicate an existing stack listing, update the terraform files and then create a new version of the listing:
  1. In your stack's ZIP archive, create a new file named, Add the following information to the file:
    variable "marketplace_source_images" {
      type = map(object({
        ocid = string
        is_pricing_associated = bool
        compatible_shapes = set(string)
      default = {
        main_mktpl_image = {
          ocid = "ocid1.image.oc1..<unique_id>"
          is_pricing_associated = true
          compatible_shapes = []

    Where, the input variable marketplace_source_images of type map contains elements of the type object.

    Note that the map key defined for each object can be anything as long as they are unique. In this example, the marketplace_source_images map contains a single default object keyed under, main_mktpl_image, an arbitrary name.

    Each object element represents a marketplace image used by the Terraform stack and has the following three attributes:

    • ocid: You must specify the OCID of the marketplace image that you have defined in your image listing. To identify the OCID of the marketplace image, view the image artifact details and note the value of the Published Image OCID field. See Viewing Artifact Details.
    • is_pricing_associated: If the marketplace image is associated with a price, then set this value to true.
    • compatible_shapes: Comma-separated list of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure shapes that the Marketplace image is compatible with. See Compute Shapes.
  2. Add the variable name marketplace_source_images to the hidden section inside the schema.yaml file.
    - title: "Hidden Variables"
        visible: false
          - ${tenancy_ocid}
          - ${region}
          - ${marketplace_source_images}
  3. If a stack uses more than one application catalog image, list all of the images so that their Oracle Cloud Infrastructure market counterparts are created.

    The following example contains an additional application catalog image object under the supporting_image key. Key names are not fixed. You can associate any value to a key name as long as the value is unique for every element in the marketplace_source_images input variable of the type map. Ensure that you provide the correct values to is_pricing_associated and compatible_shapes attributes so that Terraform can parse the definitions.

    variable "marketplace_source_images" {
      type = map(object({
        ocid = string
        is_pricing_associated = bool
        compatible_shapes = set(string)
      default = {
        main_mktpl_image = {
          ocid = "ocid1.image.oc1..<unique_id>"
          is_pricing_associated = true
          compatible_shapes = []
        supporting_image = {
          ocid = "ocid1.image.oc1..<unique_id>"
          is_pricing_associated = false
          compatible_shapes = []
  4. Click Listings, and then click Published tab to view the published listings.
  5. Click Action Menu Icon, and then click New Version to create a new version of your listing. Oracle Cloud Marketplace makes a copy of the published listing and adds the copy to the Started tab.
  6. In the Started tab, select the new version of the listing that you have created.
  7. Click Action Menu Icon , and then select Edit to edit the listing.
  8. While editing the listing, ensure that you select one or more regions in the Markets section. Your customers can buy your paid listings only in the markets that you select. For example: if you select the US market, then only US customers can purchase your listing.

    You'll see the market options for paid, free, and BYOL Oracle Cloud Infrastructure application listings.


    If you are publishing to the government region, then the government customer decides and approves the availability of the listing in the government region. Oracle makes no guarantees regarding publication or availability within these markets. Ensure that you have set up the required policies in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy to allow Oracle Cloud Marketplace to access the resources in your tenancy. See Creating a Policy for an OCI Tenancy.

  9. When you’re satisfied with your changes, submit the updated listing for approval.
  10. Click the Submitted tab.
  11. Select the edited listing in the Submitted tab, click Action Menu Icon, and then select Publish.When published, the new version will replace the version currently available on the marketplace.

Your listing will be available in the markets that you have selected in up to 72 hours.